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XML::Parser::Wrapper - A simple object wrapper around XML::Parser




use XML::Parser::Wrapper;

my $xml = qq{<foo><head id="a">Hello World!</head><head2><test_tag id="b"/></head2></foo>};
my $root = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new($xml);

my $root2 = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new({ file => '/tmp/test.xml' });

my $parser = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new;
my $root3 = $parser->parse({ file => '/tmp/test.xml' });

my $root4 = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new_sax_parser({ class => 'XML::LibXML::SAX',
                                                   handler => $handler,
                                                   start_tag => 'stuff',
                                                   # start_depth => 2,
                                                 }, $xml);

my $root_tag_name = $root->name;
my $roots_children = $root->elements;

foreach my $element (@$roots_children) {
    if ($element->name eq 'head') {
        my $id = $element->attr('id');
        my $hello_world_text = $element->text; # eq "Hello World!"

my $head_element = $root->first_element('head2');
my $head_elements = $root->elements('head2');
my $test = $root->element('head2')->first_element('test_tag');

my $root = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new_doc('root_tag', { root => 'attr' });

my $new_element = $root->add_kid('test4', { attr1 => 'val1' });

my $kid = $root->update_kid('root_child', { attr2 => 'stuff2' }, 'blah');
$kid->update_node({ new_attr => 'new_stuff' });

$new_element->add_kid('child', { myattr => 'stuff' }, 'bleh');

my $another_element = $root->new_element('foo', { bar => '1' }, 'test');

my $new_xml = $root->to_xml;

my $doctype_info = $root->get_doctype;

my $xml_decl_info = $root->get_xml_decl;


XML::Parser::Wrapper provides a simple object around XML::Parser to make it more convenient to deal with the parse tree returned by XML::Parser.

For a list of changes in recent versions, see the documentation for XML::Parser::Wrapper::Changes.


new(), new($xml), new({ file => $filename })

Calls XML::Parser to parse the given XML and returns a new XML::Parser::Wrapper object using the parse tree output from XML::Parser.

If no parameters are passed, a reusable object is returned -- see the parse() method.

new_sax_parser(\%params), new_sax_parser(\%params, $xml), new_sax_parser(\%params, { file => $filename })

Experimental support for SAX parsers based on XML::SAX::Base. Valid parameters are


SAX parser class (defaults to XML::LibXML::SAX)


SAX tag name starting the section you are looking for if stream parsing.


Handler function to call when stream parsing.


Use this option for picking up sections that occur inside another section with the same tag name. E.g., if you want to get the inside "foo" section in this example:


instead of the one at the top level, set start_depth to 2. This is the number of times your start_tag occurs in the hierarchy before you get to the section you want (not the tag depth).

parse($xml), parse({ file => $filename })

Parses the given XML and returns a new XML::Parser::Wrapper object using the parse tree output from XML::Parser.


Returns information about the XML declaration at the beginning of the document. E.g., for the declaration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The return value is

 'version' => '1.0',
 'standalone' => undef,
 'encoding' => 'utf-8'

NOTE: This does not work for the SAX parser interface.


Returns information about the doctype declaration. E.g., for the declaration

<!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM "hello.dtd">

The return value is

 'pubid' => undef,
 'sysid' => 'hello.dtd',
 'name' => 'greeting',
 'internal' => ''

NOTE: This does not work for the SAX parser interface.


Returns the name of the element represented by this object.

Aliases: tag(), getName(), getTag()


Returns a true value if this element is a text element, false otherwise.

Aliases: isText()


If this element is a text element, the text is returned. Otherwise, return the text from the first child text element, or undef if there is not one.

Aliases: content(), getText(), getContent()


Like text(), except HTML-escape the text (escape &, <, >, and ") before returning it.

Aliases: content_html(), getContentHtml()


Like text(), except XML-escape the text (escape &, <, >, and ") before returning it.

Aliases: content_xml(), getContentXml()


Converts the node back to XML. The ordering of attributes may not be the same as in the original XML, and CDATA sections may become plain text elements, or vice versa. This assumes the data is encoded in utf-8.

Valid options


If pretty is a true value, then whitespace is added to the output to make it more human-readable.


If cdata is defined, any text nodes with length greater than cdata are output as a CDATA section, unless it contains "]]>", in which case the text is XML escaped.

Aliases: toXml()


If a true value, output an XML declaration before outputing the converted document, i.e.,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

attributes(), attributes($name1, $name2, ...)

If no arguments are given, returns a hash of attributes for this element. If arguments are present, an array of corresponding attribute values is returned. Returns an array in array context and an array reference if called in scalar context.

E.g., for

<field name="foo" id="42">bar</field>

use this to get the attributes:

my ($name, $id) = $element->attributes('name', 'id');

Aliases: attrs(), getAttributes(), getAttrs()


Similar to attributes(), but only returns one value.

Aliases: attr(), getAttribute(), getAttr()

elements(), elements($element_name)

Returns an array of child elements. If $element_name is passed, a list of child elements with that name is returned.

Aliases: getElements(), kids(), getKids(), children(), getChildren()

first_element(), first_element($element_name)

Returns the first child element of this element. If $element_name is passed, returns the first child element with that name is returned.

Aliases: getFirstElement(), kid(), first_kid()


Like first_element(), except if there is no corresponding child, return an object that will work instead of undef. This allows for reliable chaining, e.g.

my $class = $root->kid_if('field')->kid_if('field')->kid_if('element')

Aliases: getFirstElementIf(), kidIf(), first_kid_if()

new_doc($root_tag_name, \%attr)

Create a new XML document.

new_element($tag_name, \%attr, $text_val)

Create a new XML element object. If $text_val is defined, a child text node will be created.

add_kid($tag_name, \%attributes, $text_value), add_kid($element_obj)

Adds a child to the current node. If $text_value is defined, it will be used as the text between the opening and closing tags. The return value is the newly created node (XML::Parser::Wrapper object) that can then in turn have child nodes added to it. This is useful for loading and XML file, adding an element, then writing the modified XML back out. Note that all parameters must be valid UTF-8.

If the first argument is an element object created with the new_element() method, that element will be added as a child.

   my $root = XML::Parser::Wrapper->new($input);

   my $new_element = $root->add_kid('test4', { attr1 => 'val1' });
   $new_element->add_kid('child', { myattr => 'stuff' }, 'bleh');

   my $foo = $root->new_element('foo', { bar => 1 }, 'some text');

Aliases: addKid(), add_child, addChild()

set_attr($name, $val)

Set the value of the attribute given by $name to $val for the element.


Convenience method that calls set_attr() for each key/value pair in %attrs.


Replaces all attributes for the element with the provided ones. That is, the old attributes are all removed and the new ones are added.


Removes all child nodes (include text nodes) from this element.


Removes the first child node with name $name.


Sets the first text child node to $text_val. If there is no text child node, one is created. If $text_val is undef, the first text child node is removed.

update_node(\%attrs, $text_val)

Updates the node, setting the attributes to the ones provided in %attrs, and sets the text child node to $text_val if it is defined. Note that this removes all child nodes.

Aliases: updateNode()

update_kid($tag_name, \%attrs, $text_val)

Calls update_node() on the first child node with name $tag_name if it exists. If there is no such child node, one is created by calling add_kid().

Aliases: updateKid(), update_child(), updateChild()


Assume a data structure of hashes, arrays, and strings are represented in the xml with no attributes. Return the data structure, leaving out the root tag.


The reverse of simple_data() -- return xml representing the data structure passed.


Don Owens <>


David Bushong


Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Don Owens

All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

