XML::DOMBacked - objects backed by a DOM
package Person;
use base 'XML::DOMBacked';
'foaf' => '',
'rdf' => '',
Person->has_properties( 'foaf:name','foaf:title','foaf:nick' );
Person->has_attributes( 'rdf:nodeID' );
Person->has_a( 'Person::Knows' );
sub nodename { "foaf:Person" }
package Person::Knows;
use base 'XML::DOMBacked';
Person::Knows->has_many( people => { class => 'Person' } );
package main;
my $p = Person->new;
$p->name('A. N. Other');
my $a = Person->new;
$a->name('Yet Another');
$p->Knows->add_Person( $a );
print $p->as_xml;
$p = Person->from_uri( 'file:person.xml' );
The XML::DOMBacked
class lets you back an object on an XML DOM. Think of it as Class::DBI for XML files. You can specifiy things you want to be properties (nodes), attributes, and other objects. XML::DOMBacked takes care of the heavy lifting so that you don't have to.
- uses_namespace( prefix => uri )
Adds an XML namespace to the object.
- has_properties( ARRAY )
Adds XML Elements to the object. These become accessors.
- has_attributes( ARRAY )
Adds XML Attributes to the object. These become accessors.
- has_a( ARRAY )
Adds 1..1 relationships with other classes to the object. The other classes must also inherit from XML::DOMBacked.
- has_many( PLURAL => SINGULAR )
Adds add_SINGULAR, remove_SINGLUAR and PLURAL methods to the class.
- has_many( PLURAL => { class => CLASS } )
Looks up the NODENAME for the class, then creates add_NODENAME, remove_NODENAME, and PLURAL methods to the class.
Probably loads. This is really funky, crazy code. I'd be surprised if there aren't bugs.
James A. Duncan <>
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