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XAS::Lib::Curl::FTP - A class to transfer files using FTP


 use Badger::URL 'URL';
 use XAS::Lib::Curl::FTP;
 use Badger::Filesystem 'File';

 my $ftp = XAS::Lib::Curl::FTP->new(
     -username = 'kevin',
     -password = 'password',

 my $url  = URL('');
 my $file = File('file.txt');

 if ($ftp->get($url, $file)) {

     printf("fetched %s in %s seconds, at a speed of %s bytes per second\n", 
          $ftp->transfer_time, $ftp->transfer_speed);



This module uses WWW::Curl to transfer files using FTP/FTPS.



This method initializes the module and takes the following parameters:


A toggle to tell curl to forbid the reuse of sockets, defaults to true.


The timeout for the initial connection, defaults to 300 seconds.


An optional password to use, implies a username. Wither the password is actually used, depends on -auth_method.


An optional username to use, implies a password.


An optional CA cerificate to use.


An optional password for a signed cerificate.


An optional certificate to use.


An optional key for a certificate to use.


Wither to verify the host certifcate, defaults to true.


Wither to verify the peer certificate, defaults to true.


This method will return a list of files for the given url. The format of the list is server dependent.


This is a Badger::URL object of the files url.


This method will return the size and DateTime object of the file residing at the url.


This is a Badger::URL object of the files url.

get($url, $file)

This method will get the file at url and place it a files destination. It will return TRUE upon success, or throw an exception on failure.


This is a Badger::URL object of the files url.


This ia a Badger::Filesystem::File object of the files destination.

put($file, $url)

This method will put the file at the destination url. It will return TRUE upon success, or throw an exception on failure.


This is a Badger::URL object of the files url.


This ia a Badger::Filesystem::File object of the files source.




Kevin L. Esteb, <>


Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Kevin L. Esteb

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license at