XAS::Apps::Collector::Process - A class for the XAS environment


use XAS::Apps::Collector::Process;

my $app = XAS::Apps::Collector::Process->new(
    -throws => 'xas-collector'



This module will retrieve and process messages from a message queue server. How they are processed is based on the message type and the processing modules that are loaded. These are configured in a configuration file.


The configuration file is the familiar Windows .ini format. It has the following stanzas.

[collector: xas-logs]
queue  = /queue/logs
format = format-logs
output = output-logs
input  = input-stomp

This defines a message type. It specifies the queue to process, the name of the format handler, the name of the output handler and the input handler. More then one message type can be defined. But they need to be unique.

[collector: input]
module = XAS::Collector::Input::Stomp
port = 61613
host = localhost
alias = input-stomp

This defines an input handler. There can be more the one. The names must be unique. So you can have an input1, input2, etc. The standard parameters are the following:

module - the module that will handle the input
alias  - the name of the session handling this module

Other parameters may be defined, depending on the module that is being used. Please check their documentation.

[collector: format]
module = XAS::Collector::Format::Alerts
alias = format-alerts

This defines a format handler. There can be more then one. The names must be unique, So you can have a format1, format2, etc. A format handler formats the incoming message into a standardized data structure. This structures is then used by the output handlers.

The standard parameters are the following:

module - the module that will handle the formatting
alias  - the name of the session handling this module

There are no additional parameters.

[collector: output]
module = XAS::Collector::Output::Database::Alerts
alias = output-alerts
database = messaging

This defines an output handler. There can be more then one. The names must be unique, So you can have a output1, output2, etc. An output handler does something with the created data structure. Usually storing it into a data store of some kind. But it could be used for other things. The standard parameters are the following:

module - the module that will handle the output
alias  - the name of the session handling this module

Other parameters may be defined, depending on the module that is being used. Please check their documentation.


The following is an example of a configuration that would handle the xas-alerts message type.

[collector: xas-alerts]
queue  = /queue/alerts
format = format-alerts
output = output-alerts
input  = input-stomp

[collector: input]
module = XAS::Collector::Input::Stomp
port = 61613
host = localhost
alias = input-stomp

[collector: format]
module = XAS::Collector::Format::Alerts
alias = format-alerts

[collector: output]
module = XAS::Collector::Output::Database::Alerts
alias = output-alerts
database = messaging



This method will configure the process.


This method will start the processing.


No additional cli options have been defined.




Kevin L. Esteb, <>


Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Kevin L. Esteb

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license at