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Win32::Word::Writer - Create Microsoft Word documents


Easily create MS Word documents, abstracting away the Word.Application DOM interface and all the required workarounds. The DOM interface is still exposed for doing more fancy stuff.


use strict;
use Win32::Word::Writer;

my $oWriter = Win32::Word::Writer->new();

#Adding text and paragraphs with different styles
$oWriter->WriteParagraph("Example document", heading => 1);          #Heading  level 1
$oWriter->WriteParagraph("Usage", style => "Heading 2");             #Style "Heading 2"
$oWriter->WriteParagraph("Write sentences to the document using a"); #Normal
$oWriter->WriteParagraph("heading level, or Normal
if none is specified. ");                            #\n is new paragraph

$oWriter->Write("Add some more text the current paragraph");

$oWriter->NewParagraph(style => "Envelope Return");  #The style must exist
$oWriter->Write("Return to sender. ");

$oWriter->SetStyle("Envelope Address");              #Change the current style
$oWriter->Write("Nope, we changed the style of the entire paragraph");
$oWriter->Write("to a footer style");

#Setting character styles
$oWriter->WriteParagraph("Some more normal text. ");
$oWriter->SetStyle("Hyperlink");                 #A charachter style
$oWriter->ClearCharacterFormatting();            #Clear character style
$oWriter->Write("  <-- my ");

$oWriter->ToggleBold();         #Toggle bold
$oWriter->Write("Perl ");
$oWriter->SetItalic(1);         #Turn on Italic
$oWriter->ToggleItalic();       #Toggle Italic
$oWriter->SetBold(0);           #Turn off bold

#Bullet point lists
$oWriter->Write("The first bullet item");
$oWriter->Write("The second bullet item");

$oWriter->ListBegin();   #Nested bullet point list
$oWriter->Write("The first inner bullet item");
$oWriter->Write("The second inner bullet item");


#Do this at regular intervals (say, every couple of 10K of text you add)

$oWriter->WriteParagraph("Table example", heading => 1);

$oWriter->Write("HTML table");




#Save the document


With Strawberry Perl, the regular CPAN shell should work:

cpan Win32::Word::Writer

All dependencies except Microsoft Word itself should sort itself out automatically.

This may work with ActiveState too if you have the MinGW compiler, or it might be easier to install with ppm (if available, I'm not sure about the state of the PPM repos at this point).


Win32::Word::Writer uses an OLE instance of Word to create Word documents.

The documents are constructed in a linear fashion, i.e. you add text to the document and generally don't move around the document a lot.


A "style" in Word is a set of properties that can be assigned to a piece of text. There are two types of styles: Paragraph and Character styles.

"Normal", and "Heading 1" are example of paragraph styles.

When a paragraph gets applied to a piece of text it applies to the entire paragraph, whereas the character style only affects the actual chars. You can see the difference if you open a Word document and look at the available styles.



A Win32::OLE object with a Word Application instance.


A Win32::OLE object with the Application's Document object. Often used shorthand.


A Win32::OLE object with the Application's Selection object.


The current Win32::Word::Writer::Table object, if a table is being created, or undef if not.


Note that all methods return 1 or die on errors, unless otherwise stated.


Create new Word Writer object which can be written to.

Return new object, or die on errors.


Init the object. Called by new.


Discard the current document and open the Word document in $file.

Note that you may want to MoveToEnd() after opening an existing document before adding new text.

Note that this object is in an unusable state if the Open fails to load a document.

SaveAs($file, %hOpt)

Save the document to $file (may be a relative file name). %hOpt is:

format => $format -- Save $file as $format (default:
Document). Valid values are: Document, DOSText, DOSTextLineBreaks,
EncodedText, HTML, RTF, Template, Text, TextLineBreaks, UnicodeText

(A common mistake is to inspect the document in another Word instance when re-running a script. The document will be locked by Word and the script can't re-create the file.)


Checkpoint the document, i.e. save it to a temp file.

This is necessary to do sometimes because Word seems to keep state until the document is saved, and when using Word automation you tend to exercise the application in ways they haven't tested properly. And after a while you get weird errors, just because Word couldn't deal with all that information.

So you should call this after adding, say, 20K of text to the document (this is true for Word 2000, it may be better in later versions).


Discard the current document no-questions-asked (i.e. even if it's not saved).

Note that this object is in an unusable state until a new document is created or opened.



Append $text to the document (using the current style etc).

WriteParagraph($text, [heading => $level], [style => $name])

Append $text as a new paragraph of heading $level or style $name. The style overrides heading. The style should be a paragraph style.

The default style is "Normal".

NewParagraph([heading => $level], [style => $name])

Start a new paragraph of heading $level or with style $name. The style overrides heading. The style should be a paragraph style.

The default style is "Normal".

SetStyle([$style = "Normal"])

Set the style to $style.

If $style is a paragraph style, it will change the style of the current paragraph.

If $style is a character style, it will turn on that style. It will be in effect until a new style is set somehow, or until it's cleared with ClearCharacterFormatting().


Clear the characther formatting/set it to default.

The paragraph can have a style, and individual characters a separate formatting style.

StyleSpec([heading => $level], [style => $name])

Return the final style, given a specification of heading $level or style $name. The style overrides heading.

The default style is "Normal".


Toggle the current Bold charachter setting


Set the Bold status to 1 or 0.

Return the new Bold state, or throw OLE exception.


Toggle the current Italic charachter setting


Set the Italic status to 1 or 0.

Return the new Italic state, or throw OLE exception.



Begin a new bullet point list.

Can be nested to create sub-lists.

Use ListItem() to create new bullet points before adding text to the list.


Start a new bullet point in the list.

The first text you Write() after this becomes the new bullet text.

You should not WriteParagraph() within a list item. New paragraphs are signals to Word to advance to the next list item, so that will confuse Win32::Word::Writer and/or Word.


End an existing bullet point list.

If it's the outermost list, go back to normal text.



Begin a new table.

The table model resembles a HTML table with rows and columns, but you don't have to close columns or rows. Simply start a new one.

A row and col must be created with TableRowBegin() and TableColumnBegin() before any text is added.

Tables can not be nested.

Note that tables are rather fragile so don't expect them to work with very complex layouts, or very wide columns. Prepare for exceptions to be thrown.


Begin a new row in the current table.

Add a column also before adding text to the table.


Begin a column in the current table in the current row.

Any new text/paragraph added to the document will end up in this table cell until a new row or column is created, or the table is ended.


Begin a column in the current table in the current row.

Any new text/paragraph added to the document will end up in this table cell until a new row or column is created, or the table is ended.



Set the insertion point at the end of the document.


Make the selection the entire document.

Return 1 on success, else die.



Update the fields in the entire document. Retain the current cursor location.

But note this doesn't always work with Table of Contents tables.

Return 1 on success, else die.


Update both entries and page numebers of all the Tables of Contents in the entire document. Retain the current cursor location.

Return 1 on success, else die.


InsertPicture($file, $embed = 0)

Insert the picture $file at the current cursor location. $file must be one Word supports.

If $embed is 1, the picture $file itself will be embedded inside the Word document. If $embed is 0, the picture is isn't embedded in the document, but linked to it.

Return 1 on success, else die.



Add a new bookmark called $name at the current cursor location.

Return 1 on success, else die.


Go to bookmark called $name. The bookmark should exist.

Return 1 on success, else die.


Delete bookmark called $name. The bookmark should exist.

Return 1 on success, else die.



Mark the Word document as "saved". This is in effect until the document is changed again.

Being saved e.g. means it can be abandoned without questions.

Return 1 on success, else die.


Return a temporary file name in fileTemp().


Release objects including the OLE Word object.


Supressing dialog boxes

The most serious problem I have with Word is that the documented way of supressing interactive dialog boxes... doesn't work! This is worked around in a few cases (see below), but mostly it's broken.

I don't know if this only goes for my Office 2000 Word, but it may affect you too.

It's a very bad thing anyhow, since it can cause your program to just freeze, waiting for user interaction. To boot, the dialog boxes are usually displayed below other applications.

I blame Bill's minions.

Only four columns in tables

It might be that your version of Word only supports four columns. Using Word 2003, adding a fifth column results in:

This exceeds the maximum width.

This is described in Unfortunately(?), this doesn't happen when I use Word interactively, only under OLE Automation. The suggestions in the KB article won't solve the problem.

In Word 2000 this wasn't a problem. It may be fixed in later versions. Who knows?

OLE errors during global destruction

If you are in the middle of a table and something goes wrong, there will be strange OLE warnings during global destruction. I haven't found out why this happens.

Layout too complex

I have run into this problem where, despite the no-don't- show-dialogs, Word pops up an error dialog below all other windows (so you can't see it, great!).

After clicking Ok in this dialog a number of times, the OLE call finally fails properly and dies in the Perl application layer.

The only way to not run into this problem seems to be to save the document to disk after adding some text. The Checkpoint() method does this for you.

Rouge WINWORD.EXE processes

Sometimes it seems like Win32::OLE has some problems with closing the Word instance during global destruction. This happens mostly when things die().


Tests for Tables of Contents etc

Tests for Bookmarks


So what does the Word DOM look like? Actually, the documentation is available when installing Office.

Start Word and press Alt-F11 to bring up the VBA window. There is an Object Browser in the toolbar. Select an object, method or property and press F1 to bring up the help.

A good way to figure out how to do something is to record a Macro and then bring up the VBA window and inspect the code written by the Macro Recorder.


Software versions

This is tested and developed using w2k and Office 2000. Things may be different with other versions. Please let me know.

Supressing the "Save as..." dialog box

The problem with this is that it doesn't work to follow the manual and advice found on the Net.

The usual answer is to set DisplayAlerts to False, or wdAlertsNone. That doesn't work for me.

What works is to set the Document.Saved property to False before quitting (the MarkDocumentAsSaved() method).

That's why the ActiveX object is Quit from the DESTROY method, and not using the exit handler in CreateObject which is the normal course of action.


Keep an eye on the Task Manager

When you fiddle around with this program, it's useful to keep the Task Manager window open to keep track of any WINWORD.EXE processes that may be stuck in memory if you e.g. C-Break out of the script (don't do that, Win32::OLE won't have a chance of cleaning up the Word instance it created).

Kill abandoned Word processes (but make sure you don't kill any documents you may be editing :)


The interface of this module is spotty in an opportunistic way; I have added utility methods as I needed them.

If you need to add your own methods, I suggest you simply inject them in this namespace to get your application working and send me a patch.

If you don't know how to create a patch file, just send me the code in an email, or the changed source file as an attachment.

If you write something non-trivial, I'd like some tests to go with it too, thanks!


Actual questions. Some of them even frequent.

Do I need Windows to run Win32::Word::Writer or does it work on Linux?

Yes, you do need Windows. Win32::Word::Writer is using the actual Microsoft Word program installed on your computer.

Can Win32::Word::Writer do X?

If you can't find it described in the docs, probaby not. But if you've seen it done in Word, it's clearly doable somehow (modulo Word bugs courtesy of MS).

You can probably implement it yourself if you give it a try. Read the Win32::Word::Writer source for hints on how to accomplish things.

Can you implement X for me?

No, not really.

I rarely touch this project nowadays, and I don't think I've actually used it after the initial thing I needed to write it for years ago.

I'm happy that others find it useful though.

If you find it so useful that you need it to do more things, I urge you to give it a shot at adding the functionality yourself.

If so many people e-mail you to say they like Win32::Word::Writer, why are there no reviews?

(okay, so this is my question)

Maybe they don't know the link to the CPAN Reviews site.


Johan Lindström, <johanl[ÄT]>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.



Copyright 2009 Johan Lindström, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


These are considered implementation details, but you may need to fiddle with them if you extend the module.


Whether the writer has written a paragraph yet.


Whether the writer has written any text or paragraph yet.


The indentation level for bullet point lists.

Default: 0


Whether the writer has written anything after changing indentation level.


Ref to hash with imported Word constant symbold.


The previous style.


The name of a temporary file.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1282:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Lindström,'. Assuming CP1252