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WebService::TeamCity::Entity::Build - A single TeamCity build
version 0.04
my $build = ...;
if ( $build->passed ) { ... }
This class represents a single TeamCity build.
This class has the following methods:
Returns the REST API URI for the build, without the scheme and host.
Returns the build's id string.
Returns the build's status string.
Returns true if the build passed. Note that both both passed
and failed
can return false if the build is not yet finished.
Returns true if the build failed. Note that both both passed
and failed
can return false if the build is not yet finished.
Returns a browser-friendly URI for the build.
Returns the WebService::TeamCity::Entity::BuildType object for this build's type.
Returns a WebService::TeamCity::Iterator for each of the build's test occurrences. The iterator returns WebService::TeamCity::Entity::TestOccurrence objects.
Returns the branch name for this build. Note that this might be undef
Returns true if there is a branch associated with the build.
Returns true or false indicating whether the build used the default branch.
Returns true or false indicating whether there is any information about the default branch. Builds can exist without an associated branch, in which case this returns false.
Returns the build's build number (which can actually be a string).
Returns a string describing the build's state.
Returns a DateTime object indicating when the build was queued.
Returns a DateTime object indicating when the build was started. If the build has not yet been started then this returns undef
Returns a DateTime object indicating when the build was finished. If the build has not yet been finished then this returns undef
This method fetches all of the artifacts for the build and extracts them to a new temporary directory. It then returns the directory containing the artifacts as a Path::Tiny object.
Note that this temporary directory will be cleaned up when the build object goes out of scope.
Bugs may be submitted through https://github.com/maxmind/WebService-TeamCity/issues.
Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by MaxMind, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.