WebService::Northern911 - Interface to the Northern 911 ALI database


use WebService::Northern911;

my $n911 = WebService::Northern911->new( vendor_code => '007', password => '280fip1@' );

my $result = $n911->AddorUpdateCustomer( PHONE_NUMBER => '4015559988', FIRST_NAME => 'John', LAST_NAME => 'Doe', STREET_NUMBER => 1024, STREET_NAME => 'Main St', CITY => 'Calgary', PROVINCE_STATE => 'AB', POSTAL_CODE_ZIP => 'Z1A A2Z', ); if ($result->is_success) { print "Updated customer." } else print $result->error_message; }



Creates an object to access the API. OPTIONS must include vendor_code and password. By default, this will connect to the development API; for access to the live service, pass live => 1.

AddorUpdateCustomer OPTIONS

Adds or updates a customer. Note the idiosyncratic capitalization; this is the spelling of the underlying API method. OPTIONS may include:

- PHONE_NUMBER: 10 digits, no punctuation - FIRST_NAME: customer first name, up to 38 characters - LAST_NAME: customer last name or company name, up to 100 characters - STREET_NUMBER: up to 10 characters - STREET_NAME: up to 84 characters - CITY: up to 38 characters - PROVINCE_STATE: 2 letter code - POSTAL_CODE_ZIP: Canadian postal code or U.S. zip code - OTHER_ADDRESS_INFO: up to 250 characters

Returns a WebService::Northern911::Result object.

DeleteCustomer PHONE

Deletes a customer record. PHONE must be the phone number (10 digits, as in AddorUpdateCustomer).

QueryCustomer PHONE

Queries a customer record. PHONE must be the phone number. The response object will have a "customer" method which returns a hashref of customer information, in the same format as the arguments to AddorUpdateCustomer.


Returns a URL to download a CSV dump of your customer data. The response object will have a 'url' method to return the URL.

Note that this feature is heavily throttled (at most once per week, unless you pay for more frequent access) and the URL can only be used once.


Mark Wells, <>

Commercial support is available from Freeside Internet Services, Inc.


Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Wells