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WebService::Face::Client - Client to the REST API


Version 0.04


******************* Caution : Work in progress !!! ******************

The API isn't fully covered, the module is barely usable yet.

API change : All params now passed through hashref (for consistency)

    faces_xxxt() methods 
    tags_xxx() methods 
    account_xxx() methods 
now require a hashref as parameter


This module aims to provide a high-level interface to the face recognition REST API.

Face recognition scenario :

# First submit pictures
@tags = $client->faces_detect(urls => ",,,");

# Then save the tags id with the associated user id
my $ids = join ",", map {$_->tid} @tags;
my @st = $client->tags_save(tids => $ids,uid => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl');

# Train for the use
$client->faces_train(uids => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl');

# From now on, you can try to recognize user on urL
@tags = $client->faces_recognize(urls => "", uids => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl');
if ($tags[0]->recognized) {

For more information about the API see :

  • <>

  • <>

  • <>

  • <>

  • <>


new ( \%params )

Constructor for the WebService::Face::Client class

Valid keys for %params are currently : server Server providing the REST service (default to '') api_key Credential to be used while connecting to the Face's service (see: api_secret Credential to be used while connecting to the Face's service (see:

faces_detect ( \%params )

Returns tags for detected faces in one or more photos, with geometric information of the tag, eyes, nose and mouth, as well as various attributes such as gender, is wearing glasses, and is smiling.

Photos can also be uploaded directly in the API request. A requests that uploads a photo must be formed as a MIME multi-part message sent using POST data. Each argument, including the raw image data, should be specified as a separate chunk of form data.

More information :

faces_train ( \%params )

Calls the training procedure for the specified UIDs, and reports back changes.

The training procedure uses information from previous calls to build a training set for the specified UIDs. For Facebook UIDs, you can skip the stage and call faces.train directly - we will use the passed credentials to create a training set from the users' tagged photos on Facebook.

More information :

faces_recognize ( \%params )

Attempts to detect and recognize one or more user IDs' faces, in one or more photos. For each detected face, the engine will return the most likely user IDs, or empty result for unrecognized faces. In addition, each tag includes a threshold score - any score below this number is considered a low-probability hit.

You can also save the recognized faces by calling with the returned temporary tag id (tid), along with the relevant user ID. Saving tags is also the way to train the platform how users look like, for later calls to faces.recognize.

The first step in recognition is face detection, which is applied automatically for each photo sent for recognition. Therefor these calls generally use the same tag output with the addition of recognized user IDs (see faces.detect for more details and usage notes).

In addition, when passing specific uids, (not special list as "friends" and "all"), we will return a list of uids that have no train set, and there for cannot be recognized, under "no_training_set" list.

Photos can also be uploaded directly in the API request. A requests that uploads a photo must be formed as a MIME multi-part message sent using POST data. Each argument, including the raw image data, should be specified as a separate chunk of form data.

More information :

faces_status ( \%params )

Reports training set status for the specified UIDs.

This method only reports the status of the current training-set status, and does not change it. To improve, or create training set for a uid, use faces.train.

More information :

tags_add ( \%params )

Add a (manual) face tag to a photo. Use this method to add face tags where those were not detected for completeness of your service. Manual tags are treated like automatic tags, except they are not used to train the system how a user looks like. See the method to learn how to save automatic face tags for recognition purposes.

More information :

tags_remove ( \%params )

Remove a previously saved face tag from a photo.

More information :

tags_get ( \%params )

Returns saved tags in one or more photos, or for the specified User ID(s). This method also accepts multiple filters for finding tags corresponding to a more specific criteria such as front-facing, recent, or where two or more users appear together in same photos.

Photos can also be uploaded directly in the API request. A requests that uploads a photo must be formed as a MIME multi-part message sent using POST data. Each argument, including the raw image data, should be specified as a separate chunk of form data.

More information :

tags_save ( \%params )

Saves a face tag. Use this method to save tags for training the index, or for future use of the faces.detect and tags.get methods.

This method accepts 2 primary parameters: User ID (uid) and a list of one or more Tag IDs (tids). The uid field represents a single user ID to associate with the saved tags with, while the tids is a list of tag ids previously acquired through calls to faces.detect or faces.recognize. When photos are processed through the detect and recognize methods, their response includes temporary tag IDs for use in subsequent calls. The temporary tag IDs are replaced with permanent tag IDs after calling the method, and are returned in the method's response for future reference.

More information :

account_limits ( \%params )

Returns current rate limits for the account represented by the passed API key and Secret.

More information :

account_users ( \%params )

Returns current users registered in the account's private namespaces. Users in a private namespace get registered implicitly through calls.

More information :

account_namespaces ( \%params )

Returns all authorized namespaces that given api_key can use with the API.

Authorized namespaces can be:

  • Namespace owned by the owner of the api_key.

  • Namespace defined as Public or Public Read only by other users

  • Special Public Namespace: Facebook and Twitter

More information :

_get_credential_parameters ()

Return the query string part with credentials api_key and api_secret

_process_response ( $method, $url )

Query a remote URL and process the server's response (json) and convert it to a WebService::Face::Response object

Currently only GET method is handled

response ()

Getter for the 'response' attribute


Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD, <arhuman at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to arhuman at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WebService::Face::Client

You can also look for information at:

More information about service :


Thanks to for the service they provide. Thanks to Jaguar Network for allowing me to publish my work.


Copyright 2012 Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.