WebDyne::Template - WebDyne extension module that implements document templating
WebDyne::Template is a WebDyne extension module that implements document templating. You can set templates for locations or sites, e.g. menu sidebars, header, copyright information etc. All psp documents within the scope of the location will then be embedded into the templates.
Templates are WebDyne documents also - they can dynamically change (e.g. cascading menus, breadcrumb tracking etc.) based on any arbitrary criterea you determine.
The target documents within the templating location do not have to be modified - the WebDyne::Template module will parse out head and body sections of requested documents and embed them into the location template as appropriate
Information on configuration and usage is availeble from the WebDyne site, - or from a snapshot of current documentation in PDF format available in the WebDyne module source /doc directory.
Copyright and License
Webdyne::Template is Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andrew Speer. WebDyne::Session is dual licensed. It is released as free software released under the Gnu Public License (GPL), but is also available for commercial use under a proprietary license - please contact the author for further information.
WebDyne::Session is written in Perl and uses modules from CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). CPAN modules are Copyright (C) the owner/author, and are available in source from CPAN directly. All CPAN modules used are covered by the Perl Artistic License.
Andrew Speer,
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-webdyne-template at", or via