Web::AssetLib::Library - a base class for writing your own asset library, and configuring the various pipeline plugins


Create a library for your project:

package My::Library;

use Moose;

extends 'Web::AssetLib::Library';

sub jQuery{
    return Web::AssetLib::Asset->new(
        type         => 'javascript',
        input_engine => 'LocalFile',
        rank         => -100,
        input_args => { path => "your/local/path/jquery.min.js", }


Instantiate your library

use My::Library;

# configure at least one input and one output plugin
# (and optionally, a minifier plugin)
my $lib = My::Library->new(
    input_engines => [
            search_paths => ['/my/assets/root/']
    output_engines => [
            output_path => '/my/webserver/path/assets/'

# create an asset bundle to represent a group of assets
# that should be compiled together:

my $homepage_javascript = Web::AssetLib::Bundle->new();

# compile your bundle
my $html_tag = $lib->compile( bundle => $homepage_javascript )->as_html;


Web::AssetLib::Library holds the instances of the plugins you wish to use. It is also suggested that this class be subclassed and used as a place to manage availalbe assets.



Arrayref of Web::AssetLib::InputEngine instance(s) that you wish to use with your library


Arrayref of Web::AssetLib::MinifierEngine instance(s) that you wish to use with your library


Arrayref of Web::AssetLib::OutputEngine instance(s) that you wish to use with your library


compile( :$bundle, :$asset, :$output_engine = 'LocalFile', :$minifier_engine = 'Standard' )

$library->compile( bundle => $bundle )
$library->compile( asset => $asset )

# specify desired output and/or minifier engine:
$library->compile( ..., output_engine => 'String', minifier_engine => 'CustomMinifier' );

# skip minification
$library->compile( bundle => $bundle, minifier_engine => undef )

print $bundle->as_html();
print $library->compile( bundle => $bundle )->as_html()
# <script src="/your/output.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Combines and processes a bundle or asset, sending it through the provided minifer, and provided output engine. Provide a type to selectively filter to only a single file type.


One of:


  • output_engine — string; partial class name that will match one of the provided output_engines for your library (defaults to "LocalFile")

  • minifier_engine — string; partial class name that will match one of the provided minifer_engines for your library. Set to undef if no minification is desired. (defaults to "Standard")

  • type — string; filter compilation by file type (will output only assets of this type). The following types are supported: js, javascript, css, stylesheet.

  • html_attrs — hashref; attributes to be included in output html


Ryan Lang <>