WWW::Topica - read emails from a Topica mailing list


my $topica = WWW::Topica->new( list => 'mylist', login => 'mylogin', password => 'mypass' );

while (my $mail = $topica->mail) {
    Email::LocalDelivery->deliver($mail, 'mylist.mbox');        


This module screen scrapes the Topica website and fetches back RFC822 text representations of all the mails posted to a given list. Where possible it fills in the from, to and date fields. It should be noted that in some cases it's impossible to get both the sender name and their email address.



Takes three options, the list name, your login account and your password;

You can also pass in local and debug. debug will print out various debugging messages whereas local will use local files for testing. local automatically sets debug to 1 unless debug is explicitly set to 0.

Furthermore if you pass in a first option the parsing will start from that offset. A last lets you set an upper bound.


Returns a mail at a time

Logs in automatically.


Logs in to Topica and stashes the cookie.

Called automatically by the first call to mail.

Builds the loader automatically.

fetch_index <offset>

Retrieve the html of the index page with the given offset.

fetch_mail <id>

Retrieve the html of a the message page with the given id.

fetch_reply <id> <eto>

Retrieve the html of a the reply page with the given id and eto.

build_rfc822 <WWW::Topic::Mail> <WWW::Topica::Reply>

Given a WWW::Topic::Mail object and a WWW::Topica::Reply object build up the text of an RFC822 compliant email.


Set up the LWP::UserAgent object used to fetch pages.

fetch_page <url>

Utility function for getting a page with various niceties.


Simon Wistow <>


Copyright (c) 2004, Simon Wistow