WWW:LiveDepartureBoards - presents an OO interface to the National Rail Live Departure Boards (LDB's) Website (


Queries and then screenscrapes the LDB's website, making a guess as to what day the given arrival or departure time is on and constructing a DateTime object as part of the details returned. Can also filter by the stations you are interested in.


new({station_code => 'XXX'})

Takes a 3 letter station code such as PNE (Penge East) and returns the corresponding object. You can find out what your local station's code is by visiting the website mentioned above.

arrivals(['Station Name'])

Returns an array of hashes with arrival details as follows,

origin   - the origin of the train
time     - time in the form of 'hh:mm'
datetime - a DateTime object that has been tied to the best guess of
           what day the train arrives/departs on
status   - the status of the train

Also a reference to a list can be supplied that will act as a filter.

departures(['Station Name'])

Returns an array of hashes with departure details as follows,

destination - the origin of the train
time        - time in the form of 'hh:mm'
datetime    - a DateTime object that has been tied to the best guess of
              what day the train arrives/departs on
status      - the status of the train

Also a reference to a list can be supplied that will act as a filter.

destination({station_code => 'XXX'})

Returns an array of hashes with departure details as follows,

station_code - the final destination name of the train
time         - time in the form of 'hh:mm'
datetime     - a DateTime object that has been tied to the best guess of
               what day the train arrives/departs on
status       - the status of the train


Greg McCarroll <> Adam Trickett <>


Copyright 2005-2007 Greg McCarroll. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

