Tk::TextHighlight::Perl - a Plugin for Perl syntax highlighting
Tk::TextHighlight::Perl inherits Syntax::Highlight::Perl;
For its limitations see also there. This module provides extra methods to provide syntax highlighting for the Perl programming language.
- highlight($string);
returns a list of string snippets and tags that can be inserted in a Tk::Text like widget instantly.
- rules($txtwidget,\@list)
sets and returns a reference to a list of tagnames and options. By default it is set to:
[ ['DEFAULT', -foreground => 'black'], ['Comment_Normal', -foreground => 'lightblue'], ['Comment_Pod', -foreground => 'lightblue'], ['Directive', -foreground => 'black'], ['Label', -foreground => 'black'], ['Quote', -foreground => 'red'], ['String', -foreground => 'red'], ['Variable_Scalar', -foreground => 'blue'], ['Variable_Array', -foreground => 'blue'], ['Variable_Hash', -foreground => 'blue'], ['Subroutine', -foreground => 'orange'], ['Character', -foreground => 'magenta'], ['Keyword', -foreground => 'darkgreen'], ['Builtin_Operator', -foreground => 'darkgreen'], ['Operator', -foreground => 'brown'], ['Number', -foreground => 'darkblue'], ]
- rulesConfigure($txtwidget,\@list)
Used internally. Don't call it yourself.
- rulesDelete($txtwidget,\@list)
- stateCompare(\@state);
Compares @state to the current state of the formatter. returns true when equal.
- stateGet
Returns a list of the current state of the formatter. Called by the highlighting routines in Tk::TextHighlight.
- stateSet(@list)
Sets the state of the formatter. Called by the highlighting routines in Tk::TextHighlight.
Hans Jeuken (
Propably plenty