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TheSchwartz::Moosified - TheSchwartz based on Moose!


    use TheSchwartz::Moosified;

    my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();
    # rest are the same as TheSchwartz
    # in some place we insert job into TheSchwartz::Moosified
    # in another place we run this job
    # 1, insert job in cgi/Catalyst
    use TheSchwartz::Moosified;
    my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();
    $client->insert('My::Worker::A', { args1 => 1, args2 => 2 } );
    # 2, defined the heavy things in My::Worker::A
    package My::Worker::A;
    use base 'TheSchwartz::Moosified::Worker';
    sub work {
        my ($class, $job) = @_;
        # $job is an instance of TheSchwartz::Moosified::Job
        my $args = $job->args;
        # do heavy things like resize photos, add 1 to 2 etc.
    # 3, run the worker in a non-stop script
    use TheSchwartz::Moosified;
    my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();


TheSchwartz is a powerful job queue. This module is a Moose implemention.

read more on TheSchwartz


  • databases

    Databases containing TheSchwartz jobs, shuffled before each use.

        my $dbh1 = DBI->conncet(@dbi_info);
        my $dbh2 = $schema->storage->dbh;
        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new( databases => [ $dbh1, $dbh2 ] );
        # or
        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();
        $client->databases( [ $dbh1, $dbh2 ] );
  • verbose

    controls debug logging.

        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new( verbose => 1 );
        # or
        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();
        $client->verbose( 1 );
        $client->verbose( sub {
            my $msg = shift;
            print STDERR "[INFO] $msg\n";
        } );
  • prefix

    optional prefix for tables. compatible with TheSchwartz::Simple

        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new( prefix => 'theschwartz_' );
  • scoreboard

    save job info to file. by default, the file will be saved at $tmpdir/theschwartz/scoreboard.$$

        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new( scoreboard => 1 );
        # or
        my $client = TheSchwartz::Moosified->new();
        # be sure the file is there
        $client->scoreboard( "/home/fayland/theschwartz/scoreboard.log" );
  • error_length

    optional, defaults to 255. Messages logged to the failure_log (the error table) are truncated to this length. Setting this to zero means no truncation (although the database you are using may truncate this for you).


The methods of TheSchwartz clients used by applications posting jobs to the queue are:

$client->insert( $job )

Adds the given TheSchwartz::Job to one of the client's job databases.

$client->insert( $funcname, $arg )

Adds a new job with funcname $funcname and arguments $arg to the queue.


The methods of TheSchwartz clients for use in worker processes are:

$client->can_do( $ability )

Adds $ability to the list of abilities $client is capable of performing. Subsequent calls to that client's work methods will find jobs requiring the given ability.


Find and perform one job $client can do.


Find and perform jobs $client can do until no more such jobs are found in any of the client's job databases.

$client->work( [$delay] )

Find and perform any jobs $client can do, forever. When no job is available, the working process will sleep for $delay seconds (or 5, if not specified) before looking again.

$client->find_job_for_workers( [$abilities] )

Returns a TheSchwartz::Job for a random job that the client can do. If specified, the job returned matches one of the abilities in the arrayref $abilities, rather than $client's abilities.

$client->find_job_with_coalescing_value( $ability, $coval )

Returns a TheSchwartz::Job for a random job for a worker capable of $ability and with a coalescing value of $coval.

$client->find_job_with_coalescing_prefix( $ability, $coval )

Returns a TheSchwartz::Job for a random job for a worker capable of $ability and with a coalescing value beginning with $coval.

Note the TheSchwartz implementation of this function uses a LIKE query to find matching jobs, with all the attendant performance implications for your job databases.


TheSchwartz, TheSchwartz::Simple


Fayland Lam, <fayland at>

Jeremy Stashewsky, <jstash+cpan at>

Luke Closs <cpan at>


Copyright 2008,2016 Fayland Lam, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.