Sub::Caller - Add caller information to the end of @_.


Sub::Caller provides an easy way to pass caller information to all, or specific, sub-routines:

use Sub::Caller qw(all); ## Pass to all non-anon subs
use Sub::Caller qw(sub1 sub2); ## Only these subs

-- OR --

use Sub::Caller;

sub test { }


The sub-routines must be loaded before addCaller() can be called successfully. If you call addCaller() on the same sub-routine(s) multiple times, all calls after the first are silently ignored.

Caller information takes the form of:

   package  => 'main',
   function => 'test',
   file     => '',
   line     => 7,

This hash reference is added to the end of @_.



use Data::Dumper;
use Sub::Caller('test');


sub test {
   ## Make sure we have @_ and it is what we expect
   if (@_ && Sub::Caler::isCaller($_[-1])){
      print Dumper(\@_);

Dumper will print:

$VAR1 = [
          bless( {
                   'function' => 'main',
                   'file' => '',
                   'line' => 8,
                   'package' => 'main'
                 }, 'Sub::Caller' )


Shay Harding <>

CHANGES 2003-05-27 Added more tests. Updated POD with a clear example of usage.


Would be nice to add this to anonymous functions, but alas, I haven't figured that part out yet. Would probably have to dig into XS more and mess with OP code stuff.


I just want to say that Gisle Aas' "PerlGuts Illustrated" at is fantastic. It really sheds some light on how all those darn SVs work out. Now if only the PERL_CONTEXT section were finished so I knew what those were...