String::Equivalence::Amharic - Normalization Utilities for Amharic.


#  OO Style:
use utf8;
require String::Equivalence::Amharic;

my $string = new String::Equivalence::Amharic;

my @list = $string->downgrade ( "እግዚአብሔር" );

my $count = 0;
foreach (@list) {
    print "$count: $_\n";

#  Functional Style:
use utf8;
use String::Equivalence::Amharic;

my @list = downgrade ( "እግዚአብሔር" );



Under the "three levels of Amharic spelling" theory, the String::Equivalence::Amharic package will take a canonical word (level one) and generate level two words (the level of popular use). The first member of the returned array is the original string. The last member of the returned array is a regular expression that will match all renderings of the list.

The doc/index.html file presents a development of the downgrade rules applied.

The package is useful for some problems, it will produce orthographically "legal" simplification and avoids improbable naive simplifications. Text::Metaphone::Amharic of course over simplifies as it addresses a different problem. So, while not to promote level 2 orthographies, in some instances it is useful to generate level 2 renderings given a canonical form.

You must start with the canonical spelling of a word as only downgrades can occur. Starting with a near canonical form and downgrading will generate a shorter word list than you would have starting from the top.

Equivalence Utilities

downgrade ( $word )

Generates a list of the phonetically "decayed" written forms of the provided $word.

isReducible ( $word )

Returns true if the provided $word can be reduced to an equivalent decayed form.

hasEquivalence ( $word )

Returns true if a phonetically equivalent written form is possible for the provided $word.

isEquivalentTo ( $wordA, $wordB )

Returns true if $wordA is phonetically equivalent to $wordB under Amharic rules.

inflate ( $word )

Returns a list of all phonetically equivalent written forms of the provided $word. The compliment to "downgrade".


A utility function to query the "form" of an Ethiopic syllable. It will return an integer between 1 and 12 corresponding to the [#\d+#] classes.

print getForm ( "አ" ), "\n";  # prints 1


Regexp::Ethiopic (which rules btw).


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


None presently known.


Daniel Yacob,


Copyright (c) 2003-2025, Daniel Yacob <>. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

