Strehler::Element - Base class for Strehler entities management
Articles, images and every entity you decide to manage in Strehler have to be Strehler::Element subclasses. Strehler::Element is the collection of methods that you can call to (mainly) retrieve the data inserted in the CMS and make it available in your business logic.
Below, a code example to display an archive (with pagination) with all the articles about a certain category.
get '/romanzo' => sub {
my $entries_per_page = 20;
my $page = params->{page} || 1;
my $order = params->{order} || 'desc';
my $elements = Strehler::Element::Article->get_list({
page => $page,
entries_per_page => $entries_per_page,
category => 'EXAMPLE_CATEGORY',
language => 'en',
ext => 1,
published => 1,
order => $order});
template "archive", {
page_title => 'Archive',
articles => $elements->{'to_view'},
page => $page,
order => $order,
last_page => $elements->{'last_page'} };
- exists
Return Value: $exists
Return 1 if the element is linked to a real row on the database, 0 otherwise.
- check_role
Arguments: $user_role
Return Value: $access
Return 1 if user, considering his $user_role, has rights to access the entity.
- get_attr
Arguments: $attr, $bare
Return Value: $attr_value
Return the value for the attribute (the database column) named $attr.
If $bare is true (1) database value is given back ignoring possible hook for the attribute.
- get_attr_multilang
Arguments: $attr, $lang, $bare
Return Value: $attr_value
Return the value for the multilanguage attribute named $attr in the language $lang
If $bare is true (1) database value is given back ignoring possible hook for the attribute.
- has_language
Arguments: $lang
Return Value: $has_language
Return 1 if the Element has multilang attributes for language $lang
- get_category_name
Return Value: $category
Return the name of the category of the element in the format $parent/$category is category has two levels.
Return Value: $tags
Return a string composed with all the tags related to the element, separated with commas.
- get_basic_data
Return Value %data;
Return all the data about the element, except for multilang attributes.
- get_ext_data
Arguments: $lang
Return Value %data;
Return all the data about the element as
, adding all the multilang attributes in the language $lang. - main_title
Return Value: $main_title
Return the main title for the element. The standard implementation try for an attribute named title or name. If these attributes are not available return just id.
In Articles and Images it returns the title attribute in the default language.
- fields_list
Return Value: $list_of_fields
Return a pointer to an array used by list views to configure the header (and just the header) of the table of contents. Every element of the list is a pointer to an hash. Hash attributes are the following:
label: The label that will be displayed id: used only if the field is ordinable, the db column user to order objects ordinable: true if the column can be used to order elements
About id consider notes about order_by field in the get_list method.
These methods are used by Strehler backend, so use them carefully.
- delete
Delete the element and all the multilang attributes linked to it.
- publish
Publish a publishable element
- unpublish
Unpublish a publishable element
The most important methods. Some of them are class method. They're wrappers for the queries needed to retrieve data.
- get_list
Arguments: \%query_params
Return Values: \%elements
Main class method to retrieve elements. There're many query_params you can use.
order => desc|asc # The order of the results. Default is desc order_by => $order_by # The field to order by. Default is id. # Accept array_ref for multiple ordering. entries_per_page => $entries # How many results retrieve. Default is 20. # -1 makes the method return ALL results page => $page. Default is 1 language => $lang # The language for multilanguage attributes. # Default is Strehler configured default language published => $pub # Retrieve only published elements (for publishable elements) tag => $tag # Retrieve elements with a certain tag category => $category # Retrieve elements with a certain category # Category can be written in the form $parent/$cat category_id => $category_id # Retrieve elements with the category with that id ext => 1 # Return elements with all data (get_ext_data is invoked) join => $tables #Tables to join for search purpose. Can be an array reference or a single element. ancestor => $category_id # Similar to $category_id, but a query with this parameter will retrieve # from considered category and all its subcategories
order_by attribute can be written as a field of the multilanguage children table. For example articles can be ordered using contents.title. In this case contents table will be filtered on language field, using only the considered language in the query. It's not necessary to specify contents table in the join parameter. Tables pointed out in the order by field will be joined automatically.
All the parameters can be combined together.
The method return a pointer to an hash composed by:
to_view => \@to_view # A pointer to an array of hashes. Every hash contain the data about an element # as in get_basic_data or get_ext_data last_page => last available page, to make easy paging logic.
- next_in_category_by_order/prev_in_category_by_order
Arguments: $language
Return Value: $element
Retrieve the next/previous element of the same category of the element used to call it using the display_order as ordering field. Language is needed because a element could exists in a language but not in another. Returns a Strehler::Element. You can use this only on elements with a display_order field (like articles). Configure the entity as ordered.
- next_in_category_by_date/prev_in_category_by_date
Arguments: $language
Return Value: $element
Same as previous method, but using the publish_date to order elements. You can use this only on elements with a publish_date field (like articles). Configure the entity as dated.
- get_first_by_order/get_last_by_order
Arguments: $category, $language
Return Value: $element
Class method. Retrieve the last/first element in the category with category name $category (child categories must be written as parent/child). Order using display_order. Language considered as in the previous methods. Returns a Strehler::Element. You can use this only on elements with a display_order field (like articles). Configure the entity as ordered.
- get_first_by_date/get_last_by_date
Arguments: $category, $language
Return Value: $element
Same as get_first_by_order/get_last_by_order, using publish_date to order elements. You can use this only on elements with a publish_date field (like articles). Configure the entity as dated.
- get_last_pubunpub
Arguments: $category, $language, $order
Return Value: ($element, $element)
This method is used by dashboard. It retrieves a couple of elements, the most recent unpublished one and the most recent published one. Refer to Strehler::Dancer2::EX::Plugin latest keyword to understand the logic.
- error_message
Arguments: $action, $code
Return Value: $message
This method is used to customized error messages that can appear after an action that went wrong. Considered actions in the standard backend are add, edit, delete, publish, unpublish.
We expect that the entity method related to add/edit (save_form) return the id of the submitted entity. Any value returned that is minus to zero is considered an error and error_message is used to find the message to display.
We expect that publish/unpublish and delete return 0 as OK or any othe number as error. Again, error_message is called to retrieve the message.
Designing new entities you can reimplement error_message to display custom message on errors you like to manage.
Strehler::Element::Role::Configured for Element functions related to its configuration.