Statistics::MVA::HotellingTwoSample - Two-Sample Hotelling's T-Square Test Statistic.
This document describes Statistics::MVA::HotellingTwoSample version 0.0.2
use Statistics::MVA::HotellingTwoSample;
# we have two groups of data each with 4 variables and 9 observations.
my $data_x = [
[qw/ 292 222 52 57/],
[qw/ 100 227 51 45/],
[qw/ 272 218 49 36/],
[qw/ 101 221 17 47/],
[qw/ 181 208 12 35/],
[qw/ 111 118 51 54/],
[qw/ 288 321 51 49/],
[qw/ 286 219 52 45/],
[qw/ 262 225 47 44/],
my $data_y = [
[qw/ 286 107 29 62/],
[qw/ 311 122 29 63/],
[qw/ 272 131 52 86/],
[qw/ 182 88 23 69/],
[qw/ 211 118 61 57/],
[qw/ 323 127 51 79/],
[qw/ 385 332 70 63/],
[qw/ 373 127 85 60/],
[qw/ 408 95 57 71/],
# Create a Statistics::MVA::HotellingTwoSample object and pass the data as two Lists-of-Lists within an anonymous array.
my $mva = Statistics::MVA::HotellingTwoSample->new([ $data_x, $data_y ]);
# Generate results and print a report to STDOUT by calling hotelling_two_sample in void context.
# Call hotelling_two_sample in LIST-context to access the results directly.
my ($T2, $F, $pval, $df1, $df2) = $mva->hotelling_two_sample;
Hotelling's T-square statistics is a generalisation of Student's t statistic that is used for multivariate hypothesis testing. See
'Statistics::MVA' => '0.0.1', 'Carp' => '1.08', 'Statistics::Distributions' => '1.02',
Let me know.
Daniel S. T. Hughes <>
Copyright (c) 2010, Daniel S. T. Hughes <>
. All rights reserved.
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