Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter - add a configurable footer to the end of every mail.
The [% real_name %] list :
Web [% web_page_url %]
Owner [% %]
This allows you to put configurable footers at the end of every mail.
The variables passed to the Template::Toolkit style footer are listed below.
Most are provided for Mailman backwards compatability.
- real_name
The name of the list
- list_name
- _internal_name
erm, ditto again
- host_name
The 'host_name' preference or the system's hostname as worked out by Sys::Hostname.
The hostname preference can be set using the web interface or by using
% nacho modify-plugin MessageFooter <list name> host_name <insert your hostname here>
- web_page_url
The 'web_page_url' preference.
- description
The 'description' preference.
- list
A copy of the list object that this plugin is being called from.
(c)opyright 2003 - The Siesta Dev Team