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version 3.10


Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined complexType RequestedShipment from the namespace

The descriptive data for the shipment being tendered to FedEx.


The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:

  • ShipTimestamp (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • DropoffType (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • ServiceType (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • PackagingType (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • TotalWeight (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • TotalInsuredValue (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • TotalDimensions (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • Shipper (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • Recipient (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • RecipientLocationNumber (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • Origin (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • ShippingChargesPayment (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • SpecialServicesRequested (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • ExpressFreightDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • FreightShipmentDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • DeliveryInstructions (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • VariableHandlingChargeDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • CustomsClearanceDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • PickupDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • SmartPostDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • BlockInsightVisibility (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • ErrorLabelBehavior (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • LabelSpecification (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • ShippingDocumentSpecification (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • RateRequestTypes (min/maxOccurs: 1/unbounded)

  • CustomerSelectedActualRateType (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • EdtRequestType (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • MasterTrackingId (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • CodReturnTrackingId (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • PackageCount (min/maxOccurs: 1/1)

  • PackageDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)

  • RequestedPackageLineItems (min/maxOccurs: 0/999)





Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

{ # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedShipment
  ShipTimestamp =>  $some_value, # dateTime
  DropoffType => $some_value, # DropoffType
  ServiceType => $some_value, # ServiceType
  PackagingType => $some_value, # PackagingType
  TotalWeight =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
    Units => $some_value, # WeightUnits
    Value =>  $some_value, # decimal
  TotalInsuredValue =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    Currency =>  $some_value, # string
    Amount =>  $some_value, # decimal
  TotalDimensions =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Dimensions
    Length =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    Width =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    Height =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    Units => $some_value, # LinearUnits
  Shipper =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
    AccountNumber =>  $some_value, # string
    Tins =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TaxpayerIdentification
      TinType => $some_value, # TinType
      Number =>  $some_value, # string
      Usage =>  $some_value, # string
    Contact =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Contact
      ContactId =>  $some_value, # string
      PersonName =>  $some_value, # string
      Title =>  $some_value, # string
      CompanyName =>  $some_value, # string
      PhoneNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      PhoneExtension =>  $some_value, # string
      PagerNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      FaxNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      EMailAddress =>  $some_value, # string
    Address =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Address
      StreetLines =>  $some_value, # string
      City =>  $some_value, # string
      StateOrProvinceCode =>  $some_value, # string
      PostalCode =>  $some_value, # string
      UrbanizationCode =>  $some_value, # string
      CountryCode =>  $some_value, # string
      Residential =>  $some_value, # boolean
  Recipient => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
  RecipientLocationNumber =>  $some_value, # string
  Origin =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactAndAddress
    Contact => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Contact
    Address => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Address
  ShippingChargesPayment =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Payment
    PaymentType => $some_value, # PaymentType
    Payor =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Payor
      AccountNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      CountryCode =>  $some_value, # string
  SpecialServicesRequested =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentSpecialServicesRequested
    SpecialServiceTypes => $some_value, # ShipmentSpecialServiceType
    CodDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodDetail
      CodCollectionAmount => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      AddTransportationCharges => $some_value, # CodAddTransportationChargesType
      CollectionType => $some_value, # CodCollectionType
      CodRecipient => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
      ReferenceIndicator => $some_value, # CodReturnReferenceIndicatorType
    HoldAtLocationDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HoldAtLocationDetail
      PhoneNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      LocationContactAndAddress => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactAndAddress
      LocationType => $some_value, # FedExLocationType
    EMailNotificationDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationDetail
      AggregationType => $some_value, # EMailNotificationAggregationType
      PersonalMessage =>  $some_value, # string
      Recipients =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailNotificationRecipient
        EMailNotificationRecipientType => $some_value, # EMailNotificationRecipientType
        EMailAddress =>  $some_value, # string
        NotifyOnShipment =>  $some_value, # boolean
        NotifyOnException =>  $some_value, # boolean
        NotifyOnDelivery =>  $some_value, # boolean
        Format => $some_value, # EMailNotificationFormatType
        Localization =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Localization
          LanguageCode =>  $some_value, # string
          LocaleCode =>  $some_value, # string
    ReturnShipmentDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnShipmentDetail
      ReturnType => $some_value, # ReturnType
      Rma =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Rma
        Number =>  $some_value, # string
        Reason =>  $some_value, # string
      ReturnEMailDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnEMailDetail
        MerchantPhoneNumber =>  $some_value, # string
        AllowedSpecialServices => $some_value, # ReturnEMailAllowedSpecialServiceType
    PendingShipmentDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PendingShipmentDetail
      Type => $some_value, # PendingShipmentType
      ExpirationDate =>  $some_value, # date
      EmailLabelDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EMailLabelDetail
        NotificationEMailAddress =>  $some_value, # string
        NotificationMessage =>  $some_value, # string
    ShipmentDryIceDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentDryIceDetail
      PackageCount =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      TotalWeight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
    HomeDeliveryPremiumDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HomeDeliveryPremiumDetail
      HomeDeliveryPremiumType => $some_value, # HomeDeliveryPremiumType
      Date =>  $some_value, # date
      PhoneNumber =>  $some_value, # string
    EtdDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EtdDetail
      RequestedDocumentCopies => $some_value, # RequestedShippingDocumentType
      DocumentReferences =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::UploadDocumentReferenceDetail
        LineNumber =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
        CustomerReference =>  $some_value, # string
        DocumentProducer => $some_value, # UploadDocumentProducerType
        DocumentType => $some_value, # UploadDocumentType
        DocumentId =>  $some_value, # string
        DocumentIdProducer => $some_value, # UploadDocumentIdProducer
    CustomDeliveryWindowDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDeliveryWindowDetail
      Type => $some_value, # CustomDeliveryWindowType
      RequestTime =>  $some_value, # time
      RequestRange =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DateRange
        Begins =>  $some_value, # date
        Ends =>  $some_value, # date
      RequestDate =>  $some_value, # date
  ExpressFreightDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ExpressFreightDetail
    PackingListEnclosed =>  $some_value, # boolean
    ShippersLoadAndCount =>  $some_value, # positiveInteger
    BookingConfirmationNumber =>  $some_value, # string
  FreightShipmentDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightShipmentDetail
    FedExFreightAccountNumber =>  $some_value, # string
    FedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactAndAddress
    PrintedReferences =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PrintedReference
      Type => $some_value, # PrintedReferenceType
      Value =>  $some_value, # string
    Role => $some_value, # FreightShipmentRoleType
    PaymentType => $some_value, # FreightAccountPaymentType
    CollectTermsType => $some_value, # FreightCollectTermsType
    DeclaredValuePerUnit => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    DeclaredValueUnits =>  $some_value, # string
    LiabilityCoverageDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LiabilityCoverageDetail
      CoverageType => $some_value, # LiabilityCoverageType
      CoverageAmount => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    Coupons =>  $some_value, # string
    TotalHandlingUnits =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    ClientDiscountPercent =>  $some_value, # decimal
    PalletWeight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
    ShipmentDimensions => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Dimensions
    Comment =>  $some_value, # string
    SpecialServicePayments =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightSpecialServicePayment
      SpecialService => $some_value, # ShipmentSpecialServiceType
      PaymentType => $some_value, # FreightAccountPaymentType
    HazardousMaterialsEmergencyContactNumber =>  $some_value, # string
    LineItems =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightShipmentLineItem
      FreightClass => $some_value, # FreightClassType
      ClassProvidedByCustomer =>  $some_value, # boolean
      HandlingUnits =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      Packaging => $some_value, # PhysicalPackagingType
      Pieces =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      NmfcCode =>  $some_value, # string
      HazardousMaterials => $some_value, # HazardousCommodityOptionType
      BillOfLadingNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      PurchaseOrderNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      Description =>  $some_value, # string
      Weight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
      Dimensions => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Dimensions
      Volume =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Volume
        Units => $some_value, # VolumeUnits
        Value =>  $some_value, # decimal
  DeliveryInstructions =>  $some_value, # string
  VariableHandlingChargeDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VariableHandlingChargeDetail
    VariableHandlingChargeType => $some_value, # VariableHandlingChargeType
    FixedValue => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    PercentValue =>  $some_value, # decimal
  CustomsClearanceDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomsClearanceDetail
    Broker => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
    ClearanceBrokerage => $some_value, # ClearanceBrokerageType
    ImporterOfRecord => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
    RecipientCustomsId =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RecipientCustomsId
      Type => $some_value, # RecipientCustomsIdType
      Value =>  $some_value, # string
    DutiesPayment => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Payment
    DocumentContent => $some_value, # InternationalDocumentContentType
    CustomsValue => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    FreightOnValue => $some_value, # FreightOnValueType
    InsuranceCharges => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    PartiesToTransactionAreRelated =>  $some_value, # boolean
    CommercialInvoice =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommercialInvoice
      Comments =>  $some_value, # string
      FreightCharge => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      TaxesOrMiscellaneousCharge => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      PackingCosts => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      HandlingCosts => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      SpecialInstructions =>  $some_value, # string
      DeclarationStatment =>  $some_value, # string
      PaymentTerms =>  $some_value, # string
      Purpose => $some_value, # PurposeOfShipmentType
      CustomerInvoiceNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      OriginatorName =>  $some_value, # string
      TermsOfSale => $some_value, # TermsOfSaleType
    Commodities =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Commodity
      Name =>  $some_value, # string
      NumberOfPieces =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      Description =>  $some_value, # string
      CountryOfManufacture =>  $some_value, # string
      HarmonizedCode =>  $some_value, # string
      Weight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
      Quantity =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      QuantityUnits =>  $some_value, # string
      AdditionalMeasures =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Measure
        Quantity =>  $some_value, # decimal
        Units =>  $some_value, # string
      UnitPrice => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      CustomsValue => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
      ExciseConditions =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::EdtExciseCondition
        Category =>  $some_value, # string
        Value =>  $some_value, # string
      ExportLicenseNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      ExportLicenseExpirationDate =>  $some_value, # date
      CIMarksAndNumbers =>  $some_value, # string
      NaftaDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaCommodityDetail
        PreferenceCriterion => $some_value, # NaftaPreferenceCriterionCode
        ProducerDetermination => $some_value, # NaftaProducerDeterminationCode
        ProducerId =>  $some_value, # string
        NetCostMethod => $some_value, # NaftaNetCostMethodCode
        NetCostDateRange => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DateRange
    ExportDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ExportDetail
      B13AFilingOption => $some_value, # B13AFilingOptionType
      ExportComplianceStatement =>  $some_value, # string
      PermitNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      DestinationControlDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DestinationControlDetail
        StatementTypes => $some_value, # DestinationControlStatementType
        DestinationCountries =>  $some_value, # string
        EndUser =>  $some_value, # string
    RegulatoryControls => $some_value, # RegulatoryControlType
  PickupDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PickupDetail
    ReadyDateTime =>  $some_value, # dateTime
    LatestPickupDateTime =>  $some_value, # dateTime
    CourierInstructions =>  $some_value, # string
    RequestType => $some_value, # PickupRequestType
    RequestSource => $some_value, # PickupRequestSourceType
  SmartPostDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SmartPostShipmentDetail
    Indicia => $some_value, # SmartPostIndiciaType
    AncillaryEndorsement => $some_value, # SmartPostAncillaryEndorsementType
    HubId =>  $some_value, # string
    CustomerManifestId =>  $some_value, # string
  BlockInsightVisibility =>  $some_value, # boolean
  ErrorLabelBehavior => $some_value, # ErrorLabelBehaviorType
  LabelSpecification =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelSpecification
    Dispositions =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail
      DispositionType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentDispositionType
      Grouping => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentGroupingType
      EMailDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailDetail
        EMailRecipients =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentEMailRecipient
          RecipientType => $some_value, # EMailNotificationRecipientType
          Address =>  $some_value, # string
        Grouping => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentEMailGroupingType
      PrintDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentPrintDetail
        PrinterId =>  $some_value, # string
    LabelFormatType => $some_value, # LabelFormatType
    ImageType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentImageType
    LabelStockType => $some_value, # LabelStockType
    LabelPrintingOrientation => $some_value, # LabelPrintingOrientationType
    PrintedLabelOrigin => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactAndAddress
    CustomerSpecifiedDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerSpecifiedLabelDetail
      DocTabContent =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContent
        DocTabContentType => $some_value, # DocTabContentType
        Zone001 =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContentZone001
          DocTabZoneSpecifications =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabZoneSpecification
            ZoneNumber =>  $some_value, # positiveInteger
            Header =>  $some_value, # string
            DataField =>  $some_value, # string
            LiteralValue =>  $some_value, # string
            Justification => $some_value, # DocTabZoneJustificationType
        Barcoded =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContentBarcoded
          Symbology => $some_value, # BarcodeSymbologyType
          Specification => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabZoneSpecification
      CustomContent =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelDetail
        CoordinateUnits => $some_value, # CustomLabelCoordinateUnits
        TextEntries =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelTextEntry
          Position =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition
            X =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
            Y =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
          Format =>  $some_value, # string
          DataFields =>  $some_value, # string
          ThermalFontId =>  $some_value, # string
          FontName =>  $some_value, # string
          FontSize =>  $some_value, # positiveInteger
        GraphicEntries =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelGraphicEntry
          Position => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition
          PrinterGraphicId =>  $some_value, # string
          FileGraphicFullName =>  $some_value, # string
        BoxEntries =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelBoxEntry
          TopLeftCorner => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition
          BottomRightCorner => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition
        BarcodeEntries =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelBarcodeEntry
          Position => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomLabelPosition
          Format =>  $some_value, # string
          DataFields =>  $some_value, # string
          BarHeight =>  $some_value, # int
          ThinBarWidth =>  $some_value, # int
          BarcodeSymbology => $some_value, # BarcodeSymbologyType
      ConfigurableReferenceEntries =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ConfigurableLabelReferenceEntry
        ZoneNumber =>  $some_value, # positiveInteger
        Header =>  $some_value, # string
        DataField =>  $some_value, # string
        LiteralValue =>  $some_value, # string
      MaskedData => $some_value, # LabelMaskableDataType
      ScncOverride =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      TermsAndConditionsLocalization => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Localization
      AdditionalLabels =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::AdditionalLabelsDetail
        Type => $some_value, # AdditionalLabelsType
        Count =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      AirWaybillSuppressionCount =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
  ShippingDocumentSpecification =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentSpecification
    ShippingDocumentTypes => $some_value, # RequestedShippingDocumentType
    CertificateOfOrigin =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CertificateOfOriginDetail
      DocumentFormat =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
        Dispositions => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentDispositionDetail
        TopOfPageOffset =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::LinearMeasure
          Value =>  $some_value, # decimal
          Units => $some_value, # LinearUnits
        ImageType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentImageType
        StockType => $some_value, # ShippingDocumentStockType
        ProvideInstructions =>  $some_value, # boolean
        Localization => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Localization
        CustomDocumentIdentifier =>  $some_value, # string
      CustomerImageUsages =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsage
        Type => $some_value, # CustomerImageUsageType
        Id => $some_value, # ImageId
    CommercialInvoiceDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommercialInvoiceDetail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
      CustomerImageUsages => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsage
    CustomPackageDocumentDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDocumentDetail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
      LabelPrintingOrientation => $some_value, # LabelPrintingOrientationType
      LabelRotation => $some_value, # LabelRotationType
      SpecificationId =>  $some_value, # string
      CustomDocumentIdentifier =>  $some_value, # string
      DocTabContent => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContent
    CustomShipmentDocumentDetail => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomDocumentDetail
    GeneralAgencyAgreementDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::GeneralAgencyAgreementDetail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
    NaftaCertificateOfOriginDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaCertificateOfOriginDetail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
      BlanketPeriod => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DateRange
      ImporterSpecification => $some_value, # NaftaImporterSpecificationType
      SignatureContact => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Contact
      ProducerSpecification => $some_value, # NaftaProducerSpecificationType
      Producers =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::NaftaProducer
        Id =>  $some_value, # string
        Producer => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Party
      CustomerImageUsages => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsage
    Op900Detail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Op900Detail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
      Reference => $some_value, # CustomerReferenceType
      CustomerImageUsages => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerImageUsage
      SignatureName =>  $some_value, # string
    FreightAddressLabelDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::FreightAddressLabelDetail
      Format => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShippingDocumentFormat
      Copies =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      DocTabContent => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DocTabContent
  RateRequestTypes => $some_value, # RateRequestType
  CustomerSelectedActualRateType => $some_value, # ReturnedRateType
  EdtRequestType => $some_value, # EdtRequestType
  MasterTrackingId =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TrackingId
    TrackingIdType => $some_value, # TrackingIdType
    FormId =>  $some_value, # string
    UspsApplicationId =>  $some_value, # string
    TrackingNumber =>  $some_value, # string
  CodReturnTrackingId => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::TrackingId
  PackageCount =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
  PackageDetail => $some_value, # RequestedPackageDetailType
  RequestedPackageLineItems =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestedPackageLineItem
    SequenceNumber =>  $some_value, # positiveInteger
    GroupNumber =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    GroupPackageCount =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
    VariableHandlingChargeDetail => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::VariableHandlingChargeDetail
    InsuredValue => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Money
    Weight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
    Dimensions => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Dimensions
    PhysicalPackaging => $some_value, # PhysicalPackagingType
    ItemDescription =>  $some_value, # string
    CustomerReferences =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CustomerReference
      CustomerReferenceType => $some_value, # CustomerReferenceType
      Value =>  $some_value, # string
    SpecialServicesRequested =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageSpecialServicesRequested
      SpecialServiceTypes => $some_value, # PackageSpecialServiceType
      CodDetail => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::CodDetail
      DangerousGoodsDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::DangerousGoodsDetail
        Accessibility => $some_value, # DangerousGoodsAccessibilityType
        CargoAircraftOnly =>  $some_value, # boolean
        Options => $some_value, # HazardousCommodityOptionType
        HazardousCommodities =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityContent
          Description =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityDescription
            Id =>  $some_value, # string
            PackingGroup => $some_value, # HazardousCommodityPackingGroupType
            ProperShippingName =>  $some_value, # string
            TechnicalName =>  $some_value, # string
            HazardClass =>  $some_value, # string
            SubsidiaryClasses =>  $some_value, # string
            LabelText =>  $some_value, # string
          Quantity =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityQuantityDetail
            Amount =>  $some_value, # decimal
            Units =>  $some_value, # string
          Options =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityOptionDetail
            LabelTextOption => $some_value, # HazardousCommodityLabelTextOptionType
            CustomerSuppliedLabelText =>  $some_value, # string
        Packaging =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::HazardousCommodityPackagingDetail
          Count =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
          Units =>  $some_value, # string
        EmergencyContactNumber =>  $some_value, # string
        Offeror =>  $some_value, # string
      DryIceWeight => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::Weight
      SignatureOptionDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::SignatureOptionDetail
        OptionType => $some_value, # SignatureOptionType
        SignatureReleaseNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      PriorityAlertDetail =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::PriorityAlertDetail
        Content =>  $some_value, # string
    ContentRecords =>  { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContentRecord
      PartNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      ItemNumber =>  $some_value, # string
      ReceivedQuantity =>  $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
      Description =>  $some_value, # string


Generated by SOAP::WSDL


Andrew Baerg <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Andrew Baerg.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.