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Search::Elasticsearch::Client::7_0::Direct::Indices - A client for running index-level requests


version 8.12


This module provides methods to make index-level requests, such as creating and deleting indices, managing type mappings, index settings, index templates and aliases.

It does Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct.



$result = $e->indices->create(
    index => 'my_index'             # required

    body  => {                      # optional
        index settings

The create() method is used to create an index. Optionally, index settings, type mappings, and aliases can be added at the same time.

Query string parameters: error_trace, human, include_type_name, master_timeout, timeout, update_all_types, wait_for_active_shards

See the create index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->get(
    index   => 'index'   | \@indices    # required

Returns the aliases, settings, and mappings for the specified indices.

See the get index docs.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, flat_settings, human, ignore_unavailable, include_defaults, include_type_name, local, master_timeout


$bool = $e->indices->exists(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # required

The exists() method returns 1 or the empty string to indicate whether the specified index or indices exist.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, flat_settings, human, ignore_unavailable, include_defaults, local

See the index exists docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->delete(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # required

The delete() method deletes the specified indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, master_timeout, timeout

See the delete index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->close(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # required

The close() method closes the specified indices, reducing resource usage but allowing them to be reopened later.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable master_timeout, timeout

See the close index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->open(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # required

The open() method opens closed indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the open index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->rollover(
    alias     => $alias,                    # required
    new_index => $index,                    # optional
    body      => { rollover conditions }    # optional

Rollover an index pointed to by alias if it meets rollover conditions (eg max age, max docs) to a new index name.

Query string parameters: dry_run, error_trace, human, include_type_name, master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the rollover index docs for more information.


$response = $e->shrink(
    index  => $index,                           # required
    target => $target,                          # required
    body   => { mappings, settings aliases }    # optional

The shrink API shrinks the shards of an index down to a single shard (or to a factor of the original shards).

Query string parameters: copy_settings, error_trace, filter_path, human, master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the shrink index docs for more information.


$response = $e->split(
    index  => $index,                           # required
    target => $target,                          # required

The split API splits a shard into multiple shards.

Query string parameters: copy_settings, error_trace, filter_path, human, master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the split index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->freeze(
    $index => $index    # required

The freeze() API is used to freeze an index, which puts it in a state which has almost no overhead on the cluster.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, filter_path, human, ignore_unavailable, master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the freeze index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->unfreeze(
    $index => $index    # required

The unfreeze() API is used to return a frozen index to its normal state.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, filter_path, human, ignore_unavailable, master_timeout, timeout, wait_for_active_shards

See the unfreeze index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->clear_cache(
    index => 'index' | \@indices        # optional

The clear_cache() method is used to clear the in-memory filter, fielddata, or id cache for the specified indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, fielddata, fields, human, ignore_unavailable, query, request

See the clear_cache docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->refresh(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The refresh() method refreshes the specified indices (or all indices), allowing recent changes to become visible to search. This process normally happens automatically once every second by default.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable

See the refresh index docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->flush(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The flush() method causes the specified indices (or all indices) to be written to disk with an fsync, and clears out the transaction log. This process normally happens automatically.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, force, human, ignore_unavailable, wait_if_ongoing

See the flush index docs for more information.


$respnse = $e->indices->flush_synced(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The flush_synced() method does a synchronised flush() on the primaries and replicas of all the specified indices. In other words, after flushing it tries to write a sync_id on the primaries and replicas to mark them as containing the same documents. During recovery, if a replica has the same sync_id as the primary, then it doesn't need to check whether the segment files on primary and replica are the same, and it can move on directly to just replaying the translog. This can greatly speed up recovery.

Synced flushes happens automatically in the background on indices that have not received any writes for a while, but the flush_synced() method can be used to trigger this process manually, eg before shutting down. Any new commits immediately break the sync.

See the flush synced docs for more information.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable


$response = $e->indices->forcemerge(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The forcemerge() method rewrites all the data in an index into at most max_num_segments. This is a very heavy operation and should only be run with care, and only on indices that are no longer being updated.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, flush, human, ignore_unavailable, max_num_segments, only_expunge_deletes

See the forcemerge docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->get_upgrade(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The get_upgrade() method returns information about which indices need to be upgraded, which can be done with the upgrade() method.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable

See the upgrade docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->upgrade(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional

The upgrade() method upgrades all segments in the specified indices to the latest format.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, only_ancient_segments, wait_for_completion

See the upgrade docs for more information.



$response = $e->indices->put_mapping(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional,
    type  => 'type',                # optional

    body  => { mapping }            # required

The put_mapping() method is used to create or update a type mapping on an existing index. Mapping updates are allowed to add new fields, but not to overwrite or change existing fields.

For instance:

$response = $e->indices->put_mapping(
    index   => 'users',
    type    => 'user',
    body    => {
        user => {
            properties => {
                name => { type => 'string'  },
                age  => { type => 'integer' }

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, include_type_name, master_timeout, timeout, update_all_types

See the put_mapping docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->get_mapping(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # optional,
    type  => 'type'  | \@types      # optional

The get_mapping() method returns the type definitions for one, more or all types in one, more or all indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, include_type_name, local, master_timeout

See the get_mapping docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->get_field_mapping(
    index => 'index'  | \@indices    # optional,
    type  => 'type'   | \@types      # optional,
    fields => 'field' | \@fields     # required

    include_defaults => 0 | 1

The get_field_mapping() method returns the field definitions for one, more or all fields in one, more or all types and indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, include_defaults, include_type_name, local

See the get_mapping docs for more information.


$bool = $e->indices->exists_type(
    index => 'index' | \@indices    # required,
    type  => 'type'  | \@types      # required

The exists_type() method checks for the existence of all specified types in all specified indices, and returns 1 or the empty string.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, local

See the exists_type docs for more information.



$response = $e->indices->update_aliases(
    body => { actions }             # required

The update_aliases() method changes (by adding or removing) multiple index aliases atomically. For instance:

$response = $e->indices->update_aliases(
    body => {
        actions => [
            { add    => { alias => 'current', index => 'logs_2013_09' }},
            { remove => { alias => 'current', index => 'logs_2013_08' }}

Query string parameters: error_trace, human, master_timeout, timeout

See the update_aliases docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->put_alias(
    index => 'index' | \@indices,       # required
    name  => 'alias',                   # required

    body  => { alias defn }             # optional

The put_alias() method creates an index alias. For instance:

$response = $e->indices->put_alias(
    index => 'my_index',
    name  => 'twitter',
    body => {
        filter => { term => { user_id => 'twitter' }}

Query string parameters: error_trace, human, master_timeout, timeout

See the put_alias docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->get_alias(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices,     # optional
    name    => 'alias' | \@aliases      # optional

The get_alias() method returns the alias definitions for the specified aliases in the specified indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, local

See the get_alias docs for more information.


$bool = $e->indices->exists_alias(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices,     # optional
    name    => 'alias' | \@aliases      # required

The exists_alias() method returns 1 or the empty string depending on whether the specified aliases exist in the specified indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, local

See the exists_alias docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->delete_alias(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices        # required,
    name    => 'alias' | \@aliases        # required

The delete_alias() method deletes one or more aliases from one or more indices.

Query string parameters: error_trace, human, master_timeout, timeout

See the delete_alias docs for more information.



$response = $e->indices->put_settings(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices      # optional

    body    => { settings }

The put_settings() method sets the index settings for the specified indices or all indices. For instance:

$response = $e->indices->put_settings(
    body => {
        "index.refresh_interval" => -1

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, flat_settings, human, ignore_unavailable, master_timeout, preserve_existing, timeout

See the put_settings docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->get_settings(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices      # optional
    name    => 'name'  | \@names        # optional

The get_settings() method retrieves the index settings for the specified indices or all indices.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, flat_settings, human, ignore_unavailable, include_defaults, local, master_timeout

See the get_settings docs for more information.



$response = $e->indices->put_template(
    name => 'template'                  # required
    body => { template defn }           # required

The put_template() method is used to create or update index templates.

Query string parameters: create, error_trace, flat_settings, human, include_type_name, master_timeout, order, timeout

See the put_template docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->get_template(
    name  => 'template' | \@templates # optional

The get_template() method is used to retrieve a named template.

Query string parameters: error_trace, flat_settings, human, include_type_name, local, master_timeout

See the get_template docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->exists_template(
    name  => 'template'                 # optional

The exists_template() method is used to check whether the named template exists.

Query string parameters: error_trace, flat_settings, human, local, master_timeout

See the get_template docs for more information.


$response = $e->indices->delete_template(
    name  => 'template'                 # required

The delete_template() method is used to delete a named template.

Query string parameters: error_trace, human, master_timeout, timeout, version, version_type

See the delete_template docs for more information.



$result = $e->indices->stats(
    index   => 'index'  | \@indices      # optional
    metric  => 'metric' | \@metrics      # optional

The stats() method returns statistical information about one, more or all indices. By default it returns all metrics, but you can limit which metrics are returned by specifying the metric.

Allowed metrics are: _all, completion docs, fielddata, filter_cache, flush, get, id_cache, indexing, merge, percolate, query_cache, refresh, request_cache, search, segments, store

Query string parameters: completion_fields, error_trace, fielddata_fields, fields, groups, human, include_segment_file_sizes, level, types

See the stats docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->recovery(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices      # optional

Provides insight into on-going shard recoveries.

Query string parameters: active_only, detailed, error_trace, human

See the recovery docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->segments(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices      # optional

The segments() method is used to return information about the segments that an index contains.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, verbose

See the segments docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->shard_stores(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices      # optional

The shard_stores() method is used to find out which nodes contain copies of which shards, whether the shards are allocated or not.

Query string parameters: allow_no_indices, error_trace, expand_wildcards, human, ignore_unavailable, status

See the shard_stores docs for more information.



$result = $e->indices->analyze(
    index   => 'index'                  # optional,
    body    => 'text to analyze'

The analyze() method passes the text in the body through the specified analyzer, tokenizer or token filter - which may be global, or associated with a particular index or field - and returns the tokens. Very useful for debugging analyzer configurations.

Query string parameters: error_trace, human

See the analyze docs for more information.


$result = $e->indices->validate_query(
    index   => 'index' | \@indices,     # optional
    type    => 'type'  | \@types,       # optional

    body    => { query }

The validate_query() method accepts a query in the body and checks whether the query is valid or not. Most useful when explain is set to true, in which case it includes an execution plan in the output.

Query string parameters: all_shards, allow_no_indices, analyze_wildcard, analyzer, default_operator, df, error_trace, explain, expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable, lenient, q, rewrite

See the validate_query docs for more information.


Enrico Zimuel <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Elasticsearch BV.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004