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Search::ElasticDirect - An interface to ElasticSearch API, version independent


version 2.5.2


use Search::ElasticDirect;

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new( host=> 'SomeServer',  protocol=> 'http', authentication=> 'no' );
die "Connection error because $elk->{error}\n" if $elk->{error};

my $reply = $elk->direct( method=>'GET', path=>'_cat/nodes', param=>'h=name,ip,role,version&s=name:asc', format=>'data' );
die "$elk->{error}\n" if $elk->{error};

die "Allowed to run only at active master\n" unless $elk->ActiveMaster;
die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

foreach my $srv (@{$reply}) {
say join ',', $srv->{name}, $srv->{ip}, $srv->{version}, $srv->{role}


An interface to ElasticSearch API, version independent

The DeepPagination methods are added to help with complexity of the scroll/cursor/search_after APIs


Search::ElasticDirect - An interface to ElasticSearch API, version independent


version 2.5.1


Check for errors the property $obj->{error} . if everything is ok it is FALSE



Create a new ElasticDirect object and define the connection parameters to the elasticsearch cluster.

https, username, password, CA certificate

Most of the times you will use this one

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new(

  host           => 'SomeServer',
  port           => 9200,
  protocol       => 'https',
  timeout        => 1800,
  keep_alive     => 'yes',
  authentication => 'yes',
  username       => 'Joe',
  password       => 'JoePass',
  certca         => '/etc/elasticsearch/chain.pem',
  verify_SSL     => 'no' );

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

https, CA certificate, server key, server certificate

If you are using the SearchGuard security plugin and you need node admin key/cert without username and password to perform admin tasks e.g. to delete an immutable index

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new(

  host           => 'SomeServer',
  port           => 9200,
  protocol       => 'https',
  timeout        => 1800,
  keep_alive     => 'yes',
  authentication => 'no',
  certca         => '/etc/elasticsearch/chain.pem',
  cert           => '/etc/elasticsearch/SomeServer.pem',
  key            => '/etc/elasticsearch/SomeServer.key',  
  verify_SSL     =>'no' );

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

https, username, password

Without certificate

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new(

  host           => 'SomeServer',
  port           => 9200,
  protocol       => 'https',
  timeout        => 1800,
  keep_alive     => 'yes',
  authentication => 'yes',
  username       => 'Joe',
  password       => 'JoePass' );

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

http, username, password

Plain text with authentication

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new(

  host           => 'SomeServer',
  port           => 9200,
  protocol       => 'http',
  timeout        => 1800,
  keep_alive     => 'yes',
  authentication => 'yes',
  username       => 'Joe',
  password       => 'SomePass' );

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};


Plain text without authentication

my $elk = Search::ElasticDirect->new(

  host           => 'SomeServer',
  port           => 9200,
  protocol       => 'http',
  timeout        => 1800,
  keep_alive     => 'yes',
  authentication => 'no' );

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};


If you have schedule your script at multiple servers for high availability but it must run once at active master server

my  $obj = Search::ElasticDirect->new(...);
die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

die "Allowed to run only at active master\n" unless $elk->ActiveMaster;
die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};


Pass through the request to ElasticSeach API transparent without much validation, so you must know the correct syntax and parameters of the API/path you are calling

You can receive the result at the format data, yaml, json, json_pretty, txt

The data format returns a Perl data structure e.g. hash or array, while the other are text formatted as defined


Health as yaml

my $reply = $elk->direct(method=>'GET', path=>'_cat/health', param=>'filter_path=status', format=>'yaml');
die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};
say $reply

Health as human readable json

$elk->direct(method=>'GET', path=>'_cat/health', param=>'filter_path=status', format=>'json_pretty');

Health as data; no filter_path is required with data

$reply = $elk->direct(method=>'GET', path=>'_cat/health', format=>'data');
say $reply->[0]->{status};

Indicies sorted

$reply = $elk->direct(method=>'GET', path=>'_cat/indices', param=>'h=index,health,docs.count,store.size&bytes=g&s=index:asc', format=>'data');
die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

foreach ( @{ $reply } ) {
say "$_->{index}, $_->{health}, $_->{'docs.count'}, $_->{'store.size'}"

DSL query

$reply    = $elk->direct(
method    => 'GET',
path      => 'foo/_search',
format    => 'data',
send_data => '{"size": 2, "query": {"range": {"@timestamp": {"from": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "to": "2036-01-03T23:59:59.999Z"}}}}'

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

foreach ( @{ $reply->{hits}->{hits} } ) {
say say "$_->{_source}->{'@timestamp'} , $_->{_source}->{id}"

SQL query

format can be here data, txt, csv, yaml, json, json_pretty, cbor, smile

$reply = $elk->direct(
method    => 'POST',
path      => '_sql',
format    => 'data',
send_data => "{\"query\": \"SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id >= '01' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100\"}"

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

if ($elk->{format} eq 'data') {

  foreach ( @{$reply->{rows}} ) {
  say join ' , ', @{$_}
else {
say $reply


Retrieve massive amount of results using the scroll API

documents here is how many records to fetch per iteration

format can be data, yaml, json or json_pretty

my $iterator = $elk->DeepPagination_scroll(
index     => 'foo',
documents => 9000,
format    => 'data',
send_data => '{"query": {"range": {"@timestamp": {"from": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "to": "2036-01-03T23:59:59.999Z"}}}}',
scroll    => '10m'

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

while (my $Documents = $iterator->()) {

  if ($elk->{format} eq 'data') {

    foreach my $doc (@{$Documents}) {
      foreach my $key (sort keys %{$doc->{_source}}) {
      say "$key : $doc->{_source}->{$key}";
  else {
  say $Documents


Retrieve massive amount of results using the search_after API

If you choose to use the PIT (point in time) it will created automatic for you

documents here is how many records to fetch per iteration

At sort, define as less fields you can that produce a unique combination. The fields must be sortable reasonable.

my $iterator = $elk->DeepPagination_search_after(
index     => 'foo',
PIT       => 'yes',
keep_alive=> '10m',
documents => 9000,
send_data => '{ "query": {"range": {"@timestamp": {"from": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "to": "2036-01-03T23:59:59.999Z"}}} }',
sort      => [ {'@timestamp'=> {order=> 'asc', format=> "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"}} , {id=>'asc'} ],

while (my $Documents = $iterator->()) {

  foreach my $doc (@{$Documents}) {

    foreach my $key (sort keys %{$doc->{_source}}) {
    say "$key : $doc->{_source}->{$key}"


Retrieve massive amount of results using the sql API

documents here is how many records to fetch per iteration

format can be data, csv, txt, yaml, json, json_pretty, cbor, smile

my $iterator = $elk->DeepPagination_sql(
documents => 100,
format    => 'data',
send_data => '{ "query": "SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id DESC" }'

die $elk->{error} if $elk->{error};

while (my $Documents = $iterator->()) {

  if ($elk->{format} eq 'data') {
  use Data::Dumper; say Dumper $Documents
  else {
  print $Documents


Search::Elasticsearch The official client for Elasticsearch

Dancer2::Plugin::ElasticSearch ElasticSearch wrapper for Dancer


Any ideas or contributors are welcome


George Bouras <>


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by George Bouras.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


George Bouras <>


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by George Bouras.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.