use SQLayer;
my $D = SQLayer -> new(database => 'DBI:mysql:database=phorum;host=localhost;port=3306', user => 'user', passowrd => 'somepass');
my $PAllRowsArrayRef = $D -> all_rows("SELECT a, b FROM dum"); # pointer to array
my @AOneColumnArray = $D -> column("SELECT a FROM dum"); # array
$D -> commit; # is equal to $D -> proc("COMMIT");
my $NConnectStatus = $D -> connect_status; # returns 1 if connected
$D -> DEBUG(1); # warn query only
$D -> DEBUG($n); # set trace level to $n-1
$D -> enable_transactions; # enable transactions if possible
$D -> errstr; # returns error code
my %HHashNameById = $D -> hash_all("SELECT id, name FROM dum"); #
my $PHashOneByFieldsNameRef = $D -> hash_row("SELECT a, b, c FROM dum WHERE id = '1'"); # pointer to hash
my %HHashOneByFieldsName = $D -> hash_var("SELECT a, b, c FROM dum WHERE id = '1'"); # hash
$D -> nodebug; # No warn query and clear tracing
$NAffectedRowsNum = $D -> proc("DELETE FROM dum WHERE a = b"); # affected rows
my @AOneRowArray = $D -> row("SELECT a, b, c FROM dum WHERE id = '1'"); # array
my $NVvalue = $D -> row("SELECT a FROM dum WHERE id = '1' "); # one value
my $PRowOfHashRef = $D -> row_hash("SELECT a, b, c FROM dum"); # pointer to array of hashes
$SQuoted = $D -> quote($SSomeVar); # same as DBI method
Need to written.
Written 1999 - 2003 (last change: 08.07.2003 11:16) by
Andrew Gromozdin (,
Sergei Kadurin (,
Andrei V. Shetuhin (stellar@akmosoft.comm.
Please report all bugs to <>.
Nothing known soon :)
perldoc DBI;
Module Install Instructions
To install SQLayer, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.