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SPVM::R::DataFrame - Data Frame


R::DataFrame class in SPVM represents a data frame.


use R::DataFrame;
use R::OP::DataFrame as DFOP;
use R::OP::Int as IOP;
use R::OP::Double as DOP;
use R::OP::String as STROP;
use R::OP::Time::Piece as TPOP;

# Create a R::DataFrame object
my $data_frame = R::DataFrame->new;

$data_frame->set_col("name", STROP->c(["Ken", "Yuki", "Mike"]));
$data_frame->set_col("age", IOP->c([19, 43, 50]));
$data_frame->set_col("weight", DOP->c([(double)50.6, 60.3, 80.5]));
$data_frame->set_col("birth", TPOP->c(["1980-10-10", "1985-12-10", "1970-02-16"]));

my $data_frame_string = $data_frame->to_string;

my $slice_data_frame = $data_frame->slice(["name", "age"], [IOP->c([0, 1])]);

$data_frame->sort(["name", "age desc"]);

my $nrow = $data_frame->nrow;

my $ncol = $data_frame->ncol;

my $dim = $data_frame->first_col->dim;

See also Data Frame Examples.


This class is a port of data frame features of R language.

Complexity of Getting, Setting, Inserting and Removing a Column

The complexity of getting a new column is O(1).

The complexity of setting a column is O(1).

The complexity of inserting a new column is O(n), but the complexity of inserting a new column to the end of columns is O(1).

The complexity of removing a column is O(n), but the complexity of removing a column from the end of columns is O(1).

Data Frame Operations

See R::OP::DataFrame about data frame operations.



has colobjs_list : List of R::DataFrame::Column;

A list of R::DataFrame::Column objects that represents columns.


has colobjs_indexes_h : Hash of Int;

A hash that stores the column index for each column name.

Class Methods


static method new : R::DataFrame ();

Creates a new R::DataFrame object and returns it.

Instance Methods


method colnames : string[] ();

Returns column names.


method exists_col : int ($colname : string);

If the colnum named $colname exists, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.


method colname : string ($col : int);

Returns a column name at column index $col.


If the column at index $col dose not exist, an exception is thrown.


method colindex : int ($colname : string);

Returns the column index of the column named $colname.


If the column named $colname does not exists, an exception is thrown.


method col_by_index : R::NDArray ($col : int);

Returns the n-dimensional array at column index $col.


If the column at index $col does not exists, an exception is thrown.


method first_col : R::NDArray ();

Returns the n-dimensional array of the first column.

This method calls "col" method.


Exceptions thrown by "col" method could be thrown.


method col : R::NDArray ($colname : string);

Returns the n-dimensional array of the column named $colname.


If the column named $colname dose not exist, an exception is thrown.


method set_col : void ($colname : string, $ndarray : R::NDArray);

Sets the n-dimensional array of the column named $colname to the n-dimensional array $ndarray.

$ndarray becomes read-only by calling R::NDArray#make_dim_read_only method.

If the n-dimensional array of the column named $colname exists, it is replaced with $ndarray.

If not, a new column is inserted by "insert_col" method.


method insert_col : void ($colname : string, $ndarray : R::NDArray, $before_colname : string = undef);

Inserts the column named $colname with the n-dimensional array $ndarray before the column named $before_colname.

If $before_colname is not defined, the new column is instered at the end of columns.

The column name $colname must be a non-empty string. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.

The n-dimensional array $ndarray must be defined. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.

If the column named $colname already exists, an exception is thrown.

The dimensions of the n-dimensional array $ndarray must be equal to the dimensions of the n-dimensional array of the first column of this data frame. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.


method ncol : int ();

Returns the column numbers.


method nrow : int ();

Returns the row numbers.

If columns do not exist, returns 0.


The n-dimensional array of the first column of this data frame must be a vector.


method remove_col : void ($colname : string);

Removes the column named $colname.

This method calls "colindex" method.


Exceptions thrown by "colindex" method could be thrown.


method clone : R::DataFrame ($shallow : int = 0);

Clones this data frame and returns it.

This method calls R::NDArray#clone method for the n-dimensional array of each column in this data frame.


method to_string : string ();

Strigifies this data frame and returns it.


method slice : R::DataFrame ($colnames : string[], $axis_indexes_product : R::NDArray::Int[]);

Slices this data frame given the column names $colnames and the product of axis indexes $axis_indexes_product, and returnd sliced data frame.

This method calls R::NDArray#slice method for the n-dimensional array of each column in this data frame.


method order : R::NDArray::Int ($colnames_with_sort_order : string[]);

Gets order data given the column names with the sort orders $colnames_with_sort_order, and returns the order data.

The returned order data can be used for the argument of "set_order" method.

Format of a Column Name with the Sort Order:


COLUMN_NAME is a column name.

SORT_ORDER is asc or desc.

Examples are

age asc
age desc


The column names $colnames_with_sort_order must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The column numbers of this data frame must be greater than 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If the column named $colname does not exist, an excetpion is thrown.

($colname is the column part of $colnames_with_sort_order.)

If the column name with the sort order is invalid format, an exception is thrown.


method set_order : void ($data_indexes_ndarray : R::NDArray::Int);

Calls R::NDArray#set_order method for the n-dimeniaonal array of each column in this data frame.


method sort : void ($colnames_with_sort_order : string[]);

Sort data in the n-dimensional array in this data frame given the column name with the sort order $colnames_with_sort_order.


This method calls "order" method given $colnames_with_sort_order and calls "set_order" method givne the return value of "order" method.

See Also

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2024 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License