
SPVM::Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX - SSL_CTX data structure in OpenSSL


Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX class in SPVM represents SSL_CTX data structure in OpenSSL.


use Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX;


Callback Hack

SSL_CTX uses a number of callback functions.

These callbacks cannot receive a Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX object.

See Callback Hack about the way resolving this problem.

In this case, a native SSL object in the documentis replaced with a native SSL_CTX object, and Net::SSLeay object in the document is replaced with Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX object.



has verify_callback : ro Net::SSLeay::Callback::Verify;

A callback set by "set_verify" method.


has default_passwd_cb : ro Net::SSLeay::Callback::PemPassword;

A callback set by "set_default_passwd_cb" method.


has alpn_select_cb : ro Net::SSLeay::Callback::AlpnSelect;

A callback set by "set_alpn_select_cb" method.


has alpn_select_cb_output : string;

An output string returned by calling the callback in "alpn_select_cb" field.


has tlsext_servername_callback : ro Net::SSLeay::Callback::TlsextServername;

A callback set by "set_tlsext_servername_callback" method.

Class Methods


static method new : Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX ($method : Net::SSLeay::SSL_METHOD);

Calls native SSL_CTX_new function given the pointer value of $method, enables SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY mode, creates a new Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX object, sets the pointer value of the new object to the return value of the native function.

And calls "init" method.

And returns the new object.


If SSL_CTX_new failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.

Instance Methods


protected method init : void ($options : object[] = undef);

Initializes the instance given the options $options.

Performes Initialization process described in Callback Hack.


method get_mode : long ();

Calls native SSL_CTX_get_mode function given the pointer value of the instance, and returns its return value.


method set_mode : long ($mode : long);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_mode function given the pointer value of the instance, $mode, and returns its return value.


method get0_param : Net::SSLeay::X509_VERIFY_PARAM ();

Calls native SSL_CTX_get0_param function, creates a Net::SSLeay::X509_VERIFY_PARAM object, sets the pointer value of the new object to the return value of the native function, sets no_free flag of the new object to 1, creates a reference from the new object to the instance, and returns the new object.


method load_verify_locations : int ($CAfile : string, $CApath : string);

Calls native SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations function given the pointer value of the instance, $CAfile, $CApath, and returns its return value.


If SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_default_verify_paths : int ();

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths function, and returns its return value.


If SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_default_verify_paths_windows : void ();

It behaves as if "set_default_verify_paths" is performed in Windows using the way described below.




If CertOpenSystemStore failed, an exception is thrown.

d2i_X509 failed, an exception is thrown.

X509_STORE_add_cert failed, an exception is thrown.


method use_certificate_file : int ($file : string, $type : int = -1);

Calls native SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file function given the pointer value of the instance, $file, $type, and returns its return value.

If $type is a negative integer, $type is set to SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


The file $file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method use_certificate_chain_file : int ($file : string);

Calls native SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file function given the pointer value of the instance, $file, and returns its return value.


If SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method use_PrivateKey_file : int ($file : string, $type : int = -1);

Calls native SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function given the pointer value of the instance, $file, $type, and returns its return value.

If $type is a negative integer, $type is set to SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


The file $file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method use_PrivateKey : int ($pkey : Net::SSLeay::EVP_PKEY);

Calls native SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey function given the pointer value of the instance, the pointer value of $pkey, and returns its return value.


The EVP_PKEY object $pkey must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_cipher_list : int ($str : string);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list function given the pointer value of the instance, $str, and returns its return value.


The cipher list $str must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_ciphersuites : int ($str : string);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites function given the pointer value of the instance, $str, and returns its return value.


The ciphersuites $str must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method get_cert_store : Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE ();

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_cert_store function, creates a new Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE, sets the pointer value of the new object to the return value of the native function, calls X509_STORE_up_ref function on the return value of the native function, and returns the new object.


method set_options : long ($options : long);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_options function given the pointer value of the instance, $options, and returns its return value.


method get_options : long ();

Calls native SSL_CTX_get_options function given the pointer value of the instance, and returns its return value.


method clear_options : long ($options : long);

Calls native SSL_CTX_clear_options function given the pointer value of the instance, $options, and returns its return value.


method set_alpn_protos : int ($protos : string, $protos_len : int = -1);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos function given $ptotos, $protos_len, and returns its return value.

If $protos_len is less than 0, it is set to the length of $protos.


The protocols $protos must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_alpn_protos_with_protocols : int ($protocols : string[]);

Calls Net::SSLeay::Util#convert_to_wire_format method given $protocols, calls "set_alpn_protos" method given the return value of convert_to_wire_format method, and returns its return value.


method set1_groups_list : int ($list : string);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set1_groups_list function given the group list $list, and returns its return value.


The group list $list must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If set1_groups_list failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_post_handshake_auth : void ($val : int);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_post_handshake_auth function given the pointer value of the instance, $val.


method set_min_proto_version : int ($version : int);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version function given the pointer value of the instance, $version, and returns its return value.


If SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_client_CA_list : void ($list : X509_NAME[]);

Creates a new native STACK_OF(X509_NAME) object(named x509_names_stack).

And performs the following loop:copies the element at index $i using native X509_NAME_dup, pushes the copied value to x509_names_stack.

And calls native SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list function given the pointer value of the instance, x509_names_stack.


The list $list must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


method add_client_CA : int ($cacert : Net::SSLeay::X509);

Calls native SSL_CTX_add_client_CA function given the pointer value of the instance, the pointer value of $cacert, and returns its return value.


The X509 object $cacert must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If add_client_CA failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method use_certificate : int ($x : Net::SSLeay::X509);

Calls native SSL_CTX_use_certificate function given the pointer value of the instance, the pointer value of $x, and returns its return value.


The X509 object $x must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_use_certificate failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method add_extra_chain_cert : long ($x509 : Net::SSLeay::X509);

Calls native SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert function given the pointer value of the instance, the pointer value of $x509, calls native X509_up_ref function on the pointer value of $x509, and returns its return value.


The X509 object $x509 must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

If SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert failed, an exception is thrown with eval_error_id set to the basic type ID of Net::SSLeay::Error class.


method set_verify : void ($mode : int, $verify_callback : Net::SSLeay::Callback::Verify = undef);

If the callback $verify_callback is defined, A native variable native_cb is set to a function pointer of the native callback funcion described below, otherwise native_cb is set to NULL.

And calls native SSL_CTX_set_verify function given the pointer value of the instance, native_cb.

And sets "verify_callback" field to $verify_callback.

Native Callback Function:

The native callback function is defined by the following native code:

static int SPVM__Net__SSLeay__SSL_CTX__my__verify_callback(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* x509_store_ctx) {
  int32_t error_id = 0;
  int32_t ret_status = 0;
  SPVM_ENV* env = thread_env;
  SPVM_VALUE* stack = env->new_stack(env);
  int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope(env, stack);
  SSL* ssl = (SSL*)X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(x509_store_ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx());
  if (!ssl) {
    env->die(env, stack, "X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(x509_store_ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx()) failed.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  SSL_CTX* self = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl);
  if (!self) {
    env->die(env, stack, "SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl) failed.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  char* tmp_buffer = env->get_stack_tmp_buffer(env, stack);
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", self);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_self = stack[0].oval;
  void* obj_cb = env->get_field_object_by_name(env, stack, obj_self, "verify_callback", &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  if (!obj_cb) {
    env->die(env, stack, "verify_callback field must be defined.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_address_x509_store_ctx = env->new_pointer_object_by_name(env, stack, "Address", x509_store_ctx, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  stack[0].oval = obj_address_x509_store_ctx;
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX", "new_with_pointer", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_x509_store_ctx = stack[0].oval;
  env->set_no_free(env, stack, obj_x509_store_ctx, 1);
  stack[0].oval = obj_cb;
  stack[1].ival = preverify_ok;
  stack[2].oval = obj_x509_store_ctx;
  env->call_instance_method_by_name(env, stack, "", 3, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  ret_status = stack[0].ival;
  env->leave_scope(env, stack, scope_id);
  env->free_stack(env, stack);
  return ret_status;


method set_alpn_select_cb : void ($cb : Net::SSLeay::Callback::AlpnSelect);

If the callback $cb is defined, A native variable native_cb is set to a function pointer of the native callback funcion described below, otherwise native_cb is set to NULL.

And calls native SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb function given the pointer value of the instance, native_cb, NULL.

And sets "alpn_select_cb" field to $cb.

Native Callback Function:

The native callback function is defined by the following native code:

static int SPVM__Net__SSLeay__SSL_CTX__my__alpn_select_cb(SSL* ssl, const unsigned char** out_ref, unsigned char* outlen_ref, const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inlen, void* native_arg) {
  int32_t error_id = 0;
  int32_t ret_status = SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK;
  void** native_args = (void**)native_arg;
  SPVM_ENV* env = thread_env;
  SPVM_VALUE* stack = env->new_stack(env);
  int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope(env, stack);
  SSL_CTX* self = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl);
  char* tmp_buffer = env->get_stack_tmp_buffer(env, stack);
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", self);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_self = stack[0].oval;
  void* obj_cb = env->get_field_object_by_name(env, stack, obj_self, "alpn_select_cb", &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  if (!obj_cb) {
    env->die(env, stack, "alpn_select_cb field must be defined.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_address_ssl = env->new_pointer_object_by_name(env, stack, "Address", ssl, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", ssl);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_ssl = stack[0].oval;
  void* obj_out_ref = env->new_string_array(env, stack, 1);
  void* obj_in = env->new_string(env, stack, in, inlen);
  stack[0].oval = obj_cb;
  stack[1].oval = obj_ssl;
  stack[2].oval = obj_out_ref;
  stack[3].bref = outlen_ref;
  stack[4].oval = obj_in;
  stack[5].ival = inlen;
  env->call_instance_method_by_name(env, stack, "", 6, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  ret_status = stack[0].ival;
  void* obj_out = env->get_elem_object(env, stack, obj_out_ref, 0);
  if (!obj_out) {
    env->die(env, stack, "An output string for set_alpn_select_cb is not set.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  const char* out = env->get_chars(env, stack, obj_out);
  *out_ref = out;
  env->set_field_string_by_name(env, stack, obj_self, "alpn_select_cb_output", obj_out, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  env->leave_scope(env, stack, scope_id);
  env->free_stack(env, stack);
  return ret_status;


method set_alpn_select_cb_with_protocols : void ($protocols : string[]);

Calls "set_alpn_select_cb" method given the following anon method.

my $cb = [$protocols : string[]] method : int ($ssl : Net::SSLeay, $out_ref : string[], $outlen_ref : byte*, $in : string, $inlen : int) {
  my $wire_format = Net::SSLeay::Util->convert_to_wire_format($protocols);
  my $status_select_next_proto = Net::SSLeay->select_next_proto($out_ref, $outlen_ref, $in, $inlen, $wire_format, length $wire_format);
  my $status = SSL->SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK;
  if ($status_select_next_proto == SSL->OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED) {
    $status = SSL->SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK;
  return $status;


method set_default_passwd_cb : void ($cb : Net::SSLeay::Callback::PemPassword);

If the callback $cb is defined, A native variable native_cb is set to a function pointer of the native callback funcion described below, otherwise native_cb is set to NULL.

And calls native SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb function given the pointer value of the instance, native_cb, the pointer of the instance, and calls SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata given the pointer of the instance.

And sets "default_passwd_cb" field to $cb.

Native Callback Function:

The native callback function is defined by the following native code:

static int SPVM__Net__SSLeay__SSL_CTX__my__default_passwd_cb(char* buf, int size, int rwflag, void* native_arg) {
  int32_t error_id = 0;
  int32_t ret_buf_length = 0;
  SPVM_ENV* env = thread_env;
  SPVM_VALUE* stack = env->new_stack(env);
  int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope(env, stack);
  SSL_CTX* self = (SSL_CTX*)native_arg;
  char* tmp_buffer = env->get_stack_tmp_buffer(env, stack);
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", self);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_self = stack[0].oval;
  void* obj_cb = env->get_field_object_by_name(env, stack, obj_self, "default_passwd_cb", &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  if (!obj_cb) {
    env->die(env, stack, "default_passwd_cb field must be defined.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_buf = env->new_string(env, stack, buf, size);
  stack[0].oval = obj_cb;
  stack[1].oval = obj_buf;
  stack[2].ival = size;
  stack[3].ival = rwflag;
  env->call_instance_method_by_name(env, stack, "", 4, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  ret_buf_length = stack[0].ival;
  memcpy(buf, env->get_chars(env, stack, obj_buf), size);
  env->leave_scope(env, stack, scope_id);
  env->free_stack(env, stack);
  return ret_buf_length;


method set_tlsext_servername_callback : long ($callback : Net::SSLeay::Callback::TlsextServername);

Calls native SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback function given $cb, NULL, and returns its return value.

If the callback $callback is defined, A native variable native_cb is set to a function pointer of the native callback funcion described below, otherwise native_cb is set to NULL.

And calls native SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback function given the pointer value of the instance, native_cb.

And sets "alpn_select_cb" field to $callback.

And retunrs the return value of native SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback function.

Native Callback Function:

The native callback function is defined by the following native code:

static int SPVM__Net__SSLeay__SSL_CTX__my__tlsext_servername_callback(SSL* ssl, int* al, void* native_arg) {
  int32_t error_id = 0;
  int32_t ret_status = SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK;
  SPVM_ENV* env = thread_env;
  SPVM_VALUE* stack = env->new_stack(env);
  int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope(env, stack);
  SSL_CTX* self = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl);
  char* tmp_buffer = env->get_stack_tmp_buffer(env, stack);
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", self);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_self = stack[0].oval;
  void* obj_cb = env->get_field_object_by_name(env, stack, obj_self, "tlsext_servername_callback", &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  if (!obj_cb) {
    env->die(env, stack, "tlsext_servername_callback field must be defined.", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  snprintf(tmp_buffer, SPVM_NATIVE_C_STACK_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%p", ssl);
  stack[0].oval = env->new_string(env, stack, tmp_buffer, strlen(tmp_buffer));
  env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack, "Net::SSLeay", "GET_INSTANCE", 1, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  void* obj_ssl = stack[0].oval;
  stack[0].oval = obj_cb;
  stack[1].oval = obj_ssl;
  int32_t al_tmp = 0;
  stack[2].iref = &al_tmp;
  env->call_instance_method_by_name(env, stack, "", 3, &error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
  ret_status = stack[0].ival;
  *al = al_tmp;
  if (error_id) {
    env->print_exception_to_stderr(env, stack);
    goto END_OF_FUNC;
  env->leave_scope(env, stack, scope_id);
  env->free_stack(env, stack);
  return ret_status;


method DESTROY : void ();

Performes Cleanup process described in Callback Hack.

And calls native SSL_CTX_free function given the pointer value of the instance unless no_free flag of the instance is a true value.

See Also

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License