
SPVM::IO::Socket - Sockets


IO::Socket class in SPVM represents a socket.


use IO::Socket;


IO::Socket is an abstract class.

See "Well Known Child Classes" about child classes of this class.

Socket Constant Values

See Sys::Socket::Constant about constant values for sockets.


Connect, accept, read, and write operations in IO::Socket class work with goroutines.

Non-blocking mode of a IO::Socket object is enabled.

If an IO wait occurs, control is transferred to another goroutine.

This allows you to write connect, accept, read, and write operations as if they were synchronous.

Well Known Child Classes

Super Class




has Domain : protected int;

A protocol family, such as AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UNIX.


has Type : protected int;

A socket type, such as SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW.


has Proto : protected ro int;

A socket protocol, such as IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP.


has Timeout : protected double;

A timeout seconds for read, write, connect, accept operations.


has Listen : protected int;

The number of listen backlog.


has Sockaddr : protected Sys::Socket::Sockaddr;

A Sys::Socket::Sockaddr object used by "connect" or "bind" method.

Instance Methods


protected method init : void ($options : object[] = undef);


The following options are available adding to the options for IO::Handle#init method.

[Name][Type][Default Value]

  • Domain : Int = 0

  • Type : Int = 0

  • Proto : Int = 0

  • Timeout : Double = 0.0

  • Listen : Int = 0

The blocking mode of the socket is set to non-blocking mode.


method sockdomain : int ();

Returns the value of "Domain" field.


method socktype : int ();

Returns the value of "Type" field.


method protocol : int ();

Returns the value of "Proto" field.


method timeout : double ();

Returns the value of "Timeout" field.


method set_timeout : void ($timeout : double);

Sets "Timeout" field to $timeout.


method set_blocking : void ($blocking : int);

This method is the same as IO::Handle#set_blocking method, but if a true value is given to $blocking, an exception is thrown.


Calling set_blocking method given a true value on an IO::Socket object is forbidden.


protected method socket : void ();

Opens a socket using "Domain" field, "Type" field, and "Protocal" field.

IO::Handle#FD field is set to the file descriptor of the socket.

This method calls Sys#socket method.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#socket method could be thrown.


protected method connect : void ();

Performs connect operation.

This method calls Sys#connect method given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Sockaddr" field.

If connect operation need to be performed again for IO wait, Go#gosched_io_write method is called given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Timeout" field.

And when the current goroutine is returned, this method retries connect operation.

If timeout occurs, an exception is thrown set eval_error_id to the basic type ID of the Go::Error::IOTimeout class.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#connect method could be thrown.

Exceptions thrown by Go#gosched_io_write method could be thrown.


protected method bind : void ($sockaddr : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr);

Perform bind operation.

This method calls Sys#bind method given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Sockaddr" field.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#bind method could be thrown.


protected method listen : void ();

Does the same thing that listen system call does given the file descriptor IO::Handle#FD field.

This method calls Sys#listen.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#listen method could be thrown.


method accept : IO::Socket ($peer_ref : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr[] = undef);

Performs accept operation and returns a client socket object.

The type of the returned object is the type of this instance.

This method calls Sys#accept method given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and $peer_ref.

If accept operation need to be performed again for IO wait, Go#gosched_io_read method is called given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Timeout" field.

And when the current goroutine is returned, this method retries accept operation.

If timeout occurs, an exception is thrown set eval_error_id to the basic type ID of the Go::Error::IOTimeout class.

$peer_ref at index 0 is set to a client socket address if specified.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#accept method could be thrown.

Exceptions thrown by Go#gosched_io_read method could be thrown.


method shutdown : void ($how : int);

Performs shutdown operation given the way $how.

This method calls Sys#shutdown method.

See Sys::Socket::Constant about constant values given to $how.





Exceptions thrown by Sys#shutdown method could be thrown.


method close : void ();

Performs close operation.

This method calls Sys::Socket#close method


If this socket is not opened or already closed, an excetpion is thrown.


method recvfrom : int ($buffer : mutable string, $length : int, $flags : int, $from_ref : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr[], $offset : int = 0)

Performs recvfrom operation and returns read length.

This method calls Sys#recvfrom method given the value of IO::Handle#FD field, $buffer, $length, $flags, $from_ref, $offset, and returns its return value.

If recvfrom operation need to be performed again for IO wait, Go#gosched_io_read method is called given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Timeout" field.

And when the current goroutine is returned, this method retries recvfrom operation.

If timeout occurs, an exception is thrown set eval_error_id to the basic type ID of the Go::Error::IOTimeout class.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#recvfrom method could be thrown.

Exceptions thrown by Go#gosched_io_read method could be thrown.


method sendto : int ($buffer : string, $flags : int, $to : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr, $length : int = -1, $offset : int = 0);

Performs sendto operation and returns write length.

This method calls Sys#sendto method given the value of IO::Handle#FD field, $buffer, $flags, $to, $length, $offset, and returns its return value.

If sendto operation need to be performed again for IO wait, Go#gosched_io_write method is called given the value of IO::Handle#FD field and the value of "Timeout" field.

And when the current goroutine is returned, this method retries sendto operation.

If timeout occurs, an exception is thrown set eval_error_id to the basic type ID of the Go::Error::IOTimeout class.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#sendto method could be thrown.

Exceptions thrown by Go#gosched_io_write method could be thrown.


method recv : int ($buffer : mutable string, $length : int = -1, $flags : int = 0, $offset : int = 0);

Performs recv operation.

Thie method just calls "recvfrom" method given $buffer, $length, $flags, $from_ref set to undef, $offset, and returns its return value.


Exceptions thrown by "recvfrom" method could be thrown.


method send : int ($buffer : string, $flags : int = 0, $length : int = -1, $offset : int = 0);

Performs send operation.

This method just calls "sendto" method given $buffer, $flags, $to set to 0, $length, $offset, and returns its return value.


Exceptions thrown by "sendto" method could be thrown.


method read : int ($buffer : mutable string, $length : int = -1, $offset : int = 0);

Perform read operation.

This method just calls "recv" method given $buffer, $length, $flags set to 0, $offset, and returns its return values.


Exceptions thrown by "recv" method could be thrown.


method write : int ($buffer : string, $length : int = -1, $offset : int = 0);

Perform write operation.

This method just calls "send" method given $buffer, $flags set to 0, $length, $offset, and returns its return values.


Exceptions thrown by "send" method could be thrown.


method sockname : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ();

Returns a Sys::Socket::Sockaddr for a local address.

This method calls Sys#getsockname method given the vlaue of IO::Handle#FD field.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#getsockname method could be thrown.


method peername : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ();

Returns a Sys::Socket::Sockaddr for a remote address.

This method calls Sys#getpeername method given the vlaue of IO::Handle#FD field.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#getpeername method could be thrown.


method connected : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ();

Checks if the socket is connected.

If "peername" method does not throw an exception, returns a Sys::Socket::Sockaddr object, otherwise returns undef.


method atmark : int ();

Perform atmark operation and returns the result.

This method just calls Sys::Socket#sockatmark method given the vlaue of IO::Handle#FD field.


Exceptions thrown by Sys::Socket#sockatmark method could be thrown.


method sockopt : int ($level : int, $option_name : int);

Perform sockopt operation and returns the result.

Gets a socket option of the file descriptor stored in IO::Handle#FD field given the socket level $level and the option name $option_name.

This method just calls Sys#getsockopt method given the vlaue of IO::Handle#FD field, $level, $opton_name, and its return value.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#getsockopt method could be thrown.


method setsockopt : void ($level : int, $option_name : int, $option_value : object of string|Int);

Perform setsockopt operation.

This method just calls Sys#setsockopt method given the arguments given the vlaue of IO::Handle#FD field, $level, $option_name.


Exceptions thrown by Sys#setsockopt method could be thrown.

See Also


This class is a Perl's IO::Socket porting to SPVM.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License