
SPVM::File::Temp::Dir - Temporary Directories


The File::Temp::Dir class in SPVM has methods to manipulate temporary directories.


use File::Temp;

my $tmp_dir = File::Temp::Dir->new;

my $tmp_dirname = $tmp_dir->dirname;

# With options
my $tmp_dir = File::Temp::Dir->new({CLEANUP => 0});



has dirname : ro string;

A directory path. This is the path of a temporary directoy.


has process_id : int;

A process ID. This is the process ID of the process that creates a temporary directory.

Class Methods


static method new : File::Temp::Dir ($options : object[] = undef);

Creates a new File::Temp::Dir object given the options $options, and returns it.

"process_id" field is set to the current process ID.

new Options

DIR option

DIR : string = undef

A directory where a temproary directory is created.

TMPDIR option

TMPDIR : Int = 0

If this value is a true value and the value of "TEMPLATE option" is defined but the value of "DIR option" is not defined, the temporary directory in the system is used as the value of "DIR option".


TEMPLATE : string = undef

A template. This is the template for the base name of the temporary direcoty and contains multiple X such as tempXXXXX.


If the value of this option is defined and the value of "DIR" option is not defined and the value of "TMPDIR" option is not a true value, a temporary directiry is created in the current working directry.

CLEANUP option

CLEANUP : Int = 1

If this value is a true value, the program tries to remove the temporary directory when this instance is destroyed.

See "DESTROY" method for details.


method DESTROY : void ();

If the vlaue of "CLEANUP option" is a true value and the current process ID is the same as "process_id" field, removes the temproary directory.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License