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SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array - Abstract class for native SOAP Array complex type


package My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::SomeItem;

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Data::ComplexType;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Data::ComplexType);

use constant OBJ_URI 	=> undef;
use constant OBJ_TYPE	=> 'SOAP-ENC:SomeItem';
use constant OBJ_FIELDS	=> {
	item1	=> ['int'],
	item2	=> ['float'],
	item3	=> ['string'],

sub new {
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	my $data = shift;
	my $obj_fields = shift;
	$obj_fields = defined $obj_fields && ref($obj_fields) eq 'HASH' ? {%{+OBJ_FIELDS}, %{$obj_fields}} : OBJ_FIELDS;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($data, $obj_fields);
	return bless($self, $class);

package My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::ArrayOfSomeItem;

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array);

use constant OBJ_URI 		=> undef;
use constant OBJ_TYPE		=> SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array::OBJ_TYPE;
use constant OBJ_ARRAY_TYPE	=> My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::SomeItem::OBJ_TYPE;
use constant OBJ_FIELDS		=> {
	someItem	=> [
		[My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::SomeItem::OBJ_TYPE, My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::SomeItem::OBJ_FIELDS], 

sub new {
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	my $data = shift;
	my $obj_fields = shift;
	$obj_fields = defined $obj_fields && ref($obj_fields) eq 'HASH' ? {%{+OBJ_FIELDS}, %{$obj_fields}} : OBJ_FIELDS;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($data, $obj_fields);
	return bless($self, $class);

package My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Baz;

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Data::ComplexType 0.032;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Data::ComplexType);

use constant OBJ_URI 	=> undef;
use constant OBJ_TYPE	=> 'SOAP-ENC:Baz';
use constant OBJ_FIELDS	=> {
	simpleField	=> ['string'],
	arrayField	=> [
		[My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::ArrayOfSomeItem::OBJ_TYPE, My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::ArrayOfSomeItem::OBJ_FIELDS],
		{ 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType' => My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::ArrayOfSomeItem::OBJ_ARRAY_TYPE },
	simpleArrayField	=> [
		'SOAP-ENC:Array', undef, undef
		{ 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType' => 'float' },

sub new {
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	my $data = shift;
	my $obj_fields = shift;
	$obj_fields = defined $obj_fields && ref($obj_fields) eq 'HASH' ? {%{+OBJ_FIELDS}, %{$obj_fields}} : OBJ_FIELDS;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($data, $obj_fields);
	return bless($self, $class);

package main;

my $request_obj = My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Baz->new({
	simpleField	=> 'sometext',
	arrayField	=> [
			item1	=> 12345,
			item2	=> 12345.6789,
			item3	=> 'asdf'
			item1	=> 54321,
			item2	=> 98765.4321,
			item3	=> 'fdsa'
	simpleArrayField => [


SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array is an abstract class that represents the native Array complex type in SOAP. This allows users to define complex types that extend the Array class


Object Definition

In SOAP, you can either create an array of a simple or complex type. Essentially, there are three critical steps: 1. Defining your class that extends SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array 2. Specifying the OBJ_FIELDS definition for your implementing class 3. Defining the arrayType attribute in your implementing class

Since SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array is a subclass of SOAP::Data::ComplexType, you must follow the usual "IMPLEMENTATION" in SOAP::Data, with the following additional compile-time constant:

OBJ_ARRAY_TYPE: namespace and type of the complexType (formatted like 'myNamespace:myDataType')

For your subclass of SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Array, compile-time constant OBJ_TYPE must be explcitiy defined as 'ns:Array', as in:

use constant OBJ_TYPE => 'SOAP-ENC:Array';

Then, in the complex type class that implements your complex array class, you must define the arrayType attribute of your array field to the type of your class, as in:

{ 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType' => My::SOAP::Data::ComplexType::ArrayOfSomeItem::OBJ_ARRAY_TYPE }

See the "SYNOPSYS" for a common example of complex array type usage.

Constructor input data structure

Perl raw data format to be passed to a complex array constructor might look something like the following:

myArray => [
		item1	=> ...,
		item2	=> ...,
		item1	=> ...,
		item2	=> ...,

where values within the array must be stored as separate, anonymous hashes.

The critical difference between this and what you might expect to use given the USAGE instructions is that the hashes stored within a perl-data structure array are anonymous, whereas the XML complex type definition suggests that each element in that array has a key name. Perl must define raw data of this type as shown above, as perl hashes do not allow for duplicate key names with different values in the same level of a hash. This is an important distinction to be aware of, as it is as a very common element of confusion when dealing with SOAP arrays in perl.


Eric Rybski <>.


Copyright 2006 by Eric Rybski, All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

