Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolSurfaceDefinition - Perl extension for the Common Image Generator Interface - Symbol Surface Definition data packet. data packet. =head1 SYNOPSIS

use Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolSurfaceDefinition;
my $sym_surf = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolSurfaceDefinition->new();

$packet_type = $sym_surf->packet_type();
$packet_size = $sym_surf->packet_size();
$surface_ident = $sym_surf->surface_ident(35085);
$perspective_growth_enable = $sym_surf->perspective_growth_enable(Rinchi::CIGIPP->Enabled);
$billboard = $sym_surf->billboard(Rinchi::CIGIPP->Billboard);
$attach_type = $sym_surf->attach_type(Rinchi::CIGIPP->ViewAT);
$surface_state = $sym_surf->surface_state(Rinchi::CIGIPP->DestroyedSS);
$entity_ident = $sym_surf->entity_ident(47752);
$view_ident = $sym_surf->view_ident(58180);
$x_offset = $sym_surf->x_offset(40.156);
$left = $sym_surf->left(30.873);
$y_offset = $sym_surf->y_offset(36.278);
$right = $sym_surf->right(65.423);
$z_offset = $sym_surf->z_offset(64.092);
$top = $sym_surf->top(30.89);
$yaw = $sym_surf->yaw(0.109);
$bottom = $sym_surf->bottom(5.179);
$pitch = $sym_surf->pitch(80.979);
$roll = $sym_surf->roll(61.448);
$width = $sym_surf->width(83.426);
$height = $sym_surf->height(47.941);
$min_u = $sym_surf->min_u(31.315);
$max_u = $sym_surf->max_u(53.721);
$min_v = $sym_surf->min_v(16.873);
$max_v = $sym_surf->max_v(34.874);


The Symbol Surface Definition packet is used to create a symbol surface and control its position, orientation,size, and other attributes.

Each symbol surface is identified by a unique Surface ID value. When the IG receives a Symbol Surface Definition packet referring to a surface that does not exist, the IG creates a new surface based on the packet'sattributes. If the surface does exist, it is modified according to the packet's attributes.

A symbol surface must be attached to exactly one entity or view. The Attach Type attribute determines the typeof object to which the view is attached, and the Entity ID/View ID attribute identifies that object. If the entity or view does not exist, the Symbol Surface Definition packet is ignored.

For surfaces attached to a view, the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom attributes define the position and size of the surface. These values are specified relative to the view's Normalized Viewport Coordinate System as described in CIGI ICD Section

For non-billboard surfaces attached to an entity, the X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset, Yaw, Pitch, and Roll attributes specify the position and attitude of the surface in relation to the entity to which it is attached. The translation and rotation behavior is the same as for a child entity and is described in CIGI ICD Section The Width and Height attributes specify the size of the surface.

For billboard surfaces attached to an entity, the X Offset, Y Offset, and Z Offset attributes define the distance from the surface to the entity. The orientation of the entity has no effect on the view's orientation; the view is always parallel to the view plane as described in CIGI ICD Section Section The Width and Height attributes specify the size of the surface. The Yaw, Pitch, and Roll attributes are ignored. Every surface has a local 2D (UV) coordinate system that is used to place, rotate, and size of each symbol drawn on the surface as described in CIGI ICD Section The Min U, Max U, Min V, and Max V attributes define this coordinate system.

The stacking order for surfaces attached to the same view is such that a surface with a lower Surface ID value is drawn behind (i.e., further from the eyepoint than) a surface with a higher value. For example, if three surfaces attached to the same view have Surface ID values of 3, 4, and 7, then Surface 3 is drawn first. Surface 4 is drawn next and may occult any overlapping areas. Finally, Surface 7 is drawn on top and may likewise occult parts of the other surfaces. Any surface attached to an entity is contained in the scene and is drawn with entities and other objects also in the scene. Since surfaces attached to views are coincident with the near clipping plane, view-attached surfaces ared rawn on top of all other objects in the view.

Once a Symbol Surface Definition packet describing a symbol surface is sent to the IG, the state of that surface will not change until another Symbol Surface Definition packet referencing the same Surface ID is received.

A symbol surface is destroyed by setting the Surface State attribute to Destroyed (1). Any symbols associated with that surface are also destroyed.

If an entity is destroyed, then any symbol surfaces attached to that entity are also destroyed.


None by default.


new $sym_surf = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolSurfaceDefinition->new()

Constructor for Rinchi::SymbolSurfaceDefinition.

sub packet_type()
$value = $sym_surf->packet_type();

Data Packet Identifier.

This attribute identifies this data packet as the Symbol Surface Definition packet. The value of this attribute must be 29.

sub packet_size()
$value = $sym_surf->packet_size();

Data Packet Size.

This attribute indicates the number of bytes in this data packet. The value of this attribute must be 56.

sub surface_ident([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->surface_ident($newValue);

Surface ID.

This attribute specifies the symbol surface to which this packet is applied.

Values 0 through 32767 are used for Host-defined symbols. Values of 32768 through 65535 are reserved for IG-defined symbols. The Host may redefine these.

sub perspective_growth_enable([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->perspective_growth_enable($newValue);

Perspective Growth Enable.

This attribute specifies whether the surface appears to maintain a constant size or has perspective growth as the entity to which the surface is attached moves closer to the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if this attribute is set to Disabled (0), then the surface will appear to stay the same size (i.e., will cover the same area of the view) regardless of its distance from the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if this attribute is set to Enabled (1), then the surface will appear to change size relative to the viewport as the entity to which the surface is attached moves away from or closer to the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to an entity but is not a billboard, then this attribute is ignored.

If the surface is attached to a view, this attribute is ignored.

Disabled   0
Enabled    1
sub billboard([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->billboard($newValue);


This attribute specifies whether the surface is treated as a billboard.

If the surface is attached to an entity and this value is set to Non-Billboard (0), then the orientation of the surface is specified in relation to the entity's local coordinate system by the Yaw, Pitch, and Roll attributes.

If the surface is attached to an entity and this value is set to Billboard (1), then a normal vector from the center of the surface will be parallel to the viewing vector as shown in CIGI ICD Figure 25.

If the surface is attached to a view, then this attribute is ignored.

NonBillboard   0
Billboard      1
sub attach_type([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->attach_type($newValue);

Attach Type.

This attribute specifies whether the surface should be attached to an entity or a view.

If the specified entity or view does not exist, this packet is ignored.

EntityAT   0
ViewAT     1
sub surface_state([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->surface_state($newValue);

Surface State.

This attribute specifies whether the symbol surface should be active or destroyed. Active – The surface is active and symbols may be drawn on it. The surface can be positioned, oriented, and sized; and it can be attached to an entity or a view. Destroyed – The surface is removed from the system. Any symbols drawn to it are also destroyed. All other attributes in this packet are ignored.

ActiveSS      0
DestroyedSS   1
sub entity_ident([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->entity_ident($newValue);

Entity ID.

This attribute specifies the entity to which this surface is attached.

sub view_ident([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->view_ident($newValue);

View ID.

This attribute specifies the view to which this surface is attached.

sub x_offset([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->x_offset($newValue);

X Offset. For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the entity's X axis from the entity's reference point to the center of the surface (see CIGI ICD Section

For a billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the surface's X axis from the center of the surface to the entity's reference point (see CIGI ICD Section

sub left([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->left($newValue);


For a surface attached to a view, this attribute specifies the distance from the left edge of the viewport to the surface's leftmost boundary as a fraction of the viewport's width (see CIGI ICD Section

sub y_offset([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->y_offset($newValue);

Y Offset.

For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the entity's Y axis from the entity's reference point to the center of the surface (see CIGI ICD Section

For a billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the surface's Y axis from the center of the surface to the entity's reference point (see CIGI ICD Section

sub right([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->right($newValue);


For a surface attached to a view, this attribute specifies the distance from the left edge of the viewport to the surface's rightmost boundary as a fraction of the viewport's width (see CIGI ICD Section

sub z_offset([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->z_offset($newValue);

Z Offset.

For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the entity's Z axis from the entity's reference point to the center of the surface (see CIGI ICD Section

For a billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies the distance along the surface's Z axis from the center of the surface to the entity's reference point (see CIGI ICD Section

sub top([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->top($newValue);


For a surface attached to a view, this attribute specifies the distance from the bottom edge of the viewport to the surface's topmost boundary as a fraction of the viewport's height (see CIGI ICD Section

sub yaw([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->yaw($newValue);


For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies a rotation about the surface's Z axis as described in CIGI ICD Section

For entity-attached billboard surfaces, this attribute is ignored.

sub bottom([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->bottom($newValue);


For a surface attached to a view, this attribute specifies the distance from the bottom edge of the viewport to the surface's bottommost boundary as a fraction of the viewport's height (see CIGI ICD Section

sub pitch([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->pitch($newValue);


For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies a rotation about the surface's Y axis as described in CIGI ICD Section

For entity-attached billboard surfaces, this attribute is ignored.

For a surface attached to a view, this attribute is ignored.

sub roll([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->roll($newValue);


For a non-billboard surface attached to an entity, this attribute specifies a rotation about the surface's X axis as described in SCIGI ICD ection

For entity-attached billboard surfaces, this attribute is ignored.

For a surface attached to a view, this attribute is ignored.

sub width([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->width($newValue);


If the surface is attached to an entity and is not a billboard, then this attribute specifies the width of the surface in meters.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if Perspective Growth Enable is set to Enabled (1), then this attribute specifies the width of the surface in meters. The apparent size of the surface will depend upon the distance to the surface from the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if Perspective Growth Enable is set to Disabled (0), then this attribute specifies the width as a view arc and the occupied view space remains constant regardless of the surface's distance from the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to a view, this attribute is ignored.

sub height([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->height($newValue);


If the surface is attached to an entity and is not a billboard, then this attribute specifies the width of the surface in meters.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if Perspective Growth Enable is set to Enabled (1), then this attribute specifies the width of the surface in meters. The apparent size of the surface will depend upon the distance to the surface from the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to an entity and is a billboard, and if Perspective Growth Enable is set to Disabled (0), then this attribute specifies the width as a view arc and the occupied view space remains constant regardless of the surface's distance from the eyepoint.

If the surface is attached to a view, this attribute is ignored.

sub min_u([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->min_u($newValue);

Min U.

This attribute specifies the minimum U coordinate of the symbol surface's viewable area. In other words, this attribute specifies the U coordinate that will correspond to the leftmost boundary of the symbol surface.

Symbol surface 2D coordinate systems and horizontal units are described in CIGI ICD Section

sub max_u([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->max_u($newValue);

Max U.

This attribute specifies the maximum U coordinate of the symbol surface's viewable area. In other words, this attribute specifies the U coordinate that will correspond to the rightmost boundary of the symbol surface.

Symbol surface 2D coordinate systems and horizontal units are described in CIGI ICD Section

sub min_v([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->min_v($newValue);

Min V.

This attribute specifies the minimum V coordinate of the symbol surface's viewable area. In other words, this attribute specifies the U coordinate that will correspond to the bottommost boundary of the symbol surface.

Symbol surface 2D coordinate systems and vertical units are described in CIGI ICD Section

sub max_v([$newValue])
$value = $sym_surf->max_v($newValue);

Max V.

This attribute specifies the maximum V coordinate of the symbol surface's viewable area. In other words, this attribute specifies the U coordinate that will correspond to the topmost boundary of the symbol surface.

Symbol surface 2D coordinate systems and vertical units are described in CIGI ICD Section

sub pack()
$value = $sym_surf->pack();

Returns the packed data packet.

sub unpack()
$value = $sym_surf->unpack();

Unpacks the packed data packet.

sub byte_swap()

Byte swaps the packed data packet.


Refer the the Common Image Generator Interface ICD which may be had at this URL:


Brian M. Ames, <>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Brian M. Ames

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 140:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 377:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '–'. Assuming UTF-8

Around line 954:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'