Rinchi::CIGIPP - Perl extension for the Common Image Generator Interface.
use Rinchi::CIGIPP;
use Rinchi::CIGIPP::DefaultHandler;
my $cigi = Rinchi::CIGIPP->new();
my $hdlr = Rinchi::CIGIPP::DefaultHandler->new();
my @hp = %{$hdlr->get_handlers()};
my @message;
my $ig_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::IGControl->new();
push @message,$ig_ctl;
my $ent_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::EntityControl->new();
push @message,$ent_ctl;
my $ccent_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ConformalClampedEntityControl->new();
push @message,$ccent_ctl;
my $cmp_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ComponentControl->new();
push @message,$cmp_ctl;
my $scmp_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ShortComponentControl->new();
push @message,$scmp_ctl;
my $ap_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ArticulatedPartControl->new();
push @message,$ap_ctl;
my $sap_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ShortArticulatedPartControl->new();
push @message,$sap_ctl;
my $rate_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::RateControl->new();
push @message,$rate_ctl;
my $sky_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::CelestialSphereControl->new();
push @message,$sky_ctl;
my $atmos_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::AtmosphereControl->new();
push @message,$atmos_ctl;
my $env_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::EnvironmentalRegionControl->new();
push @message,$env_ctl;
my $wthr_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::WeatherControl->new();
push @message,$wthr_ctl;
my $msc_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::MaritimeSurfaceConditionsControl->new();
push @message,$msc_ctl;
my $wave_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::WaveControl->new();
push @message,$wave_ctl;
my $tsc_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsControl->new();
push @message,$tsc_ctl;
my $view_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ViewControl->new();
push @message,$view_ctl;
my $sensor_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SensorControl->new();
push @message,$sensor_ctl;
my $mt_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::MotionTrackerControl->new();
push @message,$mt_ctl;
my $erm_def = Rinchi::CIGIPP::EarthReferenceModelDefinition->new();
push @message,$erm_def;
my $traj_def = Rinchi::CIGIPP::TrajectoryDefinition->new();
push @message,$traj_def;
my $view_def = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ViewDefinition->new();
push @message,$view_def;
my $cds_def = Rinchi::CIGIPP::CollisionDetectionSegmentDefinition->new();
push @message,$cds_def;
my $cdv_def = Rinchi::CIGIPP::CollisionDetectionVolumeDefinition->new();
push @message,$cdv_def;
my $hgt_rqst = Rinchi::CIGIPP::HAT_HOTRequest->new();
push @message,$hgt_rqst;
my $loss_rqst = Rinchi::CIGIPP::LineOfSightSegmentRequest->new();
push @message,$loss_rqst;
my $losv_rqst = Rinchi::CIGIPP::LineOfSightVectorRequest->new();
push @message,$losv_rqst;
my $pos_rqst = Rinchi::CIGIPP::PositionRequest->new();
push @message,$pos_rqst;
my $ec_rqst = Rinchi::CIGIPP::EnvironmentalConditionsRequest->new();
push @message,$ec_rqst;
my $sym_surf = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolSurfaceDefinition->new();
push @message,$sym_surf;
my $sym_text = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolTextDefinition->new();
push @message,$sym_text;
my $sym_circ = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolCircleDefinition->new();
push @message,$sym_circ;
my $circle0 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolCircle->new();
$sym_circ->circle(0, $circle0);
my $circle1 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolCircle->new();
$sym_circ->circle(1, $circle1);
my $sym_line = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolLineDefinition->new();
push @message,$sym_line;
my $vertex0 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolVertex->new();
$sym_line->vertex(0, $vertex0);
my $vertex1 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolVertex->new();
$sym_line->vertex(1, $vertex1);
my $vertex2 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolVertex->new();
$sym_line->vertex(2, $vertex2);
my $vertex3 = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolVertex->new();
$sym_line->vertex(3, $vertex3);
my $sym_clone = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolClone->new();
push @message,$sym_clone;
my $sym_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SymbolControl->new();
push @message,$sym_ctl;
my $ssym_ctl = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ShortSymbolControl->new();
push @message,$ssym_ctl;
my $start_of_frame = Rinchi::CIGIPP::StartOfFrame->new();
push @message,$start_of_frame;
my $hgt_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::HAT_HOTResponse->new();
push @message,$hgt_resp;
my $hgt_xresp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::HAT_HOTExtendedResponse->new();
push @message,$hgt_xresp;
my $los_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::LineOfSightResponse->new();
push @message,$los_resp;
my $los_xresp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::LineOfSightExtendedResponse->new();
push @message,$los_xresp;
my $sensor_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SensorResponse->new();
push @message,$sensor_resp;
my $sensor_xresp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::SensorExtendedResponse->new();
push @message,$sensor_xresp;
my $pos_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::PositionResponse->new();
push @message,$pos_resp;
my $wthr_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::WeatherConditionsResponse->new();
push @message,$wthr_resp;
my $ac_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::AerosolConcentrationResponse->new();
push @message,$ac_resp;
my $msc_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::MaritimeSurfaceConditionsResponse->new();
push @message,$msc_resp;
my $tsc_resp = Rinchi::CIGIPP::TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsResponse->new();
push @message,$tsc_resp;
my $cds_ntc = Rinchi::CIGIPP::CollisionDetectionSegmentNotification->new();
push @message,$cds_ntc;
my $cdv_ntc = Rinchi::CIGIPP::CollisionDetectionVolumeNotification->new();
push @message,$cdv_ntc;
my $stop_ntc = Rinchi::CIGIPP::AnimationStopNotification->new();
push @message,$stop_ntc;
my $evt_ntc = Rinchi::CIGIPP::EventNotification->new();
push @message,$evt_ntc;
my $ig_msg = Rinchi::CIGIPP::ImageGeneratorMessage->new();
push @message,$ig_msg;
my $msg_no = 1;
my $messages = $cigi->scan_file("message$msg_no.cigi");
foreach $message (@{$messages}) {
This module provides an interface between an image generator and host computer that is compliant with the CIGI ICD version 3.3.
None by default.
Constructor for Rinchi::CIGIPP.
setHandlers(TYPE, HANDLER [, TYPE, HANDLER [...]])
This method registers handlers for the various events.
Setting a handler to something that evaluates to false unsets that handler.
This method returns a list of type, handler pairs corresponding to the input. The handlers returned are the ones that were in effect before the call to setHandlers.
The recognized events and the parameters passed to the corresponding handlers are:
IGControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an IGControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (1) of the IGControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
EntityControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an EntityControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (2) of the EntityControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ConformalClampedEntityControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ConformalClampedEntityControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (3) of the ConformalClampedEntityControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ComponentControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ComponentControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (4) of the ComponentControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ShortComponentControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ShortComponentControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (5) of the ShortComponentControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ArticulatedPartControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an ArticulatedPartControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (6) of the ArticulatedPartControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ShortArticulatedPartControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ShortArticulatedPartControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (7) of the ShortArticulatedPartControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
RateControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a RateControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (8) of the RateControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
CelestialSphereControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a CelestialSphereControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (9) of the CelestialSphereControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
AtmosphereControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an AtmosphereControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (10) of the AtmosphereControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
EnvironmentalRegionControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an EnvironmentalRegionControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (11) of the EnvironmentalRegionControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
WeatherControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a WeatherControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (12) of the WeatherControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
MaritimeSurfaceConditionsControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a MaritimeSurfaceConditionsControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (13) of the MaritimeSurfaceConditionsControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
WaveControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a WaveControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (14) of the WaveControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (15) of the TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ViewControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ViewControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (16) of the ViewControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SensorControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SensorControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (17) of the SensorControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
MotionTrackerControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a MotionTrackerControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (18) of the MotionTrackerControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
EarthReferenceModelDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an EarthReferenceModelDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (19) of the EarthReferenceModelDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
TrajectoryDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a TrajectoryDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (20) of the TrajectoryDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ViewDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ViewDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (21) of the ViewDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
CollisionDetectionSegmentDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a CollisionDetectionSegmentDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (22) of the CollisionDetectionSegmentDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
CollisionDetectionVolumeDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a CollisionDetectionVolumeDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (23) of the CollisionDetectionVolumeDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
HAT_HOTRequest (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a HAT_HOTRequest data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (24) of the HAT_HOTRequest data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
LineOfSightSegmentRequest (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a LineOfSightSegmentRequest data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (25) of the LineOfSightSegmentRequest data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
LineOfSightVectorRequest (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a LineOfSightVectorRequest data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (26) of the LineOfSightVectorRequest data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
PositionRequest (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a PositionRequest data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (27) of the PositionRequest data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
EnvironmentalConditionsRequest (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an EnvironmentalConditionsRequest data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (28) of the EnvironmentalConditionsRequest data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolSurfaceDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolSurfaceDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (29) of the SymbolSurfaceDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolTextDefinition (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolTextDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (30) of the SymbolTextDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolCircleDefinition (PacketType, Circles, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolCircleDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (31) of the SymbolCircleDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolCircle (Index, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated for each circle when a SymbolCircleDefinition data packet is recognized. Index is the 0-based position of the circle in the SymbolCircleDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the circle.
SymbolLineDefinition (PacketType, Vertices, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolLineDefinition data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (32) of the SymbolLineDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolLineVertex (Index, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated for each vertex when a SymbolLineDefinition data packet is recognized. Index is the 0-based position of the vertex in the SymbolLineDefinition data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the vertex.
SymbolClone (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolClone data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (33) of the SymbolClone data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SymbolControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SymbolControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (34) of the SymbolControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ShortSymbolControl (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a ShortSymbolControl data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (35) of the ShortSymbolControl data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
StartOfFrame (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a StartOfFrame data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (101) of the StartOfFrame data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
HAT_HOTResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a HAT_HOTResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (102) of the HAT_HOTResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
HAT_HOTExtendedResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a HAT_HOTExtendedResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (103) of the HAT_HOTExtendedResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
LineOfSightResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a LineOfSightResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (104) of the LineOfSightResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
LineOfSightExtendedResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a LineOfSightExtendedResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (105) of the LineOfSightExtendedResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SensorResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SensorResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (106) of the SensorResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
SensorExtendedResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a SensorExtendedResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (107) of the SensorExtendedResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
PositionResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a PositionResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (108) of the PositionResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
WeatherConditionsResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a WeatherConditionsResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (109) of the WeatherConditionsResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
AerosolConcentrationResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an AerosolConcentrationResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (110) of the AerosolConcentrationResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
MaritimeSurfaceConditionsResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a MaritimeSurfaceConditionsResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (111) of the MaritimeSurfaceConditionsResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsResponse (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsResponse data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (112) of the TerrestrialSurfaceConditionsResponse data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
CollisionDetectionSegmentNotification (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a CollisionDetectionSegmentNotification data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (113) of the CollisionDetectionSegmentNotification data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
CollisionDetectionVolumeNotification (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when a CollisionDetectionVolumeNotification data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (114) of the CollisionDetectionVolumeNotification data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
AnimationStopNotification (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an AnimationStopNotification data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (115) of the AnimationStopNotification data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
EventNotification (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an EventNotification data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (116) of the EventNotification data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
ImageGeneratorMessage (PacketType, [, Attr, Val [,...]])
This event is generated when an ImageGeneratorMessage data packet is recognized. PacketType is the numeric packet type (117) of the ImageGeneratorMessage data packet as defined by the CIGI ICD. The Attr and Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the data packet.
sub dispatch_packets($packets)
Where $packets is a reference to an array of packets to be dispatched.
sub scan_file($path)
Where $path is the path to the file to be scanned.
Scan the given file for data packets. Returns a reference to an array of CIGI messages in the order of occurrence in the file scanned. Each message is represented by an array of references to the data packets in order of occurrence.
sub wait_for_message($port)
\@message = $cigi->wait_for_message(4321);
Where $port is the port to which to listen for messages.
Listen to the given port and scan the UDP messages that arrive. Returns a reference to an array of data packets in the order of occurrence in the message received.
sub write_message_to_file(\@message,$path)
Where $packets is a reference to an array of CIGI data packets and $path is a path to the file to be written.
sub write_messages_to_file(\@messages,$path)
Where $messages is a reference to an array of CIGI messages and $path is a path to the file to be written.
sub send_message(\@message, $ip_addr, $port)
Where \@message is a reference to an array containing the data packets to send, and $ip_addr and $port identify the destination.
sub byte_swap(\@message)
Where \@message is a reference to an array containing the data packets to swap.
The following literals may be used in place of numeric values as defined by the CIGI ICD. Slight modifications have be made to create global uniqueness.
- AnimationDirection
Forward 0, Backward 1,
- AnimationLoopMode
OneShot 0, Continuous 1,
- AnimationState
Stop 0, Pause 1, Play 2, Continue 3,
- AttachState
Detach 0, Attach 1,
- AttachType
EntityAT 0, ViewAT 1,
- Billboard
NonBillboard 0, Billboard 1,
- Boolean
False 0, True 1,
- BreakerType
Plunging 0, Spilling 1, Surging 2,
- CloudType
None 0, Altocumulus 1, Altostratus 2, Cirrocumulus 3, Cirrostratus 4, Cirrus 5, Cumulonimbus 6, Cumulus 7, Nimbostratus 8, Stratocumulus 9, Stratus 10, Other1 11, Other2 12, Other3 13, Other4 14, Other5 15,
- CollisionType
CollisionNonEntity 0, CollisionEntity 1,
- ComponentClass
EntityCC 0, ViewCC 1, ViewGroupCC 2, SensorCC 3, RegionalSeaSurfaceCC 4, RegionalTerrainSurfaceCC 5, RegionalLayeredWeatherCC 6, GlobalSeaSurfaceCC 7, GlobalTerrainSurfaceCC 8, GlobalLayeredWeatherCC 9, AtmosphereCC 10, CelestialSphereCC 11, EventCC 12, SystemCC 13, SymbolSurfaceCC 14, SymbolCC 15,
- DOFSelect
NotUsed 0, XOffset 1, YOffset 2, ZOffset 3, Yaw 4, Pitch 5, Roll 6,
- DrawingStyle
DrawingStyleLine 0, DrawingStyleFill 1,
- EarthReferenceModel
WGS84 0, HostDefined 1,
- Enable
Disable 0, Enable 1,
- Enabled
Disabled 0, Enabled 1,
- EntityState
EntityInactive 0, EntityStandby 1, EntityActive 1, EntityDestroyed 2,
- EnvironmentalConditionsResponseType
MaritimeSurfaceConditions 1, TerrestrialSurfaceConditions 2, WeatherConditions 4, AerosolConcentrations 8,
- FlashControl
ContinueFlash 0, RestartFlash 1,
- FontIdent
IGDefault 0, ProportionalSansSerif 1, ProportionalSanSerifBold 2, ProportionalSansSerifItalic 3, ProportionalSansSerifBoldItalic 4, ProportionalSerif 5, ProportionalSerifBold 6, ProportionalSerifItalic 7, ProportionalSerifBoldItalic 8, MonospaceSansSerif 9, MonospaceSansSerifBold 10, MonospaceSansSerifItalic 11, MonospaceSansSerifBoldItalic 12, MonospaceSerif 13, MonospaceSerifBold 14, MonospaceSerifItalic 15, MonospaceSerifBoldItalic 16,
- GroundOceanClamp
NoClamp 0, NonConformal 1, Conformal 2,
GeodeticCS 0, EntityCS 1,
HeightAboveTerrain 0, HeightOfTerrain 1,
HeightAboveTerrain 0, HeightOfTerrain 1, Extended 2,
- IGMode
Reset 0, Standby 1, Operate 1, Debug 2, OfflineMaintenance 3,
- Inherited
NotInherited 0, Inherited 1,
GeodeticCS 0, EntityCS 1,
BasicLOS 0, ExtendedLOS 1,
- LOS_Visible
Occluded 0, Visible 1,
- LinePrimitiveType
Point 0, Line 1, LineStrip 2, LineLoop 3, Triangle 4, TriangleStrip 5, TriangleFan 6,
- MSCScope
GlobalScope 0, RegionalScope 1, EntityScope 2,
- Merge
UseLast 0, Merge 1,
- MirrorMode
None 0, Horizontal 1, Vertical 2, HorizontalAndVertical 3,
- ObjectClass
EntityOC 0, ArticulatedPartOC 1, ViewOC 2, ViewGroupOC 3, MotionTrackerOC 4,
- PacketType
- PixelRpMode
None 0, Replicate1x2 1, Replicate2x1 2, Replicate2x2 3,
- Polarity
WhiteHot 0, BlackHot 1,
- PositionCS
GeodeticCS 0, ParentEntityCS 1, SubmodelCS 2,
- ProjectnTyp
Perspective 0, OrthographicParallel 1,
- RateControlCoordinateSystem
World_Parent 0, Local 1,
- RegionState
Inactive 0, Active 1, Destroyed 2,
- ResponseTyp
NormalSRT 0, ExtendedSRT 1,
- SensorOnOff
Off 0, On 1,
- SensorStatus
Searching 0, Tracking 1, ImpendingBreaklock 2, Breaklock 3,
- SourceType
Symbol 0, SymbolTemplate 1,
- SurfaceState
ActiveSS 0, DestroyedSS 1,
- SymbolAttribute
None 0, SurfaceIdent 1, ParentSymbolIdent 2, Layer 3, FlashDutyCycle 4, FlashPeriod 5, PositionU 6, PositionV 7, Rotation 8, Color 9, ScaleU 10, ScaleV 11,
- SymbolState
Hidden 0, Visible 1, Destroyed 2,
- TSCScope
GlobalScope 0, RegionalScope 1, EntityScope 2,
- TextAlignment
TopLeft 0, TopCenter 1, TopRight 2, CenterLeft 3, Center 4, CenterRight 5, BottomLeft 6, BottomCenter 7, BottomRight 8,
- TextDirection
LeftToRight 0, TopToBottom 1, RightToLeft 2, BottomToTop 3,
- TrackMode
Off 0, ForceCorrelate 1, Scene 2, Target 3, Ship 4, IGDefined3 5, IGDefined2 6, IGDefined1 7,
- TrackWhtBlk
White 0, Black 1,
- Valid
Invalid 0, Valid 1,
- ValidNot
NotValid 0, Valid 1,
- ViewReorder
NoReorder 0, BringToTop 1,
- VolumeType
Sphere 0, Cuboid 1,
- VwGrpSelect
View 0, ViewGroup 1,
- WaveScope
GlobalScope 0, RegionalScope 1, EntityScope 2,
- WeatherLayer
GroundFog 0, CloudLayer1 1, CloudLayer2 2, CloudLayer3 3, Rain 4, Snow 5, Sleet 6, Hail 7, Sand 8, Dust 9,
- WthrScope
GlobalScope 0, RegionalScope 1, EntityScope 2,
Refer the the Common Image Generator Interface ICD which may be had at this URL:
Brian M. Ames, <>
Copyright (C) 2009 by Brian M. Ames
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 417:
You can't have =items (as at line 421) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item
- Around line 1495:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- Around line 1500:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 2331:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'