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Random::Skew - Set up a pool of items to return one of, randomly -- with some more likely than others


use Random::Skew;
Random::Skew::GRAIN( 127 );
Random::Skew::ROUNDING( 0.5 );

my $rs = Random::Skew->new(
  # Populations (taken from Wikipedia, July 2023)
  China  => 1_411_750_000, # China will show up most often
  India  => 1_392_329_000,
  USA    =>   335_016_000,
  Russia =>   146_424_729,
  UK     =>    67_026_292,
  Panama =>     4_278_500,
  Monaco =>        39_150, # rare, but still possible

# Now iterate a million times, generating a random country
for ( my $ix = 1 ; $ix <= 1_000_000 ; $ix++  ) {
    my $ctry = $rs->item(); # probably China, but might be Monaco


For generating random data with a bit of skew to the proportions -- you first set up a pool of weighted random items to choose from, and then return one of those items at random. The relative weighting determines how likely any particular item is returned.

Imagine this monstrous memory hog:

my @setup = (('Dog') x 76_000_000,
             ('Cat') x 58_000_000,
             ('Parrot') x 500_000,
             ('Octopus') x    125);
my $pet = $setup[ rand( @setup ) ];

Instead, we do this:

# Household Pets:
my $random_pet = Random::Skew->new(
  # item => weight,
  Dog    => 76_000_000,
  Cat    => 58_000_000,
  Parrot =>    500_000,
  Octopus=>        125,
my $pet = $random_pet->item; # Probably Dog, but could be Octopus

In the above example, "Dog" is waaay more likely to show up than "Octopus" is. "Cat" is more likely than "Parrot" but less likely than "Dog". The percentages actually returned during a million-iteration run, might deviate a bit from the requested weightings, due to rounding, but not by much.

The higher the relative 'weight' the more likely that item will appear in the result. The lower the relative 'weight' the less likely.

You can also generate a bunch in one go using the items() method:

my @stuff = $rs->items( 200 );

For reasonably simple hierarchical data, one approach could be to try complex hash keys:

my $random_loc = Random::Skew->new(
  'CA:Los Angeles'   =>10000,
  'CA:San Diego'     => 6700,
  'CA:San Francisco' => 4150,
  'NY:New York'      => 8888,
  'NY:Albany'        =>  555,
  'IL:Chicago'       => 8100,
  'IL:Springfield'   =>  321,

while ( ... ) {
    my $loc = $random_loc->item;
    my ( $st, $city ) = split /:/,$loc;

Check the examples directory for other ways to generate multi-level random data.


$rs = Random::Skew->new( %weightings )

Sets up the Random::Skew $rs object. The %weightings determine how likely any particular item is going to be the value generated by $rs->item().

my %majors = (
  PSYCH => 2135,
  PHIL  => 1207,
  ENGR  =>  906,
  SOC   =>  214,
my $random_major = Random::Skew( %majors );
my $major = $random_major->item();
$item = $rs->item()

Returns one item from your collection. Whatever has the highest weighting in your collection is likely to be what shows up most often; whatever has the lowest weighting will show up least often.

@items = $rs->items( $count )

Generates $count items and returns them in a list/array.

Random::Skew::GRAIN( $int )

Sets up maximum number-of-buckets for simulating the randomness you're shooting for, for the next Random::Skew->new() object you create. It has no effect at all on existing Random::Skew objects.

If your percentages (from generating a large number of items) are off a bit, try different values here. Explore larger or smaller numbers; sometimes prime numbers work well, other times an integer with lots of factors can provide a better approximation.

See Random::Skew::Test for how to explore GRAIN() values.

Default Random::Skew::GRAIN is 72.

Random::Skew::ROUNDING( $fraction )

When Random::Skew::GRAIN isn't big enough to hold all your weights at once, meaning that a scale multiplier is applied to reduce the number of instances of each value to a "sane" number, the Random::Skew::ROUNDING value is added before truncating to an int.

Example: Weights 5, 4, 3 would all fit nicely into 12 buckets. If our GRAIN is 10, then we multiply them by 10/12 to get:

5 => 5*10/12 => 4.16
4 => 4*10/12 => 3.33
3 => 3*10/12 => 2.5

With ROUNDING of 0.0, we truncate to integers, so this would result in buckets of size 4, 3, 2. With ROUNDING of 0.5, we would get 4.66=>4, 3.83=>3, 3.0=>3.


The sampling population of buckets backstage tries to be optimal. If you request weights 2,3,5 the sample population would only need 10 buckets ($tot=2+3+5) for perfect fidelity.

You could request weights of 200, 300, 500 and with a $Random::Skew::GRAIN of 1000 it will create an array with 200, 300 and 500 instances of each item... which is wasteful. However, those exact same weights with a $Random::Skew::GRAIN of 10 would use the exact same array as the smaller example above (2,3,5) since the proportions are identical. To fit the 1000 items into the ten element array (when $Random::Skew::GRAIN is 10) it would calcualte a $scale of 0.01 and apply that $scale to all weights.

If you tried a $Random::Skew::GRAIN of 7 for these values, then your weights would suffer a bit from rounding issues. Instead of 5, 3, 2 you'd scale down to 3.5, 2.1, 1.4 (everything would be scaled by 7/10 to squeeze the 10 requested into a 7 array) and these would round down to 3, 2, 1 yielding an actual array of only 6 items. So instead of the requested proportions 50%, 30%, 20% you'd have 50% (3/6), 33.3% (2/6), 16.7% (1/6). A larger $Random::Skew::GRAIN would help in this case.

In any case if the $tot population is more than $Random::Skew::GRAIN it'll calculate a multiplier $scale to squeeze the weighted elements to fit into the array, while trying to keep your weighted ratios reasonably consistent.

Note: Set $Random::Skew::GRAIN and $Random::Skew::ROUNDING BEFORE you call Random::Skew->new(). Changing them after you already have a Random::Skew object won't affect it at all; it will alter the next new object create.

You can have a wide range of samples and it tries hard to represent all values, large and small, in a manageable footprint.

my $rs = Random::Skew->new(
  Cornucopia  => 2_000_000,
  Overflowing => 173_492,
  Scarce      => 208,
  Unlikely    => 19,

It probably won't represent your weightings with exact 100% fidelity, but it tries to get pretty close.

There's also $Random::Skew::ROUNDING (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) that affects fidelilty. In the case of squeezing 200, 300, 500 into a $Random::Skew::GRAIN of 7, instead of scaling down to 3.5, 2.1, 1.4 (which would truncate to 3 buckets, 2 buckets, and 1 bucket) if $Random::Skew::ROUNDING=0.5 then you'd have 3.5+.5 (4.0), 2.1+.5 (2.6), 1.4+.5 (1.9) which truncate to 4 buckets, 2 buckets, and 1 bucket. The proportions are a bit off in both cases, it's up to you to determine which $GRAIN and which $ROUNDING provide the probabilities you require.

To ameliorate rounding issues, see Random::Skew::Test for how to explore different values of $Random::Skew::GRAIN and $Rounding::Skew::ROUNDING.


Representing weightings that don't have a lot of variation, is a piece of cake.

Some => 5,
Thing=> 3,
Other=> 2

Those can be represented by items in an array of ten buckets which we build like so:

Some, Some, Some, Some, Some, Thing, Thing, Thing, Other, Other

Returning one of those at random is trivial. That exact same array would also work nicely for weightings of 500, 300 and 200, or 5_000_000, 3_000_000, 2_000_000, since the relative proportions are identical. (Note that fractional weightings of 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 won't work well since Perl can't populate a fraction of an array element. Weightings are expected to be positive integers for this reason.)

Weightings like the one below, though, are more challenging, because of the range from large to small:

huge => 1_000_000,
mid  => 398_507,
small=> 4_362,
tiny => 1,

Having an array with a 1.4 million buckets to represent that population, is NOT a good use of resources.

So we break it up into sections.

First, we sum all the weights ($tot). If that can fit within an array of $Random::Skew::GRAIN elements (or smaller) then that's what we do, and we're done.

If not, we conjure a scale $scale as a multiplier so that the entire weighted population will all fit within $Random::Skew::GRAIN elements. And then, using the same $scale we drop items into buckets starting with the bigger ones and moving to the smaller ones.

When the smaller ones are so small they would only fill a portion of one bucket at the current scale (driven largely by $Random::Skew::GRAIN) that's when we go recursive.

The smaller items get a Random::Skew object of their own (we already handled the biggest objects) and the new object becomes the smallest "bucket".

But wait, there's more.

Say we have a $Random::Skew::GRAIN of 25 and the following weights:

big1 => 500,
big2 => 400,
sm1  => 50,
sm2  => 40,
tiny => 10

Here, $tot = 1000. To scale that down to 25 buckets, we calculate $scale = 25/1000 = 0.025 and we multiply each item's weight by that same $scale to populate an array of 25 items and we get:

big1  12x
big2  10x
sm1   1x
sm2   1x

And tiny is way too small for a bucket of its own at this scale. In fact it would only need 0.25 of a bucket. That 0.25 is the $fraction we will use in a moment.

So we create a new Random::Skew->new() object for the smaller items (in this case it's just the one tiny item that hasn't been included in the array). We requested ten items for tiny and that's what we will get, in the second-layer object.

Later, when we ask for a $rs->item() it starts with a floating point random number $ix between 0 and @{ $rs->{_set} }. If $ix <= $fraction then it calls the recursive object for a random item which would only be 'tiny' in this case. Otherwise, if that number represents one of the buckets in the current $rs->{_set} array it returns that.

There can be a little gray area here -- a gap. If the random $ix is less than $fraction then we recurse thru the smaller subset. If random $ix is > 1.0 then it represents one of the buckets in the current set and we return that.

When it's between $fraction and 1.0... what then? This is the portion of the "smallest bucket" that doesn't belong to the smaller items. We simply iterate again and try a new random number.

For some skew-weightings, a SMALL value for $Random::Skel::GRAIN works best, and for others a LARGE value does better. See Random::Skew::Test for how to explore various values of $Random::Skew::GRAIN to best fit your data.


The value of $Random::Skew::GRAIN can have a significant impact on how faithful the results are to your original weighting proportions. See Random::Skew::Test for how to explore varying values of $Random::Skew::GRAIN.

If you want twice as many A as B you can have a grain of 3: A, A, B. A grain of 6 or 9 or 12 would work fine as well. On the other hand, it would be difficult to represent that faithfully with a grain of 4 or 5. You'd get rounding issues and some items would return more often than expected, others less often than expected.

Sometimes a larger grain (2500 for example) works well, other times a smaller grain (13 for example) does better, with recursion.


Random::Skew::Test for exploring values of $Random::Skew::GRAIN and $Random::Skew::ROUNDING.

Random::Set was inspirational in getting this off the ground.


Will Trillich <>


Copyright (C) 2022 by Will Trillich

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.28.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.