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RadioMobile - A Perl interface to Radio Mobile .net file


  use RadioMobile;
  my $rm = new RadioMobile();

  my $header = $rm->header;
  my $units  = $rm->units;

  foreach my $idxUnit (0..$header->unitCount-1) {
          my $unit = $units->at($idxUnit);
          printf("%s at lon %s and lat %s\n", $unit->name, 
            $unit->lon, $unit->lat);


This module is a Perl interface to .net file of Radio Mobile, a software to predict the performance of a radio system.

Currently this module only parse .net file to extract all information available inside it such as units, radio systems, networks, some configuration of program behaviour, the header with version file, number of units, systems and networks. It also extract the relation between units, systems and networks to show the units associated to a network, their systems and so on.

As soon as possible it will be possible to create a .net from scratch with information available, as an example, from a database.

This module supports only .net file with 4000 as version number (I don't know exactly from which it has been adopted this but I'm sure that all Radio Mobile file starting from version 9.x.x used this).


This is a beta test release. Interfaces can change in future. Report me any bug you will find.



Call new() to create a new RadioMobile object

  my $rm = new RadioMobile();

You can call new() to force parsing to dump all structures found using the debug parameter

  my $rm = new RadioMobile(debug => 1);


Use this method to set a scalar with Radio Mobile .net raw data



Use this method to set the path, relative or absolute, to a .net file created by Radio Mobile software.

  my $dotnet = '';
  while (read(NET,my $buff,8*2**10)) { $dotnet .=  $buff }


Execute this method for parsing the .net file set with file() or filepath() method and fullfill header(), config(), units(), systems(), nets() and netsunits() elements.

You can pass a callback function to get progress status while parsing is running. Currently the system suppors these status

  10000 START - Open file for parsing
  10010 END   - Open file for parsing
  10100 START - Header Parsing
  10110 END   - Header Parsing
  10200 START - Read Units
  10210 END   - Read Units
  10300 START - Read Systems
  10310 END   - Read Systems
  10400 START - Init Nets
  10410 END   - Init Nets
  10500 START - Setting Nets <-> Units and Roles
  10510 END   - Setting Nets <-> Units and Roles
  10600 START - Read Systems for Units
  10610 END   - Read Systems for Units
  10700 START - Read Nets information
  10710 END   - Read Nets information
  10800 START - Parsing Coverage
  10810 END   - Parsing Coverage
  10900 START - Read Map File path
  10910 END   - Read Map File path
  11000 START - Read Pictures path
  11010 END   - Read Pictures path
  11100 START - Parsing Antenna Height for Units
  11110 END   - Parsing Antenna Height for Units
  11200 START - Setting Units Icon
  11210 END   - Setting Units Icon
  11300 START - Setting Additional System Cable Loss
  11310 END   - Setting Additional System Cable Loss
  11400 START - Parsing Style Network Properties
  11410 END   - Parsing Style Network Properties
  11500 START - Parsing Unknown Network structure
  11510 END   - Parsing Unknown Network structure
  11600 START - Reading Antenna for Systems
  11610 END   - Reading Antenna for Systems
  11700 START - Reading Azimut/Direction for Units
  11710 END   - Reading Azimut/Direction for Units
  11800 START - Parsing Unknown Unit structure
  11810 END   - Parsing Unknown Unit structure
  11900 START - Reading Elevation for Units
  11910 END   - Reading Elevation for Units
  12000 START - Reading LandHeight path
  12010 END   - Reading LandHeight path

The prototype for callback function is

  sub callback {
    my $data = shift;
    print $data->{status}, " ", $data->{descr};


Returns a RadioMobile::Header object with information about .net version file, number of units, systems and networks


Returns a RadioMobile::Config object with Style Network Properties window setting, list of pictures to be open, the mapfile and landheight path.


Returns a RadioMobile::Units object with a list of all units.


Returns a RadioMobile::Systems object with a list of all systems.


Returns a RadioMobile::Nets object with a list of all networks.


Returns a RadioMobile::Cov object with parameters about coverage window.


Returns a RadioMobile::NetsUnits object which is a matrix $header->networkCount * $header->unitCount with all relation between units, networks and systems.


In docs/ distribution directory you can find a PDF with a summarize of RadioMobile object model.


Emiliano Bruni, <lt><gt>


This module is a copyright by Emiliano Bruni

Radio Mobile software is a copyright by Roger Coude' VE2DBE.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.