R::Setup - Perl extension for R installation


use R::Setup;

my $setup = R::Setup->new ( urlbase=>'http://host/dir' ); $setup->download_local; $setup->build_from_source; $setup->install; $setup->install_packages;

my $setup = R::Setup->new; $setup->download_source; $setup->build_from_source;

my $setup = R::Setup->new; $setup->install;

my @list = qw/caret ggplot2/; my $setup; $setup = R::Setup->new (packages=>\@list) $setup->set_package_list; $setup->download_packages;

my $setup = R::Setup->new; $setup->install_packages;


R::Setup installs R along with its pre-selected packages in an Internet denied cluster running Hadoop. Hadoop clusters typically runs in Internet denied environment for security. It addresses R installation in such clusters.

Internet enabled (one time):

Download downloads R source. Move the source to Hadoop cluster.

Resolve resolves R package dependencies and creates a list of dependent packages using a running R instance and connected to the Internet. This dumps a list of packages in the order of dependency.

Download downloads the R packages with dependencies from CRAN repo. Move the package list and R package tars to Hadoop cluster.

Internet denied:

It has Bootstrap component that installs R binary from source offline. R source tar should already been downloaded and available in local directory.

Build can run on one node in cluster, and then rsync to other nodes before running install, assuming all nodes in a cluster as identical to one another as building on each node is not required!

Install installs R packages as in the package list in order on the Hadoop cluster with no Internet connectivity.


R::Setup::Bootstrap R::Setup::Resolve R::Setup::Download R::Setup::Install R::Setup::Local


Snehasis Sinha, <lt><gt>


Copyright (C) 2015 by Snehasis Sinha

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.