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Poppler - Bindings to the poppler PDF rendering library


use Poppler;

use strict;
use warnings;

# initialize using filename 
my $pdf = Poppler::Document->new_from_file( $ARGV[0] );

# get some general info
print "Pages : ", $pdf->get_n_pages, "\n";
print "Title : ", $pdf->get_title,   "\n";
# etc ...

# get the first page
my $page = $pdf->get_page(0);

# get page size the simple way
my ($w, $h) = $page->get_size;
print "Dims1 : $w x $h\n";

# or, for backward compatibility
my $dims = $page->get_size; # a Poppler::Dimension object
$w = $dims->get_width;
$h = $dims->get_height;
print "Dims2 : $w x $h\n";

# do other fancy things (get page links, annotations, movies, etc)
# (see poppler-glib documentation for details)

# render to a Cairo surface
use Cairo::GObject;
my ($w_px, $h_px) = map {$_ * 96/72 } ($w,$h); # points to pixels
my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create( 'argb32', $w_px, $h_px );
my $context = Cairo::Context->create( $surface );
$context->scale(96/72, 96/72); # points to pixels
$page->render( $context );
$surface->write_to_png( $ARGV[1] );


Bindings to the poppler PDF library via the Glib interface. Allows querying of a PDF file structure and rendering to various output targets.


The Poppler module provides complete bindings to the poppler PDF library through the Glib interface. Find out more about poppler at

As of version 1.01, no XS is used directly but bindings are provided using GObject introspection and the Glib::Object::Introspection module. See the "SYNOPSIS" in Poppler for a brief example of how the module can be used. For detailed documentation on the available classes and methods, see the poppler glib documentation for the C libraries and the Glib::Object::Introspection documentation for a description of how methods are mapped between the C libraries and the Perl namespace.


new_from_file ($filename)

Takes a system path or URI to a PDF file as an argument and returns a Poppler::Document object. The poppler-glib library itself requires a full URI (e.g. "file:///home/user/file.pdf") but this module attempts to convert regular system paths if provided via the URI module.

new_from_data ($data)

Takes a PDF data chunk as an argument and returns a Poppler::Document object.


For details on the classes and methods available beyond the constructors listed above, please refer to the canonical documentation for the C library listed under "SEE ALSO" in Poppler. A general discussion of how these classes and methods map to the Perl equivalents can be found in the Glib::Object::Introspection documentation. Generally speaking, a C function such as 'poppler_document_get_title' would map to 'Poppler::Document->get_title'.

Customizations and overrides

In order to make things more Perlish, Poppler customizes the API generated by Glib::Object::Introspection in a few spots:

  • The array ref normally returned by the following functions is flattened into a list:

  • The following functions normally return a boolean and additional out arguments, where the boolean indicates whether the out arguments are valid. They are altered such that when the boolean is true, only the additional out arguments are returned, and when the boolean is false, an empty list is returned.

  • Perl reimplementations of Poppler::Document::new_from_file, Poppler::Document::save, and Poppler::Document::save_a_copy are provided which remove the need to provide filenames as URIs (e.g. "file:///absolute/path"). The module accepts either real URIs or regular system paths and will convert as necessary using the URI module. Any of these formats should work:

    $p = Poppler::Document->new_from_file( 'file:///home/user/file.pdf' );
    $p = Poppler::Document->new_from_file( '/home/user/file.pdf' );
    $p = Poppler::Document->new_from_file( 'file.pdf' );
    # likewise for save()
    # likewise for save_a_copy()



2009-2016 Cornelius , < cornelius.howl _at_ >
2016-present Jeremy Volkening <>


Copyright (C) 2009-2016 by c9s (Cornelius) Copyright (C) 2016 by Jeremy Volkening

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.