Pg::Explain::Buffers - Object to store buffers information about node in PostgreSQL's explain analyze
Version 2.8
Quick summary of what the module does.
Perhaps a little code snippet.
use Pg::Explain;
my $explain = Pg::Explain->new('source_file' => 'some_file.out');
if ( $explain->top_node->buffers ) {
print $explain->top_node->buffers->as_text();
Alternatively you can build the object itself from either a string (conforming to text version of EXPLAIN ANALYZE output) or a structure, containing keys like in JSON/YAML/XML formats of the explain:
use Pg::Explain::Buffers;
my $from_string = Pg::Explain::Buffers->new( 'Buffers: shared hit=12101 read=73' );
my $from_struct = Pg::Explain::Buffers->new( {
'Shared Hit Blocks' => 12101,
'Shared Read Blocks' => 73,
} );
To such object you can later on add Timing information, though only with string - if you had it in struct, make it available on creation.
$buffers->add_timing( 'I/O Timings: read=58.316 write=1.672' );
Object constructor.
Takes one argument, either a string or hashref to build data from.
Adds timing information to existing buffer info.
Takes one argument, either a string or hashref to build data from.
Returns text representation of stored buffers info, together with timings (if available).
Returns hash(ref) with all data about buffers from this object. Keys in this hash:
shared (with subkeys: hit, read, dirtied, written)
local (with subkeys: hit, read, dirtied, written)
temp (with subkeys: read, written)
timings (with subkeys: read, write, info)
Only elements with non-zero values are returned. If there are no elements to be returned, it returns undef.
Accessor to internal data.
To allow for easier work on buffer values + and - operators are overloaded, so you can:
$buffers_out = $buffers1 - $buffers2;
While processing subtraction, it is important that it's not possible to get negative values, so if any value would drop below 0, it will get auto-adjusted to 0.
Gets data out of provided HASH.
Based on data from structure from json/yaml/xml, build I/O Timings: info line for textual representation of explain.
Gets data out of provided string.
Creates new Pg::Explain::Buffers object by adding values based on two objects. To be used like:
my $result = $buffers1 + $buffers2;
Creates new Pg::Explain::Buffers object by subtracting values based on two objects. To be used like:
my $result = $buffers1 - $buffers2;
For checking if given variable is set, as in:
$r = $buffers1 - $buffers2;
if ( $r ) {...}
hubert depesz lubaczewski, <depesz at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to depesz at
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Pg::Explain::Buffers
Copyright 2008-2023 hubert depesz lubaczewski, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.