Paws::SecurityHub::BatchImportFindings - Arguments for method BatchImportFindings on Paws::SecurityHub


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method BatchImportFindings on the AWS SecurityHub service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method BatchImportFindings.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to BatchImportFindings.


my $securityhub = Paws->service('SecurityHub');
my $BatchImportFindingsResponse = $securityhub->BatchImportFindings(
  Findings => [
      AwsAccountId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      CreatedAt    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Description  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      GeneratorId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Id           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      ProductArn   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Resources    => [
          Id                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Type               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          DataClassification => {
            DetailedResultsLocation => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Result                  => {
              AdditionalOccurrences => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              CustomDataIdentifiers => {
                Detections => [
                    Arn         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Count       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                    Name        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Occurrences => {
                      Cells => [
                          CellReference => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                          Column        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                          ColumnName    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                          Row           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      ],    # OPTIONAL
                      LineRanges => [
                          End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                      ],    # OPTIONAL
                      OffsetRanges => [
                          End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                      ],    # OPTIONAL
                      Pages => [
                          LineRange => {
                            End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          OffsetRange => {
                            End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                          PageNumber => 1,       # OPTIONAL
                      ],    # OPTIONAL
                      Records => [
                          JsonPath    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                          RecordIndex => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      ],    # OPTIONAL
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                TotalCount => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              MimeType      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SensitiveData => [
                  Category   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Detections => [
                      Count       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                      Occurrences => {
                        Cells => [
                            CellReference => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                            Column        => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
                            ColumnName    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                            Row           => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        LineRanges => [
                            End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        OffsetRanges => [
                            End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        Pages => [
                            LineRange => {
                              End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                              Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                              StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            OffsetRange => {
                              End         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                              Start       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                              StartColumn => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                            PageNumber => 1,       # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        Records => [
                            JsonPath    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                            RecordIndex => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                      },    # OPTIONAL
                      Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  TotalCount => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              SizeClassified => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              Status         => {
                Code   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Reason => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                      # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Details => {
            AwsApiGatewayRestApi => {
              ApiKeySource     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              BinaryMediaTypes => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              CreatedDate      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EndpointConfiguration => {
                Types => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],             # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Id                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MinimumCompressionSize => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Name                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Version                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsApiGatewayStage => {
              AccessLogSettings => {
                DestinationArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Format         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              CacheClusterEnabled => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              CacheClusterSize    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CacheClusterStatus  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CanarySettings      => {
                DeploymentId           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                PercentTraffic         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                StageVariableOverrides =>
                  { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', },  # OPTIONAL
                UseStageCache => 1,                               # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ClientCertificateId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedDate          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DeploymentId         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DocumentationVersion => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastUpdatedDate      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MethodSettings       => [
                  CacheDataEncrypted => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
                  CacheTtlInSeconds  => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
                  CachingEnabled     => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
                  DataTraceEnabled   => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
                  HttpMethod         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  LoggingLevel       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  MetricsEnabled     => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
                  RequireAuthorizationForCacheControl => 1,     # OPTIONAL
                  ResourcePath         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ThrottlingBurstLimit => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  ThrottlingRateLimit  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  UnauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy =>
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              StageName      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TracingEnabled => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Variables => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
              ,                                       # OPTIONAL
              WebAclArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsApiGatewayV2Api => {
              ApiEndpoint               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ApiId                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ApiKeySelectionExpression => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CorsConfiguration         => {
                AllowCredentials => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                AllowHeaders     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                AllowMethods     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                AllowOrigins     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                ExposeHeaders    => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                MaxAge           => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              CreatedDate              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Name                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ProtocolType             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RouteSelectionExpression => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Version                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsApiGatewayV2Stage => {
              AccessLogSettings => {
                DestinationArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Format         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ApiGatewayManaged    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AutoDeploy           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              ClientCertificateId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedDate          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DefaultRouteSettings => {
                DataTraceEnabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                DetailedMetricsEnabled => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                LoggingLevel           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ThrottlingBurstLimit   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                ThrottlingRateLimit    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              DeploymentId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastDeploymentStatusMessage => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastUpdatedDate             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RouteSettings               => {
                DataTraceEnabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                DetailedMetricsEnabled => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                LoggingLevel           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ThrottlingBurstLimit   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                ThrottlingRateLimit    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              StageName      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              StageVariables =>
                { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup => {
              CreatedTime             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HealthCheckGracePeriod  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              HealthCheckType         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LaunchConfigurationName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LoadBalancerNames => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsCertificateManagerCertificate => {
              CertificateAuthorityArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedAt               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DomainName              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DomainValidationOptions => [
                  DomainName     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ResourceRecord => {
                    Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Type  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  ValidationDomain => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ValidationEmails => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                  ,     # OPTIONAL
                  ValidationMethod => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ValidationStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ExtendedKeyUsages => [
                  Name => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  OId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              FailureReason => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ImportedAt    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              InUseBy       => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              IssuedAt      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Issuer        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KeyAlgorithm  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KeyUsages     => [ { Name => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
              ,                                                # OPTIONAL
              NotAfter  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NotBefore => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Options   => {
                CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference =>
              },                                               # OPTIONAL
              RenewalEligibility => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RenewalSummary     => {
                DomainValidationOptions => [
                    DomainName     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ResourceRecord => {
                      Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Type  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                    ValidationDomain => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ValidationEmails => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                    ,     # OPTIONAL
                    ValidationMethod => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ValidationStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                RenewalStatus       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                RenewalStatusReason => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                UpdatedAt           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Serial                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SignatureAlgorithm      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Subject                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SubjectAlternativeNames => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
              ,     # OPTIONAL
              Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsCloudFrontDistribution => {
              CacheBehaviors => {
                Items =>
                  [ { ViewerProtocolPolicy => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
                ,    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              DefaultCacheBehavior =>
                { ViewerProtocolPolicy => 'MyNonEmptyString', },  # OPTIONAL
              DefaultRootObject => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DomainName        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ETag              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastModifiedTime  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Logging           => {
                Bucket         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Enabled        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                IncludeCookies => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                Prefix         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              OriginGroups => {
                Items => [
                    FailoverCriteria => {
                      StatusCodes => {
                        Items => [
                          1, ...    # OPTIONAL
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        Quantity => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                      },    # OPTIONAL
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Origins => {
                Items => [
                    DomainName     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Id             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    OriginPath     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    S3OriginConfig =>
                      { OriginAccessIdentity => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                    ,    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Status   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              WebAclId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsCloudTrailTrail => {
              CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CloudWatchLogsRoleArn      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HasCustomEventSelectors    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              HomeRegion                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IncludeGlobalServiceEvents => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              IsMultiRegionTrail         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              IsOrganizationTrail        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LogFileValidationEnabled   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Name                       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              S3BucketName               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              S3KeyPrefix                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SnsTopicArn                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SnsTopicName               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TrailArn                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsCodeBuildProject => {
              EncryptionKey => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Environment   => {
                Certificate              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ImagePullCredentialsType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                RegistryCredential       => {
                  Credential         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CredentialProvider => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
                Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Name        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ServiceRole => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Source      => {
                GitCloneDepth => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                InsecureSsl   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                Location      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Type          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              VpcConfig => {
                SecurityGroupIds => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                Subnets          => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                VpcId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsDynamoDbTable => {
              AttributeDefinitions => [
                  AttributeName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  AttributeType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              BillingModeSummary => {
                BillingMode                       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              CreationDateTime       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GlobalSecondaryIndexes => [
                  Backfilling    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  IndexArn       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IndexName      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IndexSizeBytes => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  IndexStatus    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ItemCount      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  KeySchema      => [
                      AttributeName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      KeyType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                      # OPTIONAL
                  Projection => {
                    NonKeyAttributes => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                    ,                                     # OPTIONAL
                    ProjectionType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  ProvisionedThroughput => {
                    LastDecreaseDateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    LastIncreaseDateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    NumberOfDecreasesToday => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
                    ReadCapacityUnits      => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
                    WriteCapacityUnits     => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              GlobalTableVersion => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ItemCount          => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              KeySchema          => [
                  AttributeName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  KeyType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                          # OPTIONAL
              LatestStreamArn       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LatestStreamLabel     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LocalSecondaryIndexes => [
                  IndexArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IndexName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  KeySchema => [
                      AttributeName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      KeyType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  Projection => {
                    NonKeyAttributes => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                    ,    # OPTIONAL
                    ProjectionType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ProvisionedThroughput => {
                LastDecreaseDateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                LastIncreaseDateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                NumberOfDecreasesToday => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                ReadCapacityUnits      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                WriteCapacityUnits     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Replicas => [
                  GlobalSecondaryIndexes => [
                      IndexName                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ProvisionedThroughputOverride => {
                        ReadCapacityUnits => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                      },    # OPTIONAL
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  KmsMasterKeyId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ProvisionedThroughputOverride => {
                    ReadCapacityUnits => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  RegionName               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ReplicaStatus            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ReplicaStatusDescription => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              RestoreSummary => {
                RestoreDateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                RestoreInProgress => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                SourceBackupArn   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                SourceTableArn    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              SseDescription => {
                InaccessibleEncryptionDateTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                KmsMasterKeyArn                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                SseType                        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Status                         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              StreamSpecification => {
                StreamEnabled  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                StreamViewType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              TableId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TableName      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TableSizeBytes => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              TableStatus    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2Eip => {
              AllocationId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              AssociationId           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Domain                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              InstanceId              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NetworkBorderGroup      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NetworkInterfaceId      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NetworkInterfaceOwnerId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PrivateIpAddress        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PublicIp                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PublicIpv4Pool          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2Instance => {
              IamInstanceProfileArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ImageId               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IpV4Addresses     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              IpV6Addresses     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              KeyName           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LaunchedAt        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NetworkInterfaces =>
                [ { NetworkInterfaceId => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
              ,                                                   # OPTIONAL
              SubnetId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Type     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2NetworkAcl => {
              Associations => [
                  NetworkAclAssociationId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  NetworkAclId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  SubnetId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              Entries => [
                  CidrBlock    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Egress       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  IcmpTypeCode => {
                    Code => 1,                          # OPTIONAL
                    Type => 1,                          # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Ipv6CidrBlock => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PortRange     => {
                    From => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    To   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Protocol   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  RuleAction => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  RuleNumber => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              IsDefault    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              NetworkAclId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              OwnerId      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2NetworkInterface => {
              Attachment => {
                AttachTime          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                AttachmentId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DeleteOnTermination => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                DeviceIndex         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                InstanceId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                InstanceOwnerId     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Status              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              IpV6Addresses =>
                [ { IpV6Address => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ],  # OPTIONAL
              NetworkInterfaceId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PrivateIpAddresses => [
                  PrivateDnsName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PrivateIpAddress => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
              PublicDnsName  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PublicIp       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SecurityGroups => [
                  GroupId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  GroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
              SourceDestCheck => 1,                               # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2SecurityGroup => {
              GroupId       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GroupName     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IpPermissions => [
                  FromPort   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  IpProtocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IpRanges   => [ { CidrIp => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
                  ,                                   # OPTIONAL
                  Ipv6Ranges =>
                    [ { CidrIpv6 => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ], # OPTIONAL
                  PrefixListIds =>
                    [ { PrefixListId => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  ToPort           => 1,                          # OPTIONAL
                  UserIdGroupPairs => [
                      GroupId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      GroupName              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      PeeringStatus          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      UserId                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      VpcId                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      VpcPeeringConnectionId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              IpPermissionsEgress => [
                  FromPort   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  IpProtocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IpRanges   => [ { CidrIp => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
                  ,                                   # OPTIONAL
                  Ipv6Ranges =>
                    [ { CidrIpv6 => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ], # OPTIONAL
                  PrefixListIds =>
                    [ { PrefixListId => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  ToPort           => 1,                          # OPTIONAL
                  UserIdGroupPairs => [
                      GroupId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      GroupName              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      PeeringStatus          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      UserId                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      VpcId                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      VpcPeeringConnectionId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              OwnerId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2Subnet => {
              AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZone            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              AvailabilityZoneId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              AvailableIpAddressCount     => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
              CidrBlock                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DefaultForAz                => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
              Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet => [
                  AssociationId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CidrBlockState => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Ipv6CidrBlock  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
              MapPublicIpOnLaunch => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
              OwnerId             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              State               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SubnetArn           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SubnetId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2Volume => {
              Attachments => [
                  AttachTime          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  DeleteOnTermination => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  InstanceId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CreateTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Encrypted  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Size       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              SnapshotId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEc2Vpc => {
              CidrBlockAssociationSet => [
                  AssociationId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CidrBlock      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CidrBlockState => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              DhcpOptionsId               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet => [
                  AssociationId  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CidrBlockState => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Ipv6CidrBlock  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              State => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEcsCluster => {
              CapacityProviders => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              ClusterSettings   => [
                  Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
              Configuration => {
                ExecuteCommandConfiguration => {
                  KmsKeyId         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  LogConfiguration => {
                    CloudWatchEncryptionEnabled => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    CloudWatchLogGroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    S3BucketName           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    S3EncryptionEnabled    => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
                    S3KeyPrefix            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Logging => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy => [
                  Base             => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  CapacityProvider => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Weight           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsEcsTaskDefinition => {
              ContainerDefinitions => [
                  Command   => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                  Cpu       => 1,                              # OPTIONAL
                  DependsOn => [
                      Condition     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ContainerName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                           # OPTIONAL
                  DisableNetworking => 1,                         # OPTIONAL
                  DnsSearchDomains  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  DnsServers   => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                  DockerLabels =>
                    { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  DockerSecurityOptions => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  EntryPoint  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],     # OPTIONAL
                  Environment => [
                      Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                              # OPTIONAL
                  EnvironmentFiles => [
                      Type  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                              # OPTIONAL
                  Essential  => 1,                                # OPTIONAL
                  ExtraHosts => [
                      Hostname  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      IpAddress => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                                              # OPTIONAL
                  FirelensConfiguration => {
                    Options => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                    ,                                             # OPTIONAL
                    Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  HealthCheck => {
                    Command     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
                    Interval    => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                    Retries     => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                    StartPeriod => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                    Timeout     => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Hostname        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Image           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Interactive     => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                  Links           => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
                  LinuxParameters => {
                    Capabilities => {
                      Add  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                      Drop => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                    Devices => [
                        ContainerPath => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        HostPath      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        Permissions   => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                        ,    # OPTIONAL
                    ],    # OPTIONAL
                    InitProcessEnabled => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    MaxSwap            => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    SharedMemorySize   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    Swappiness         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    Tmpfs              => [
                        ContainerPath => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        MountOptions  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                        ,             # OPTIONAL
                        Size => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    ],    # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  LogConfiguration => {
                    LogDriver => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Options => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                    ,    # OPTIONAL
                    SecretOptions => [
                        Name      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        ValueFrom => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ],    # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Memory            => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  MemoryReservation => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  MountPoints       => [
                      ContainerPath => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ReadOnly      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      SourceVolume  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  Name         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PortMappings => [
                      ContainerPort => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      HostPort      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      Protocol      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  Privileged             => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  PseudoTerminal         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  ReadonlyRootFilesystem => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  RepositoryCredentials  =>
                    { CredentialsParameter => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                  ,                               # OPTIONAL
                  ResourceRequirements => [
                      Type  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                              # OPTIONAL
                  Secrets => [
                      Name      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ValueFrom => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                              # OPTIONAL
                  StartTimeout   => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  StopTimeout    => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  SystemControls => [
                      Namespace => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Value     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],                              # OPTIONAL
                  Ulimits => [
                      HardLimit => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      Name      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      SoftLimit => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  User        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  VolumesFrom => [
                      ReadOnly        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                      SourceContainer => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  WorkingDirectory => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              Cpu                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ExecutionRoleArn      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Family                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              InferenceAccelerators => [
                  DeviceName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  DeviceType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              IpcMode              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Memory               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NetworkMode          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PidMode              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PlacementConstraints => [
                  Expression => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Type       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ProxyConfiguration => {
                ContainerName                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ProxyConfigurationProperties => [
                    Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              RequiresCompatibilities => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
              ,     # OPTIONAL
              TaskRoleArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Volumes     => [
                  DockerVolumeConfiguration => {
                    Autoprovision => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                    Driver        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    DriverOpts    =>
                      { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                    ,                                      # OPTIONAL
                    Labels => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                    ,                                      # OPTIONAL
                    Scope => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  EfsVolumeConfiguration => {
                    AuthorizationConfig => {
                      AccessPointId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Iam           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                    FilesystemId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    RootDirectory         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    TransitEncryption     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    TransitEncryptionPort => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  Host => { SourcePath => 'MyNonEmptyString', },  # OPTIONAL
                  Name => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment => {
              ApplicationName  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Cname            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DateCreated      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DateUpdated      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EndpointUrl      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EnvironmentArn   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EnvironmentId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EnvironmentLinks => [
                  EnvironmentName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  LinkName        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              EnvironmentName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              OptionSettings  => [
                  Namespace    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  OptionName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ResourceName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Value        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              PlatformArn       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SolutionStackName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Tier              => {
                Name    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Type    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Version => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              VersionLabel => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsElasticsearchDomain => {
              AccessPolicies        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DomainEndpointOptions => {
                EnforceHTTPS      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                TLSSecurityPolicy => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              DomainId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DomainName              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ElasticsearchVersion    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EncryptionAtRestOptions => {
                Enabled  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                KmsKeyId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Endpoint  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Endpoints => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
              ,     # OPTIONAL
              LogPublishingOptions => {
                IndexSlowLogs => {
                  CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Enabled                   => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                SearchSlowLogs => {
                  CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Enabled                   => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions => {
                Enabled => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ServiceSoftwareOptions => {
                AutomatedUpdateDate => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Cancellable         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                CurrentVersion      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Description         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                NewVersion          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                UpdateAvailable     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                UpdateStatus        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              VPCOptions => {
                AvailabilityZones => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
                SecurityGroupIds  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
                SubnetIds         => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
                VPCId             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsElbLoadBalancer => {
              AvailabilityZones => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              BackendServerDescriptions => [
                  InstancePort => 1,                              # OPTIONAL
                  PolicyNames  => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CanonicalHostedZoneName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CanonicalHostedZoneNameID => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedTime               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DnsName                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HealthCheck               => {
                HealthyThreshold   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                Interval           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                Target             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Timeout            => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                UnhealthyThreshold => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Instances => [ { InstanceId => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ]
              ,     # OPTIONAL
              ListenerDescriptions => [
                  Listener => {
                    InstancePort     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                    InstanceProtocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    LoadBalancerPort => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                    Protocol         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    SslCertificateId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                  PolicyNames => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              LoadBalancerAttributes => {
                AccessLog => {
                  EmitInterval   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  Enabled        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  S3BucketName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  S3BucketPrefix => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
                ConnectionDraining => {
                  Enabled => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  Timeout => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                ConnectionSettings => {
                  IdleTimeout => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                CrossZoneLoadBalancing => {
                  Enabled => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              LoadBalancerName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Policies         => {
                AppCookieStickinessPolicies => [
                    CookieName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                LbCookieStickinessPolicies => [
                    CookieExpirationPeriod => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
                    PolicyName             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                OtherPolicies => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Scheme              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SecurityGroups      => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
              SourceSecurityGroup => {
                GroupName  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                OwnerAlias => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                                                  # OPTIONAL
              Subnets => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],             # OPTIONAL
              VpcId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsElbv2LoadBalancer => {
              AvailabilityZones => [
                  SubnetId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ZoneName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CanonicalHostedZoneId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedTime           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DNSName               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IpAddressType         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Scheme                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SecurityGroups => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              State          => {
                Code   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Reason => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                                                # OPTIONAL
              Type  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsIamAccessKey => {
              AccessKeyId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              AccountId      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreatedAt      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PrincipalId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PrincipalName  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PrincipalType  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SessionContext => {
                Attributes => {
                  CreationDate     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  MfaAuthenticated => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                SessionIssuer => {
                  AccountId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Arn         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PrincipalId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Type        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  UserName    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Status   => 'Active',    # values: Active, Inactive; OPTIONAL
              UserName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsIamGroup => {
              AttachedManagedPolicies => [
                  PolicyArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CreateDate      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GroupId         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GroupName       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GroupPolicyList =>
                [ { PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              Path => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsIamPolicy => {
              AttachmentCount               => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
              CreateDate                    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DefaultVersionId              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Description                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IsAttachable                  => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
              Path                          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
              PolicyId                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PolicyName                    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PolicyVersionList             => [
                  CreateDate       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IsDefaultVersion => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  VersionId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              UpdateDate => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsIamRole => {
              AssumeRolePolicyDocument =>
              ,    # min: 1, max: 131072; OPTIONAL
              AttachedManagedPolicies => [
                  PolicyArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CreateDate          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              InstanceProfileList => [
                  Arn                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CreateDate          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  InstanceProfileId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  InstanceProfileName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Path                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Roles               => [
                      Arn                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      AssumeRolePolicyDocument =>
                      ,    # min: 1, max: 131072; OPTIONAL
                      CreateDate => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      Path       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      RoleId     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      RoleName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              MaxSessionDuration  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Path                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PermissionsBoundary => {
                PermissionsBoundaryArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                PermissionsBoundaryType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                                           # OPTIONAL
              RoleId         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RoleName       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RolePolicyList =>
                [ { PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ],   # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsIamUser => {
              AttachedManagedPolicies => [
                  PolicyArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              CreateDate          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              GroupList           => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
              Path                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PermissionsBoundary => {
                PermissionsBoundaryArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                PermissionsBoundaryType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                                                  # OPTIONAL
              UserId         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              UserName       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              UserPolicyList =>
                [ { PolicyName => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ],   # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsKmsKey => {
              AWSAccountId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CreationDate => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Description  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KeyId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KeyManager   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KeyState     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Origin       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsLambdaFunction => {
              Code => {
                S3Bucket        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                S3Key           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                S3ObjectVersion => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ZipFile         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              CodeSha256       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DeadLetterConfig => { TargetArn => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
              ,     # OPTIONAL
              Environment => {
                Error => {
                  ErrorCode => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Message   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
                Variables => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                ,     # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              FunctionName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Handler      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KmsKeyArn    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastModified => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Layers       => [
                  Arn      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CodeSize => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              MasterArn     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MemorySize    => 1,                                 # OPTIONAL
              RevisionId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Role          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Runtime       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Timeout       => 1,                                 # OPTIONAL
              TracingConfig => { Mode => 'MyNonEmptyString', },   # OPTIONAL
              Version       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcConfig     => {
                SecurityGroupIds => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                SubnetIds        => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
                VpcId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsLambdaLayerVersion => {
              CompatibleRuntimes => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
              CreatedDate        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Version            => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsRdsDbCluster => {
              ActivityStreamStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              AllocatedStorage     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AssociatedRoles      => [
                  RoleArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                            # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZones => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],   # OPTIONAL
              BackupRetentionPeriod => 1,                         # OPTIONAL
              ClusterCreateTime     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CopyTagsToSnapshot    => 1,                         # OPTIONAL
              CrossAccountClone     => 1,                         # OPTIONAL
              CustomEndpoints     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
              DatabaseName        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbClusterIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbClusterMembers    => [
                  DbClusterParameterGroupStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  DbInstanceIdentifier          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IsClusterWriter               => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  PromotionTier                 => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              DbClusterOptionGroupMemberships => [
                  DbClusterOptionGroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              DbClusterParameterGroup => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbClusterResourceId     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbSubnetGroup           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DeletionProtection      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              DomainMemberships       => [
                  Domain      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Fqdn        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IamRoleName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                               # OPTIONAL
              EnabledCloudWatchLogsExports => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
              ,                                                # OPTIONAL
              Endpoint            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Engine              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EngineMode          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EngineVersion       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HostedZoneId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HttpEndpointEnabled => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
              IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled => 1,           # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MasterUsername             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MultiAz                    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Port                       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              PreferredBackupWindow      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PreferredMaintenanceWindow => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ReadReplicaIdentifiers     => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
              ,                                                   # OPTIONAL
              ReaderEndpoint    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              StorageEncrypted  => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
              VpcSecurityGroups => [
                  Status             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  VpcSecurityGroupId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshot => {
              AllocatedStorage    => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZones   => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
              ClusterCreateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbClusterIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbClusterSnapshotIdentifier      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Engine                           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EngineVersion                    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled => 1,              # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LicenseModel       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MasterUsername     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PercentProgress    => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
              Port               => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
              SnapshotCreateTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SnapshotType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              StorageEncrypted   => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
              VpcId              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsRdsDbInstance => {
              AllocatedStorage => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              AssociatedRoles  => [
                  FeatureName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  RoleArn     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                        # OPTIONAL
              AutoMinorVersionUpgrade => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZone        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              BackupRetentionPeriod   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              CACertificateIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CharacterSetName        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CopyTagsToSnapshot      => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              DBClusterIdentifier     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DBInstanceClass         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DBInstanceIdentifier    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DBName                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbInstancePort          => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              DbInstanceStatus        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbParameterGroups       => [
                  DbParameterGroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ParameterApplyStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                               # OPTIONAL
              DbSecurityGroups => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ], # OPTIONAL
              DbSubnetGroup    => {
                DbSubnetGroupArn         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DbSubnetGroupDescription => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DbSubnetGroupName        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                SubnetGroupStatus        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Subnets                  => [
                    SubnetAvailabilityZone =>
                      { Name => 'MyNonEmptyString', },    # OPTIONAL
                    SubnetIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    SubnetStatus     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],    # OPTIONAL
                VpcId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              DbiResourceId      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DeletionProtection => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              DomainMemberships  => [
                  Domain      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Fqdn        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IamRoleName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                          # OPTIONAL
              EnabledCloudWatchLogsExports => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
              ,                                           # OPTIONAL
              Endpoint => {
                Address      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                HostedZoneId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Port         => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Engine                           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EngineVersion                    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EnhancedMonitoringResourceArn    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled => 1,        # OPTIONAL
              InstanceCreateTime   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Iops                 => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LatestRestorableTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LicenseModel         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ListenerEndpoint     => {
                Address      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                HostedZoneId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Port         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              MasterUsername         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MaxAllocatedStorage    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              MonitoringInterval     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              MonitoringRoleArn      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MultiAz                => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              OptionGroupMemberships => [
                  OptionGroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                              # OPTIONAL
              PendingModifiedValues => {
                AllocatedStorage        => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                BackupRetentionPeriod   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                CaCertificateIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DbInstanceClass         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DbInstanceIdentifier    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                DbSubnetGroupName       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                EngineVersion           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Iops                    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                LicenseModel            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                MasterUserPassword      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                MultiAZ                 => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                PendingCloudWatchLogsExports => {
                  LogTypesToDisable => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                  ,                                              # OPTIONAL
                  LogTypesToEnable => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ]
                  ,                                              # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                Port              => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ProcessorFeatures => [
                    Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ],                         # OPTIONAL
                StorageType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              PerformanceInsightsEnabled  => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
              PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod => 1,            # OPTIONAL
              PreferredBackupWindow              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PreferredMaintenanceWindow         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ProcessorFeatures                  => [
                  Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
              PromotionTier                   => 1,               # OPTIONAL
              PubliclyAccessible              => 1,               # OPTIONAL
              ReadReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers =>
                [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],                      # OPTIONAL
              ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers =>
                [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],                      # OPTIONAL
              ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SecondaryAvailabilityZone             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              StatusInfos                           => [
                  Message    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Normal     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  Status     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  StatusType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              StorageEncrypted  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              StorageType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TdeCredentialArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Timezone          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcSecurityGroups => [
                  Status             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  VpcSecurityGroupId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                         # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsRdsDbSnapshot => {
              AllocatedStorage     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZone     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbInstanceIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbSnapshotIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DbiResourceId        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Encrypted            => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Engine               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              EngineVersion        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              IamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled => 1,        # OPTIONAL
              InstanceCreateTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Iops               => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LicenseModel       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MasterUsername     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              OptionGroupName    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PercentProgress    => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
              Port               => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
              ProcessorFeatures  => [
                  Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                            # OPTIONAL
              SnapshotCreateTime         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SnapshotType               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SourceDbSnapshotIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SourceRegion               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Status                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              StorageType                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              TdeCredentialArn           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Timezone                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsRedshiftCluster => {
              AllowVersionUpgrade              => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              AvailabilityZone                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterAvailabilityStatus        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterCreateTime                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterIdentifier                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterNodes                     => [
                  NodeRole         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PrivateIpAddress => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PublicIpAddress  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                        # OPTIONAL
              ClusterParameterGroups => [
                  ClusterParameterStatusList => [
                      ParameterApplyErrorDescription => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ParameterApplyStatus           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      ParameterName                  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ],    # OPTIONAL
                  ParameterApplyStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  ParameterGroupName   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ClusterPublicKey      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterRevisionNumber => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterSecurityGroups => [
                  ClusterSecurityGroupName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status                   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus => {
                DestinationRegion             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                RetentionPeriod               => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                SnapshotCopyGrantName         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ClusterStatus              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterSubnetGroupName     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ClusterVersion             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DBName                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              DeferredMaintenanceWindows => [
                  DeferMaintenanceEndTime    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  DeferMaintenanceIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  DeferMaintenanceStartTime  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              ElasticIpStatus => {
                ElasticIp => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Status    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ElasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Encrypted                        => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              Endpoint                         => {
                Address => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Port    => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              EnhancedVpcRouting                     => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTime       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTimeStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              HsmStatus                              => {
                HsmClientCertificateIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                HsmConfigurationIdentifier     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Status                         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },                                              # OPTIONAL
              IamRoles => [
                  ApplyStatus => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  IamRoleArn  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],                                              # OPTIONAL
              KmsKeyId                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              MaintenanceTrackName          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
              MasterUsername                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NextMaintenanceWindowStartTime => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NodeType                       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              NumberOfNodes  => 1,                                # OPTIONAL
              PendingActions => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],      # OPTIONAL
              PendingModifiedValues => {
                AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                ClusterIdentifier    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ClusterType          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                ClusterVersion       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                EncryptionType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                EnhancedVpcRouting   => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
                MaintenanceTrackName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                MasterUserPassword   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                NodeType             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                NumberOfNodes        => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
                PubliclyAccessible   => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              PreferredMaintenanceWindow => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PubliclyAccessible         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              ResizeInfo                 => {
                AllowCancelResize => 1,                           # OPTIONAL
                ResizeType        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              RestoreStatus => {
                CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ElapsedTimeInSeconds                   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds     => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ProgressInMegaBytes                    => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes                => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                Status => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              SnapshotScheduleIdentifier => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SnapshotScheduleState      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcId                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VpcSecurityGroups          => [
                  Status             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  VpcSecurityGroupId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlock => {
              BlockPublicAcls       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              BlockPublicPolicy     => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              IgnorePublicAcls      => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              RestrictPublicBuckets => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsS3Bucket => {
              BucketLifecycleConfiguration => {
                Rules => [
                    AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload => {
                      DaysAfterInitiation => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                    ExpirationDate   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ExpirationInDays => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                    ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker => 1,           # OPTIONAL
                    Filter                    => {
                      Predicate => {
                        Operands => [
                            Prefix => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                            Tag    => {
                              Key   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                              Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                            },    # OPTIONAL
                            Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        ],    # OPTIONAL
                        Prefix => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        Tag    => {
                          Key   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                          Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        },    # OPTIONAL
                        Type => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      },    # OPTIONAL
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                    ID                                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    NoncurrentVersionTransitions      => [
                        Days         => 1,                     # OPTIONAL
                        StorageClass => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ],    # OPTIONAL
                    Prefix      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Status      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    Transitions => [
                        Date         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                        Days         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                        StorageClass => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    ],    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              CreatedAt                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              OwnerId                        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              OwnerName                      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              PublicAccessBlockConfiguration => {
                BlockPublicAcls       => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                BlockPublicPolicy     => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                IgnorePublicAcls      => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                RestrictPublicBuckets => 1,    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration => {
                Rules => [
                    ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault => {
                      KMSMasterKeyID => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                      SSEAlgorithm   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                    },    # OPTIONAL
                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsS3Object => {
              ContentType          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ETag                 => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LastModified         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              SSEKMSKeyId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ServerSideEncryption => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              VersionId            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsSecretsManagerSecret => {
              Deleted           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              Description       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KmsKeyId          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Name              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RotationEnabled   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              RotationLambdaArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              RotationOccurredWithinFrequency => 1,      # OPTIONAL
              RotationRules                   => {
                AutomaticallyAfterDays => 1,             # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsSnsTopic => {
              KmsMasterKeyId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Owner          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Subscription   => [
                  Endpoint => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Protocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              TopicName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsSqsQueue => {
              DeadLetterTargetArn          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
              KmsMasterKeyId               => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              QueueName                    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsSsmPatchCompliance => {
              Patch => {
                ComplianceSummary => {
                  ComplianceType         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CompliantCriticalCount => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  CompliantHighCount     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  CompliantInformationalCount => 1,               # OPTIONAL
                  CompliantLowCount           => 1,               # OPTIONAL
                  CompliantMediumCount        => 1,               # OPTIONAL
                  CompliantUnspecifiedCount   => 1,               # OPTIONAL
                  ExecutionType             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  NonCompliantCriticalCount => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
                  NonCompliantHighCount     => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
                  NonCompliantInformationalCount => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  NonCompliantLowCount           => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  NonCompliantMediumCount        => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  NonCompliantUnspecifiedCount   => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                  OverallSeverity                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PatchBaselineId                => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  PatchGroup                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Status                         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            AwsWafWebAcl => {
              DefaultAction => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Name          => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Rules         => [
                  Action => { Type => 'MyNonEmptyString', },    # OPTIONAL
                  ExcludedRules =>
                    [ { RuleId => 'MyNonEmptyString', }, ... ],   # OPTIONAL
                  OverrideAction => { Type => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
                  ,                                               # OPTIONAL
                  Priority => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
                  RuleId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Type     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ],    # OPTIONAL
              WebAclId => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            Container => {
              ImageId    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              ImageName  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              LaunchedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Name       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
            Other => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
            ,     # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Partition    => 'aws', # values: aws, aws-cn, aws-us-gov; OPTIONAL
          Region       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          ResourceRole => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Tags => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', },  # OPTIONAL
      SchemaVersion => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Title         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      UpdatedAt     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Action        => {
        ActionType       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        AwsApiCallAction => {
          AffectedResources =>
            { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', },        # OPTIONAL
          Api             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          CallerType      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          DomainDetails   => { Domain => 'MyNonEmptyString', },   # OPTIONAL
          FirstSeen       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          LastSeen        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          RemoteIpDetails => {
            City    => { CityName => 'MyNonEmptyString', },       # OPTIONAL
            Country => {
              CountryCode => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CountryName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },                                                    # OPTIONAL
            GeoLocation => {
              Lat => 1,                                           # OPTIONAL
              Lon => 1,                                           # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            IpAddressV4  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Organization => {
              Asn    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AsnOrg => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Isp    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Org    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          ServiceName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        },    # OPTIONAL
        DnsRequestAction => {
          Blocked  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
          Domain   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Protocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        },    # OPTIONAL
        NetworkConnectionAction => {
          Blocked             => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
          ConnectionDirection => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          LocalPortDetails    => {
            Port     => 1,                             # OPTIONAL
            PortName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Protocol        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          RemoteIpDetails => {
            City    => { CityName => 'MyNonEmptyString', },    # OPTIONAL
            Country => {
              CountryCode => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              CountryName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },                                                 # OPTIONAL
            GeoLocation => {
              Lat => 1,                                        # OPTIONAL
              Lon => 1,                                        # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            IpAddressV4  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Organization => {
              Asn    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              AsnOrg => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Isp    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Org    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          RemotePortDetails => {
            Port     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
            PortName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          },    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        PortProbeAction => {
          Blocked          => 1,    # OPTIONAL
          PortProbeDetails => [
              LocalIpDetails => { IpAddressV4 => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
              ,                     # OPTIONAL
              LocalPortDetails => {
                Port     => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                PortName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              RemoteIpDetails => {
                City    => { CityName => 'MyNonEmptyString', },   # OPTIONAL
                Country => {
                  CountryCode => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  CountryName => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },                                                # OPTIONAL
                GeoLocation => {
                  Lat => 1,                                       # OPTIONAL
                  Lon => 1,                                       # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                IpAddressV4  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                Organization => {
                  Asn    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
                  AsnOrg => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Isp    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                  Org    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
                },    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
          ],    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Compliance => {
        RelatedRequirements => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
        Status              => 'PASSED'
        StatusReasons => [
            ReasonCode  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Description => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        ],    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Confidence            => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      Criticality           => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      FindingProviderFields => {
        Confidence      => 1,        # max: 100; OPTIONAL
        Criticality     => 1,        # max: 100; OPTIONAL
        RelatedFindings => [
            Id         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            ProductArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',

        ],                           # OPTIONAL
        Severity => {
          Label => 'INFORMATIONAL'
          Original => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        },    # OPTIONAL
        Types => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      FirstObservedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      LastObservedAt  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      Malware         => [
          Name  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Path  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          State => 'OBSERVED'
          Type => 'ADWARE'
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      Network => {
        DestinationDomain => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        DestinationIpV4   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        DestinationIpV6   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        DestinationPort   => 1,                  # OPTIONAL
        Direction         => 'IN',               # values: IN, OUT; OPTIONAL
        OpenPortRange     => {
          Begin => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
          End   => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        Protocol     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        SourceDomain => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        SourceIpV4   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        SourceIpV6   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        SourceMac    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        SourcePort   => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      NetworkPath => [
          ComponentId   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          ComponentType => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Egress        => {
            Destination => {
              Address    => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              PortRanges => [
                  Begin => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  End   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ...              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            Protocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Source   => {
              Address    => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              PortRanges => [
                  Begin => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  End   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ...              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Ingress => {
            Destination => {
              Address    => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              PortRanges => [
                  Begin => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  End   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ...              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            Protocol => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Source   => {
              Address    => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              PortRanges => [
                  Begin => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                  End   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ...              # OPTIONAL
              ],    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      Note => {
        Text      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        UpdatedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        UpdatedBy => 'MyNonEmptyString',

      },    # OPTIONAL
      PatchSummary => {
        Id                     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        FailedCount            => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        InstalledCount         => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        InstalledOtherCount    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        InstalledPendingReboot => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        InstalledRejectedCount => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        MissingCount           => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        Operation              => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        OperationEndTime       => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        OperationStartTime     => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        RebootOption           => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Process => {
        LaunchedAt   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        Name         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        ParentPid    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        Path         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        Pid          => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        TerminatedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ProductFields => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
      ,                               # OPTIONAL
      RecordState     => 'ACTIVE',    # values: ACTIVE, ARCHIVED; OPTIONAL
      RelatedFindings => [
          Id         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          ProductArn => 'MyNonEmptyString',

      ],                              # OPTIONAL
      Remediation => {
        Recommendation => {
          Text => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Url  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        },                            # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Severity => {
        Label => 'INFORMATIONAL'
        Normalized => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        Original   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
        Product    => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      SourceUrl             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      ThreatIntelIndicators => [
          Category => 'BACKDOOR'
          LastObservedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Source         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          SourceUrl      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Type           => 'DOMAIN'
          Value => 'MyNonEmptyString',
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      Types             => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
      UserDefinedFields => { 'MyNonEmptyString' => 'MyNonEmptyString', }
      ,                                                    # OPTIONAL
      VerificationState => 'UNKNOWN'
      Vulnerabilities => [
          Id   => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          Cvss => [
              BaseScore  => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
              BaseVector => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Version    => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          ],    # OPTIONAL
          ReferenceUrls          => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
          RelatedVulnerabilities => [ 'MyNonEmptyString', ... ],  # OPTIONAL
          Vendor                 => {
            Name            => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            Url             => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            VendorCreatedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            VendorSeverity  => 'MyNonEmptyString',
            VendorUpdatedAt => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          },                                                      # OPTIONAL
          VulnerablePackages => [
              Architecture => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Epoch        => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Name         => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Release      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
              Version      => 'MyNonEmptyString',
          ],                                                      # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      Workflow => {
        Status =>
      },    # OPTIONAL
      WorkflowState => 'NEW'


# Results:
my $FailedCount    = $BatchImportFindingsResponse->FailedCount;
my $FailedFindings = $BatchImportFindingsResponse->FailedFindings;
my $SuccessCount   = $BatchImportFindingsResponse->SuccessCount;

# Returns a L<Paws::SecurityHub::BatchImportFindingsResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED Findings => ArrayRef[Paws::SecurityHub::AwsSecurityFinding]

A list of findings to import. To successfully import a finding, it must follow the AWS Security Finding Format ( Maximum of 100 findings per request.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method BatchImportFindings in Paws::SecurityHub


The source code is located here:

Please report bugs to: