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This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::SageMaker::FeatureGroup object:

  $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { CreationTime => $value, ..., Tags => $value  });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::SageMaker::FeatureGroup object:

  $result = $service_obj->Method(...);


Amazon SageMaker Feature Store stores features in a collection called Feature Group. A Feature Group can be visualized as a table which has rows, with a unique identifier for each row where each column in the table is a feature. In principle, a Feature Group is composed of features and values per features.


CreationTime => Str

The time a FeatureGroup was created.

Description => Str

A free form description of a FeatureGroup.

EventTimeFeatureName => Str

The name of the feature that stores the EventTime of a Record in a FeatureGroup.

A EventTime is point in time when a new event occurs that corresponds to the creation or update of a Record in FeatureGroup. All Records in the FeatureGroup must have a corresponding EventTime.

FailureReason => Str

The reason that the FeatureGroup failed to be replicated in the OfflineStore. This is failure may be due to a failure to create a FeatureGroup in or delete a FeatureGroup from the OfflineStore.

FeatureDefinitions => ArrayRef[Paws::SageMaker::FeatureDefinition]

A list of Features. Each Feature must include a FeatureName and a FeatureType.

Valid FeatureTypes are Integral, Fractional and String.

FeatureNames cannot be any of the following: is_deleted, write_time, api_invocation_time.

You can create up to 2,500 FeatureDefinitions per FeatureGroup.

FeatureGroupArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a FeatureGroup.

FeatureGroupName => Str

The name of the FeatureGroup.

FeatureGroupStatus => Str

A FeatureGroup status.

OfflineStoreConfig => Paws::SageMaker::OfflineStoreConfig

OfflineStoreStatus => Paws::SageMaker::OfflineStoreStatus

OnlineStoreConfig => Paws::SageMaker::OnlineStoreConfig

RecordIdentifierFeatureName => Str

The name of the Feature whose value uniquely identifies a Record defined in the FeatureGroup FeatureDefinitions.

RoleArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM execution role used to create the feature group.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::SageMaker::Tag]

Tags used to define a FeatureGroup.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::SageMaker


The source code is located here:

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