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Paws::SSM::UpdateMaintenanceWindow - Arguments for method UpdateMaintenanceWindow on Paws::SSM


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateMaintenanceWindow on the Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateMaintenanceWindow.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateMaintenanceWindow.


    my $ssm = Paws->service('SSM');
    my $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult = $ssm->UpdateMaintenanceWindow(
      WindowId                 => 'MyMaintenanceWindowId',
      AllowUnassociatedTargets => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
      Cutoff                   => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
      Description              => 'MyMaintenanceWindowDescription',   # OPTIONAL
      Duration                 => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
      Enabled                  => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
      EndDate          => 'MyMaintenanceWindowStringDateTime',        # OPTIONAL
      Name             => 'MyMaintenanceWindowName',                  # OPTIONAL
      Replace          => 1,                                          # OPTIONAL
      Schedule         => 'MyMaintenanceWindowSchedule',              # OPTIONAL
      ScheduleOffset   => 1,                                          # OPTIONAL
      ScheduleTimezone => 'MyMaintenanceWindowTimezone',              # OPTIONAL
      StartDate        => 'MyMaintenanceWindowStringDateTime',        # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $AllowUnassociatedTargets =
    my $Cutoff           = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Cutoff;
    my $Description      = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Description;
    my $Duration         = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Duration;
    my $Enabled          = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Enabled;
    my $EndDate          = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->EndDate;
    my $Name             = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Name;
    my $Schedule         = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->Schedule;
    my $ScheduleOffset   = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->ScheduleOffset;
    my $ScheduleTimezone = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->ScheduleTimezone;
    my $StartDate        = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->StartDate;
    my $WindowId         = $UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult->WindowId;

    # Returns a L<Paws::SSM::UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


AllowUnassociatedTargets => Bool

Whether targets must be registered with the maintenance window before tasks can be defined for those targets.

Cutoff => Int

The number of hours before the end of the maintenance window that Systems Manager stops scheduling new tasks for execution.

Description => Str

An optional description for the update request.

Duration => Int

The duration of the maintenance window in hours.

Enabled => Bool

Whether the maintenance window is enabled.

EndDate => Str

The date and time, in ISO-8601 Extended format, for when you want the maintenance window to become inactive. EndDate allows you to set a date and time in the future when the maintenance window will no longer run.

Name => Str

The name of the maintenance window.

Replace => Bool

If True, then all fields that are required by the CreateMaintenanceWindow action are also required for this API request. Optional fields that are not specified are set to null.

Schedule => Str

The schedule of the maintenance window in the form of a cron or rate expression.

ScheduleOffset => Int

The number of days to wait after the date and time specified by a CRON expression before running the maintenance window.

For example, the following cron expression schedules a maintenance window to run the third Tuesday of every month at 11:30 PM.

cron(30 23 ? * TUE#3 *)

If the schedule offset is 2, the maintenance window won't run until two days later.

ScheduleTimezone => Str

The time zone that the scheduled maintenance window executions are based on, in Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) format. For example: "America/Los_Angeles", "UTC", or "Asia/Seoul". For more information, see the Time Zone Database ( on the IANA website.

StartDate => Str

The time zone that the scheduled maintenance window executions are based on, in Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) format. For example: "America/Los_Angeles", "UTC", or "Asia/Seoul". For more information, see the Time Zone Database ( on the IANA website.

REQUIRED WindowId => Str

The ID of the maintenance window to update.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method UpdateMaintenanceWindow in Paws::SSM


The source code is located here:

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