Arn => Str
The unique arn of the channel.
CdiInputSpecification => Paws::MediaLive::CdiInputSpecification
Specification of CDI inputs for this channel
ChannelClass => Str
The class for this channel. STANDARD for a channel with two pipelines or SINGLE_PIPELINE for a channel with one pipeline.
Valid values are: "STANDARD"
=head2 Destinations => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaLive::OutputDestination]
A list of destinations of the channel. For UDP outputs, there is one destination per output. For other types (HLS, for example), there is one destination per packager.
EgressEndpoints => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaLive::ChannelEgressEndpoint]
The endpoints where outgoing connections initiate from
EncoderSettings => Paws::MediaLive::EncoderSettings
Id => Str
The unique id of the channel.
InputAttachments => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaLive::InputAttachment]
List of input attachments for channel.
InputSpecification => Paws::MediaLive::InputSpecification
Specification of network and file inputs for this channel
LogLevel => Str
The log level being written to CloudWatch Logs.
Valid values are: "ERROR"
, "INFO"
=head2 Name => Str
The name of the channel. (user-mutable)
PipelineDetails => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaLive::PipelineDetail]
Runtime details for the pipelines of a running channel.
PipelinesRunningCount => Int
The number of currently healthy pipelines.
RoleArn => Str
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role assumed when running the Channel.
State => Str
Valid values are: "CREATING"
, "IDLE"
=head2 Tags => Paws::MediaLive::Tags
A collection of key-value pairs.
Vpc => Paws::MediaLive::VpcOutputSettingsDescription
Settings for VPC output