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Paws::MediaLive::BatchUpdateSchedule - Arguments for method BatchUpdateSchedule on Paws::MediaLive


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method BatchUpdateSchedule on the AWS Elemental MediaLive service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method BatchUpdateSchedule.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to BatchUpdateSchedule.


    my $medialive = Paws->service('MediaLive');
    my $BatchUpdateScheduleResponse = $medialive->BatchUpdateSchedule(
      ChannelId => 'My__string',
      Creates   => {
        ScheduleActions => [
            ActionName             => 'My__string',
            ScheduleActionSettings => {
              HlsId3SegmentTaggingSettings => {
                Tag => 'My__string',

              },    # OPTIONAL
              HlsTimedMetadataSettings => {
                Id3 => 'My__string',

              },    # OPTIONAL
              InputPrepareSettings => {
                InputAttachmentNameReference => 'My__string',
                InputClippingSettings        => {
                  InputTimecodeSource =>
                    'ZEROBASED',    # values: ZEROBASED, EMBEDDED
                  StartTimecode => { Timecode => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
                  StopTimecode  => {
                    LastFrameClippingBehavior => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME'
                    , # values: EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME, INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME; OPTIONAL
                    Timecode => 'My__string',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                UrlPath => [ 'My__string', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              InputSwitchSettings => {
                InputAttachmentNameReference => 'My__string',
                InputClippingSettings        => {
                  InputTimecodeSource =>
                    'ZEROBASED',    # values: ZEROBASED, EMBEDDED
                  StartTimecode => { Timecode => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
                  StopTimecode  => {
                    LastFrameClippingBehavior => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME'
                    , # values: EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME, INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME; OPTIONAL
                    Timecode => 'My__string',
                  },    # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                UrlPath => [ 'My__string', ... ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              MotionGraphicsImageActivateSettings => {
                Duration      => 1,              # max: 86400000; OPTIONAL
                PasswordParam => 'My__string',
                Url           => 'My__string',
                Username      => 'My__string',
              },    # OPTIONAL
              MotionGraphicsImageDeactivateSettings => {

              },    # OPTIONAL
              PauseStateSettings => {
                Pipelines => [
                    PipelineId => 'PIPELINE_0', # values: PIPELINE_0, PIPELINE_1

                ],    # OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings => {
                SpliceEventId => 1,    # max: 4294967295

              },    # OPTIONAL
              Scte35SpliceInsertSettings => {
                SpliceEventId => 1,    # max: 4294967295
                Duration      => 1,    # max: 8589934591; OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              Scte35TimeSignalSettings => {
                Scte35Descriptors => [
                    Scte35DescriptorSettings => {
                      SegmentationDescriptorScte35DescriptorSettings => {
                        SegmentationCancelIndicator =>
                        SegmentationEventId  => 1,    # max: 4294967295
                        DeliveryRestrictions => {
                          ArchiveAllowedFlag => 'ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED'
                          ,    # values: ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED, ARCHIVE_ALLOWED
                          DeviceRestrictions => 'NONE'
                          , # values: NONE, RESTRICT_GROUP0, RESTRICT_GROUP1, RESTRICT_GROUP2
                          NoRegionalBlackoutFlag => 'REGIONAL_BLACKOUT'
                          ,    # values: REGIONAL_BLACKOUT, NO_REGIONAL_BLACKOUT
                          WebDeliveryAllowedFlag => 'WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED'
                          , # values: WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED, WEB_DELIVERY_ALLOWED

                        },    # OPTIONAL
                        SegmentNum           => 1,    # max: 255; OPTIONAL
                        SegmentationDuration =>
                          1,    # max: 1099511627775; OPTIONAL
                        SegmentationTypeId => 1,            # max: 255; OPTIONAL
                        SegmentationUpid   => 'My__string',
                        SegmentationUpidType => 1,          # max: 255; OPTIONAL
                        SegmentsExpected     => 1,          # max: 255; OPTIONAL
                        SubSegmentNum        => 1,          # max: 255; OPTIONAL
                        SubSegmentsExpected  => 1,          # max: 255; OPTIONAL



              },    # OPTIONAL
              StaticImageActivateSettings => {
                Image => {
                  Uri           => 'My__string',
                  PasswordParam => 'My__string',
                  Username      => 'My__string',
                Duration => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                FadeIn   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                FadeOut  => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                Height   => 1,    # min: 1; OPTIONAL
                ImageX   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                ImageY   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                Layer    => 1,    # max: 7; OPTIONAL
                Opacity  => 1,    # max: 100; OPTIONAL
                Width    => 1,    # min: 1; OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
              StaticImageDeactivateSettings => {
                FadeOut => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                Layer   => 1,    # max: 7; OPTIONAL
              },    # OPTIONAL
            ScheduleActionStartSettings => {
              FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings => {
                Time => 'My__string',

              },    # OPTIONAL
              FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings => {
                FollowPoint         => 'END',          # values: END, START
                ReferenceActionName => 'My__string',

              },    # OPTIONAL
              ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings => {

              },    # OPTIONAL


      },    # OPTIONAL
      Deletes => {
        ActionNames => [ 'My__string', ... ],    # OPTIONAL

      },    # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $Creates = $BatchUpdateScheduleResponse->Creates;
    my $Deletes = $BatchUpdateScheduleResponse->Deletes;

    # Returns a L<Paws::MediaLive::BatchUpdateScheduleResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED ChannelId => Str

Id of the channel whose schedule is being updated.

Creates => Paws::MediaLive::BatchScheduleActionCreateRequest

Schedule actions to create in the schedule.

Deletes => Paws::MediaLive::BatchScheduleActionDeleteRequest

Schedule actions to delete from the schedule.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method BatchUpdateSchedule in Paws::MediaLive


The source code is located here:

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