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This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::MediaConvert::CmafGroupSettings object:

  $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { AdditionalManifests => $value, ..., WriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation => $value  });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::MediaConvert::CmafGroupSettings object:

  $result = $service_obj->Method(...);


Settings related to your CMAF output package. For more information, see When you work directly in your JSON job specification, include this object and any required children when you set Type, under OutputGroupSettings, to CMAF_GROUP_SETTINGS.


AdditionalManifests => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConvert::CmafAdditionalManifest]

By default, the service creates one top-level .m3u8 HLS manifest and one top -level .mpd DASH manifest for each CMAF output group in your job. These default manifests reference every output in the output group. To create additional top-level manifests that reference a subset of the outputs in the output group, specify a list of them here. For each additional manifest that you specify, the service creates one HLS manifest and one DASH manifest.

BaseUrl => Str

A partial URI prefix that will be put in the manifest file at the top level BaseURL element. Can be used if streams are delivered from a different URL than the manifest file.

ClientCache => Str

Disable this setting only when your workflow requires the

(ENABLED) and control caching in your video distribution set up. For example, use the Cache-Control http header.

CodecSpecification => Str

Specification to use (RFC-6381 or the default RFC-4281) during m3u8 playlist generation.

Destination => Str

Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.

DestinationSettings => Paws::MediaConvert::DestinationSettings

Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination

Encryption => Paws::MediaConvert::CmafEncryptionSettings

DRM settings.

FragmentLength => Int

Length of fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must be compatible with GOP size and Framerate. Note that fragments will end on the next keyframe after this number of seconds, so actual fragment length may be longer. When Emit Single File is checked, the fragmentation is internal to a single output file and it does not cause the creation of many output files as in other output types.

ImageBasedTrickPlay => Str

Specify whether MediaConvert generates images for trick play. Keep the default value, None (NONE), to not generate any images. Choose Thumbnail (THUMBNAIL) to generate tiled thumbnails. Choose Thumbnail and full frame (THUMBNAIL_AND_FULLFRAME) to generate tiled thumbnails and full-resolution images of single frames. When you enable Write HLS manifest (WriteHlsManifest), MediaConvert creates a child manifest for each set of images that you generate and adds corresponding entries to the parent manifest. When you enable Write DASH manifest (WriteDashManifest), MediaConvert adds an entry in the .mpd manifest for each set of images that you generate. A common application for these images is Roku trick mode. The thumbnails and full-frame images that MediaConvert creates with this feature are compatible with this Roku specification:

ManifestCompression => Str

When set to GZIP, compresses HLS playlist.

ManifestDurationFormat => Str

Indicates whether the output manifest should use floating point values for segment duration.

MinBufferTime => Int

Minimum time of initially buffered media that is needed to ensure smooth playout.

MinFinalSegmentLength => Num

Keep this setting at the default value of 0, unless you are troubleshooting a problem with how devices play back the end of your video asset. If you know that player devices are hanging on the final segment of your video because the length of your final segment is too short, use this setting to specify a minimum final segment length, in seconds. Choose a value that is greater than or equal to 1 and less than your segment length. When you specify a value for this setting, the encoder will combine any final segment that is shorter than the length that you specify with the previous segment. For example, your segment length is 3 seconds and your final segment is .5 seconds without a minimum final segment length; when you set the minimum final segment length to 1, your final segment is 3.5 seconds.

MpdProfile => Str

Specify whether your DASH profile is on-demand or main. When you choose Main profile (MAIN_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011 in your .mpd DASH manifest. When you choose On-demand (ON_DEMAND_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011 in your .mpd. When you choose On-demand, you must also set the output group setting Segment control (SegmentControl) to Single file (SINGLE_FILE).

PtsOffsetHandlingForBFrames => Str

Use this setting only when your output video stream has B-frames, which causes the initial presentation time stamp (PTS) to be offset from the initial decode time stamp (DTS). Specify how MediaConvert handles PTS when writing time stamps in output DASH manifests. Choose Match initial PTS (MATCH_INITIAL_PTS) when you want MediaConvert to use the initial PTS as the first time stamp in the manifest. Choose Zero-based (ZERO_BASED) to have MediaConvert ignore the initial PTS in the video stream and instead write the initial time stamp as zero in the manifest. For outputs that don't have B-frames, the time stamps in your DASH manifests start at zero regardless of your choice here.

SegmentControl => Str

When set to SINGLE_FILE, a single output file is generated, which is internally segmented using the Fragment Length and Segment Length. When set to SEGMENTED_FILES, separate segment files will be created.

SegmentLength => Int

Use this setting to specify the length, in seconds, of each individual CMAF segment. This value applies to the whole package; that is, to every output in the output group. Note that segments end on the first keyframe after this number of seconds, so the actual segment length might be slightly longer. If you set Segment control (CmafSegmentControl) to single file, the service puts the content of each output in a single file that has metadata that marks these segments. If you set it to segmented files, the service creates multiple files for each output, each with the content of one segment.

StreamInfResolution => Str

Include or exclude RESOLUTION attribute for video in EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag of variant manifest.

WriteDashManifest => Str

When set to ENABLED, a DASH MPD manifest will be generated for this output.

WriteHlsManifest => Str

When set to ENABLED, an Apple HLS manifest will be generated for this output.

WriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation => Str

When you enable Precise segment duration in DASH manifests (writeSegmentTimelineInRepresentation), your DASH manifest shows precise segment durations. The segment duration information appears inside the SegmentTimeline element, inside SegmentTemplate at the Representation level. When this feature isn't enabled, the segment durations in your DASH manifest are approximate. The segment duration information appears in the duration attribute of the SegmentTemplate element.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::MediaConvert


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