The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




AssignmentReviewPolicy => Paws::MTurk::ReviewPolicy

The name of the Assignment-level Review Policy. This contains only the PolicyName element.

AssignmentReviewReport => Paws::MTurk::ReviewReport

Contains both ReviewResult and ReviewAction elements for an Assignment.

HITId => Str

The HITId of the HIT for which results have been returned.

HITReviewPolicy => Paws::MTurk::ReviewPolicy

The name of the HIT-level Review Policy. This contains only the PolicyName element.

HITReviewReport => Paws::MTurk::ReviewReport

Contains both ReviewResult and ReviewAction elements for a particular HIT.

NextToken => Str

_request_id => Str