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Paws::LocationService::CalculateRoute - Arguments for method CalculateRoute on Paws::LocationService


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CalculateRoute on the Amazon Location Service service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CalculateRoute.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CalculateRoute.


    my $geo = Paws->service('LocationService');
    my $CalculateRouteResponse = $geo->CalculateRoute(
      CalculatorName      => 'MyResourceName',
      DeparturePosition   => [ 1, ... ],
      DestinationPosition => [ 1, ... ],
      CarModeOptions      => {
        AvoidFerries => 1,    # OPTIONAL
        AvoidTolls   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      DepartNow          => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
      DepartureTime      => '1970-01-01T01:00:00',    # OPTIONAL
      DistanceUnit       => 'Kilometers',             # OPTIONAL
      IncludeLegGeometry => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
      TravelMode         => 'Car',                    # OPTIONAL
      TruckModeOptions   => {
        AvoidFerries => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
        AvoidTolls   => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
        Dimensions   => {
          Height => 1,           # OPTIONAL
          Length => 1,           # OPTIONAL
          Unit   => 'Meters',    # values: Meters, Feet; OPTIONAL
          Width  => 1,           # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        Weight => {
          Total => 1,              # OPTIONAL
          Unit  => 'Kilograms',    # values: Kilograms, Pounds; OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      WaypointPositions => [
        [ 1, ... ], ...    # min: 2, max: 2
      ],    # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $Legs    = $CalculateRouteResponse->Legs;
    my $Summary = $CalculateRouteResponse->Summary;

    # Returns a L<Paws::LocationService::CalculateRouteResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED CalculatorName => Str

The name of the route calculator resource that you want to use to calculate a route.

CarModeOptions => Paws::LocationService::CalculateRouteCarModeOptions

Specifies route preferences when traveling by Car, such as avoiding routes that use ferries or tolls.

Requirements: TravelMode must be specified as Car.

DepartNow => Bool

Sets the time of departure as the current time. Uses the current time to calculate a route. Otherwise, the best time of day to travel with the best traffic conditions is used to calculate the route.

Default Value: false

Valid Values: false | true

REQUIRED DeparturePosition => ArrayRef[Num]

The start position for the route. Defined in WGS 84 ( format: [longitude, latitude].

  • For example, [-123.115, 49.285]

If you specify a departure that's not located on a road, Amazon Location moves the position to the nearest road (

Valid Values: [-180 to 180,-90 to 90]

DepartureTime => Str

Specifies the desired time of departure. Uses the given time to calculate a route. Otherwise, the best time of day to travel with the best traffic conditions is used to calculate the route.

Setting a departure time in the past returns a 400 ValidationException error.

  • In ISO 8601 ( format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. For example, 2020–07-2T12:15:20.000Z+01:00

REQUIRED DestinationPosition => ArrayRef[Num]

The finish position for the route. Defined in WGS 84 ( format: [longitude, latitude].

  • For example, [-122.339, 47.615]

If you specify a destination that's not located on a road, Amazon Location moves the position to the nearest road (

Valid Values: [-180 to 180,-90 to 90]

DistanceUnit => Str

Set the unit system to specify the distance.

Default Value: Kilometers

Valid values are: "Kilometers", "Miles"

IncludeLegGeometry => Bool

Set to include the geometry details in the result for each path between a pair of positions.

Default Value: false

Valid Values: false | true

TravelMode => Str

Specifies the mode of transport when calculating a route. Used in estimating the speed of travel and road compatibility.

The TravelMode you specify determines how you specify route preferences:

  • If traveling by Car use the CarModeOptions parameter.

  • If traveling by Truck use the TruckModeOptions parameter.

Default Value: Car

Valid values are: "Car", "Truck", "Walking"

TruckModeOptions => Paws::LocationService::CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions

Specifies route preferences when traveling by Truck, such as avoiding routes that use ferries or tolls, and truck specifications to consider when choosing an optimal road.

Requirements: TravelMode must be specified as Truck.

WaypointPositions => ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Num]]

Specifies an ordered list of up to 23 intermediate positions to include along a route between the departure position and destination position.

  • For example, from the DeparturePosition [-123.115, 49.285], the route follows the order that the waypoint positions are given [[-122.757, 49.0021],[-122.349, 47.620]]

If you specify a waypoint position that's not located on a road, Amazon Location moves the position to the nearest road (

Specifying more than 23 waypoints returns a 400 ValidationException error.

Valid Values: [-180 to 180,-90 to 90]


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CalculateRoute in Paws::LocationService


The source code is located here:

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