

BotId => Str

The identifier for the bot associated with the slot type.

BotVersion => Str

The version of the bot associated with the slot type.

CreationDateTime => Str

A timestamp of the date and time that the slot type was created.

Description => Str

The description specified for the slot type.

LocaleId => Str

The specified language and local specified for the slot type.

ParentSlotTypeSignature => Str

The signature of the base slot type specified for the slot type.

SlotTypeId => Str

The unique identifier assigned to the slot type. Use this to identify the slot type in the UpdateSlotType and DeleteSlotType operations.

SlotTypeName => Str

The name specified for the slot type.

SlotTypeValues => ArrayRef[Paws::LexModelsV2::SlotTypeValue]

The list of values that the slot type can assume.

ValueSelectionSetting => Paws::LexModelsV2::SlotValueSelectionSetting

The strategy that Amazon Lex uses to select a value from the list of possible values.

_request_id => Str