The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




AllocatedProvisionedConcurrentExecutions => Int

The amount of provisioned concurrency allocated.

AvailableProvisionedConcurrentExecutions => Int

The amount of provisioned concurrency available.

LastModified => Str

The date and time that a user last updated the configuration, in ISO 8601 format (

RequestedProvisionedConcurrentExecutions => Int

The amount of provisioned concurrency requested.

Status => Str

The status of the allocation process.

Valid values are: "IN_PROGRESS", "READY", "FAILED" =head2 StatusReason => Str

For failed allocations, the reason that provisioned concurrency could not be allocated.

_request_id => Str