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Paws::Kendra::UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig - Arguments for method UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig on Paws::Kendra


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig on the AWSKendraFrontendService service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig.


    my $kendra = Paws->service('Kendra');
      IndexId                              => 'MyIndexId',
      IncludeQueriesWithoutUserInformation => 1,             # OPTIONAL
      MinimumNumberOfQueryingUsers         => 1,             # OPTIONAL
      MinimumQueryCount                    => 1,             # OPTIONAL
      Mode                                 => 'ENABLED',     # OPTIONAL
      QueryLogLookBackWindowInDays         => 1,             # OPTIONAL

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


IncludeQueriesWithoutUserInformation => Bool

TRUE to include queries without user information (i.e. all queries, irrespective of the user), otherwise FALSE to only include queries with user information.

If you pass user information to Amazon Kendra along with the queries, you can set this flag to FALSE and instruct Amazon Kendra to only consider queries with user information.

If you set to FALSE, Amazon Kendra only considers queries searched at least MinimumQueryCount times across MinimumNumberOfQueryingUsers unique users for suggestions.

If you set to TRUE, Amazon Kendra ignores all user information and learns from all queries.

REQUIRED IndexId => Str

The identifier of the index you want to update query suggestions settings for.

MinimumNumberOfQueryingUsers => Int

The minimum number of unique users who must search a query in order for the query to be eligible to suggest to your users.

Increasing this number might decrease the number of suggestions. However, this ensures a query is searched by many users and is truly popular to suggest to users.

How you tune this setting depends on your specific needs.

MinimumQueryCount => Int

The the minimum number of times a query must be searched in order to be eligible to suggest to your users.

Decreasing this number increases the number of suggestions. However, this affects the quality of suggestions as it sets a low bar for a query to be considered popular to suggest to users.

How you tune this setting depends on your specific needs.

Mode => Str

Set the mode to ENABLED or LEARN_ONLY.

By default, Amazon Kendra enables query suggestions. LEARN_ONLY mode allows you to turn off query suggestions. You can to update this at any time.

In LEARN_ONLY mode, Amazon Kendra continues to learn from new queries to keep suggestions up to date for when you are ready to switch to ENABLED mode again.

Valid values are: "ENABLED", "LEARN_ONLY"

QueryLogLookBackWindowInDays => Int

How recent your queries are in your query log time window.

The time window is the number of days from current day to past days.

By default, Amazon Kendra sets this to 180.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig in Paws::Kendra


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