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Paws::Kendra::UpdateIndex - Arguments for method UpdateIndex on Paws::Kendra


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateIndex on the AWSKendraFrontendService service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateIndex.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateIndex.


    my $kendra = Paws->service('Kendra');
      Id            => 'MyIndexId',
      CapacityUnits => {
        QueryCapacityUnits   => 1,
        StorageCapacityUnits => 1,

      },    # OPTIONAL
      Description                          => 'MyDescription',    # OPTIONAL
      DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates => [
          Name => 'MyDocumentMetadataConfigurationName',    # min: 1, max: 30
          Type => 'STRING_VALUE'
          Relevance => {
            Duration   => 'MyDuration',    # min: 1, max: 10; OPTIONAL
            Freshness  => 1,               # OPTIONAL
            Importance => 1,               # min: 1, max: 10; OPTIONAL
            RankOrder  => 'ASCENDING', # values: ASCENDING, DESCENDING; OPTIONAL
            ValueImportanceMap => {
              'MyValueImportanceMapKey' =>
                1,    # key: min: 1, max: 50, value: min: 1, max: 10; OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Search => {
            Displayable => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            Facetable   => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            Searchable  => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            Sortable    => 1,    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      Name                    => 'MyIndexName',         # OPTIONAL
      RoleArn                 => 'MyRoleArn',           # OPTIONAL
      UserContextPolicy       => 'ATTRIBUTE_FILTER',    # OPTIONAL
      UserTokenConfigurations => [
          JsonTokenTypeConfiguration => {
            GroupAttributeField    => 'MyString',    # min: 1, max: 2048
            UserNameAttributeField => 'MyString',    # min: 1, max: 2048

          },    # OPTIONAL
          JwtTokenTypeConfiguration => {
            KeyLocation         => 'URL',          # values: URL, SECRET_MANAGER
            ClaimRegex          => 'MyClaimRegex', # min: 1, max: 100; OPTIONAL
            GroupAttributeField =>
              'MyGroupAttributeField',             # min: 1, max: 100; OPTIONAL
            Issuer                 => 'MyIssuer',  # min: 1, max: 65; OPTIONAL
            SecretManagerArn       => 'MyRoleArn', # min: 1, max: 1284
            URL                    => 'MyUrl',     # min: 1, max: 2048; OPTIONAL
            UserNameAttributeField =>
              'MyUserNameAttributeField',          # min: 1, max: 100; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


CapacityUnits => Paws::Kendra::CapacityUnitsConfiguration

Sets the number of additional storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. You can change the capacity of the index up to 5 times per day.

If you are using extra storage units, you can't reduce the storage capacity below that required to meet the storage needs for your index.

Description => Str

A new description for the index.

DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates => ArrayRef[Paws::Kendra::DocumentMetadataConfiguration]

The document metadata to update.


The identifier of the index to update.

Name => Str

The name of the index to update.

RoleArn => Str

A new IAM role that gives Amazon Kendra permission to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs.

UserContextPolicy => Str

The user user token context policy.

Valid values are: "ATTRIBUTE_FILTER", "USER_TOKEN"

UserTokenConfigurations => ArrayRef[Paws::Kendra::UserTokenConfiguration]

The user token configuration.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method UpdateIndex in Paws::Kendra


The source code is located here:

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