The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




CreatedAt => Str

Shows the date-time a block list for query suggestions was last created.

Description => Str

Shows the description for the block list.

ErrorMessage => Str

Shows the error message with details when there are issues in processing the block list.

FileSizeBytes => Int

Shows the current size of the block list text file in S3.

Id => Str

Shows the unique identifier of the block list.

IndexId => Str

Shows the identifier of the index for the block list.

ItemCount => Int

Shows the current number of valid, non-empty words or phrases in the block list text file.

Name => Str

Shows the name of the block list.

RoleArn => Str

Shows the current IAM (Identity and Access Management) role used by Amazon Kendra to access the block list text file in S3.

The role needs S3 read permissions to your file in S3 and needs to give STS (Security Token Service) assume role permissions to Amazon Kendra.

SourceS3Path => Paws::Kendra::S3Path

Shows the current S3 path to your block list text file in your S3 bucket.

Each block word or phrase should be on a separate line in a text file.

For information on the current quota limits for block lists, see Quotas for Amazon Kendra (

Status => Str

Shows whether the current status of the block list is ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

Valid values are: "ACTIVE", "CREATING", "DELETING", "UPDATING", "ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED", "FAILED" =head2 UpdatedAt => Str

Shows the date-time a block list for query suggestions was last updated.

_request_id => Str