The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




Arn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name of the resource.

Description => Str

The description of the resource.

DestinationName => Str

The name of the destination to which the device is assigned.

Id => Str

The ID of the wireless device.

LoRaWAN => Paws::IoTWireless::LoRaWANDevice

Information about the wireless device.

Name => Str

The name of the resource.

Sidewalk => Paws::IoTWireless::SidewalkDevice

Sidewalk device object.

ThingArn => Str

The ARN of the thing associated with the wireless device.

ThingName => Str

The name of the thing associated with the wireless device. The value is empty if a thing isn't associated with the device.

Type => Str

The wireless device type.

Valid values are: "Sidewalk", "LoRaWAN" =head2 _request_id => Str