The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




AvailableInstanceCount => Int

The remaining capacity. Indicates the number of instances that can be launched in the Capacity Reservation.

CapacityReservationId => Str

The ID of the Capacity Reservation.

InstanceType => Str

The type of instance for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity.

InstanceUsages => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::InstanceUsage]

Information about the Capacity Reservation usage.

NextToken => Str

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null when there are no more results to return.

State => Str

The current state of the Capacity Reservation. A Capacity Reservation can be in one of the following states:

  • active - The Capacity Reservation is active and the capacity is available for your use.

  • expired - The Capacity Reservation expired automatically at the date and time specified in your request. The reserved capacity is no longer available for your use.

  • cancelled - The Capacity Reservation was cancelled. The reserved capacity is no longer available for your use.

  • pending - The Capacity Reservation request was successful but the capacity provisioning is still pending.

  • failed - The Capacity Reservation request has failed. A request might fail due to invalid request parameters, capacity constraints, or instance limit constraints. Failed requests are retained for 60 minutes.

Valid values are: "active", "expired", "cancelled", "pending", "failed" =head2 TotalInstanceCount => Int

The number of instances for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity.

_request_id => Str